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Ajrer1! Banaparüla acts directly and promptly, purifying and enricliing the blood, Improviflg the appetitc, strengthenInj? the nerves, and invigorating the systetn. It is in the truest scnse, an alterativo medicine. Evcry invalld sliould cive it a trial. California Free. I teccriptive pumphlct of California sent free. AddreM A. Piin.Mi's & Co., ilifornia Excursión Agent0, 80 Clark st., Chicago. 111. A Common Cold I ofton the beginning of scrious affections of the Throat, P.romliial Tubes, and Lungs. Thcrefore, the importance of carly and oflect ve tieaHueut caunot be overestimated. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral ruay ahrayi be relied upou tor tb speedy cure of a Cold or Congli. Laat .Tnnuary I was attarkrd with s wvcre Cold, wliieh. lv neglect and frequent expotnre, becanx wone, tinally isttlins ui my huiL-. A terrible mn soon folluwed, accompsaied ly paiwi in he cliost. fioni whlch I Millered' inlensely. Afler trjing varioua roinedie. without obtalnlne relief, I eommenced taking Ajer's cherry Pectoral, ud nu Speedily Cured. I nm tattffied ibat tbta reoMdjaared mj lifc - Jno. Webster, l'awtuckét, K. I. T eontrneted n. MTere eold. which iudlenlv dcveloped into Pueumonia, preseutinï dangerous aod oburlnate RvraptonM. My pliysiciiin at once ordered the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. J I is instruetion were followed. and the result was a rapiu and permanent cure. - JI. E. SlmptOU, Hogers Prairie, Tcxa. Two years aro I snflered from a evere ('old which settled on inv Luiiks. I consulted various physiciaiis, and took the niciiiiinos thcy preacrBMa, but raeorred only temporarjr relief, a frleñd iuduci-J me to try Aver's Cherry Pectoral. After takin;,' two bottles of this medicine 1 vm cured. Kinee then I liave ;en the Peetoral to my chlldreo, and cuu?idtjr it The Best Remedy for Colds. CouïIis. and all Throat and Long dixeaies, ever used in my fauiily. - Hohert Vaadcrpool, Hcadvllle, Pa. Sonic time airo I took a slisrht Cold, whii'h, being neelctted, worse. and BCttled on my lungs. I had a hacking COUgh, and was very weak. Those whb kiK-iv me lie-t cooddcred iny life to be iu preat danger. I conttnued to suffer nntil I conmieiurd iisiin Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Tesithan mie bnttieof this va[nahle medicine enred me. and I feel tbat I owe iiio preservattnn of my life to its cnratire power.- 21ra. Aun' LockwooU, AkroD, New Vork. Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral la considered. here. the ouc great remedy for all diseases of the throat and lunga, and is mort in demand than any other medicine of iu class. - J. y. Uoberta, iiaguolia, Ark. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Trcpared by Dr. ,T. C. Ayer t Co., T.owll. Mui. fckild by HuggiëU. l'rlc $1, til bolllea, $i. ffitt AüNC TROUBLEsX ' CONQUERED swayne's VBMF1W i . exerc i se dailyPANACEA WEDICINWAYNE's4L00 D 7 70ND0NHM olRESTORER I (enclish) I D?SWAYNESON W0 THE GRmtUREFOH IJCHINC PILES $1 most at iiiuht- wow nySi%la VfTaU-hlnB-vrry dtstnastag. lil allowed U rontinup luumrs fm m whii-liN fVn bh'tHl and nlremtc, becomlng rwy sore V SWAYNE'S OINTMENT V OStoprt the lirhtiucmnd Mveónti, fVheftt Ulcmllon. and inr Cjö A Limb Saved and a Family Made Happy. Mr. riiilin Moore, of -t Webster, Mnnrne ronnty, V V ., M Hy Himrhttn. mnr rightwm yer ultl, ha . fr the pat righiccn months, baan nfliictct] iv i tli RheunutttKm n a rery ievcn Cara. Oim yew tttfnil tvlllcd ín her knee, vlacc wKWi Unc ?hc !ii - tn timth her toot to the door or :novc her limh without mlicring tlic roost excrattat pain. Her lirab wu t.i-t (fToxrfnp mil ( Iuum, ¦ lilioimh we i ra dotng l'or in r All wc eould, luvïu used II the remedies tint we ould licar of and thal ¦ ¦¦nitii'-micd tor lïlu-Miiiaiisin, none ol vhlcfa - ¦! her in let. I Ier r;ie pronounceil Ie hv Ihe nhyslcian and by our neifhbort, uidatl tKlicved -Oír woiild he a rripple all her daya, und thn1 her limh wou ld never Kr restored to ;vnl hipe. Bnl 1 Ain hAppY to ay thAt t liv mv diiffhtrr s enlirelv ft imm atl rhe.i inatic p.ii n v Hnd ihm uhe nin w .tik whh perfect eaic, throum aaide her mitches, an,l hrr limb u Btronjr and perfect :i ever, all (rom the naeol jrmir nronderful inedii ine ¦ Uheuiiwtic Svnip," vrhich we considcr onc of the best raedCdiMS ever Introduced lor purifjing tlir hlnod, and I onlv reerret that all others wha aflUcted -it ïi RhwunaBaw Miinot know "f vip. tior nicrits. 'ol are t liberly td uve yiv nama il il ijl do yon nv fftiod, ind I shall he onh too -l-id !¦ teil anv and nrerjaue WhMt it h.i. done lm m düughtcr, I mn Verj BTátcfully youn, immi.ip MOORB." Thli is tn certify I au, peraonally acqoAiatad with Mr. Moore .in.l lus dauhur, and I furniabrd hem with the medicine whieh nired her ot ani al he wont caaas of Rheunutism I havi ever seen. md can .iy ihit Mi. Moore'i sbuenient ii truc in me ol the werd, and Uien ara othtn wfeo ire now uainr Ihe Kheumutic Syrup, alter hariof Msen ihe wonderfal cure it has emetad on Min Mnnir, and 1 have nol Menor baard i a eaai but liat mu beinv beneJUed bj it. I am now usinjf it nyteif, and I can recomownd it at batna; the Baal ¦eroedv 1 iell, nd tlie v.ilr ot it is huvet than that ot iny othvr reinedy. CHARLES i()Kl'MA, Poetmustar, WmH Wabatar. Hlhbard'i Rheamatlc Syrns i put np in larg-e vttlcs, and is wld by dmggtsti Kcnerlly. Pruc Ji.í, or si bottles for $5.00. if ow arnmtet doet it h.ivc it write us año we will aand it to any iddrcss on recept cd" price, freight prepad. Scnii or our medical piiuihlet. RMEUMATtC SYRUP CO., Sule ittanofacturTS, Jachjoa, Mkh,


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