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Mil in itill stands iiy 1 1 roller rlnk. BríghtOO bM a iicw camp of Sons of Velera. Tin" T. A: A. A. g building a new depot at E. Milán. Milán has fthipped 5,000 bárrela of upplis thll si .laoii. ¦ psilantl now has i colored band - or band colorad people, rather- 14 atrong. A Mrs. O'Brien, of Chelees, now !- llghta crowda In a Chicago museum as (lie 1 i r Milán baa mach better raJIroad ncnommodationa tUan Ypcllautl, and ju-i u U'' I as A mu Aihoi. - Leader. W. H. Valentino, oí Dexter sold li8 span ci matclied cbestnut marea to v. II Hack, of Milán, tor 9800 recently. Ballne li .ih tue repnttlon of payisg Ita teachen i be becl salary of any town In the state of its size. Hurrah for Saline. The genial Mat Bloaser bavlng becn obliged lo relinqulíh the tcleplionc cxclmnge ai Mi ncbeater, Pred Btelnkolil iia boen nppointeil bli Buccewor. I'. M. Edwurds, nf Ifali placo, lias purchH8sd si-.-ison 3,794 bárrela of tpplea 3,576 of H-liich were nhlpped from ibla station, tho otben from Whittaker urn] -Milán Leader. Mrs. 1). II. Sanders, of irpsllantl, ulio weni to Chicago tlin lontba ajro, nlmoit bopelessly siok, returned last Tlunsday evenlng completely well, mucli to ky il lier lamily and friendá. Milán has enough litir.iry ahility to ifel ap a aertea ot hebntea for prrtertafnmeni thla winter. We tliink, ho, that enough Interest could be arnuacil to arrange for a Beries "f good lecturea. Wliv iioi tr lt? - Leader. The Manchesti r people are very nilin.'int over the fallttre to complete their bridge, and called the town bonrd toKetliei recently and wanied to kaovr, ve know, aboul it. Since whJch tlie lirulge agent lias hurrled np his lioreei to gome extent. t iiic m eting lor the rent ing of pewi ut the M. E. cliurch laai Wedneadaj erening, i:, pewa were taken leaving bat live uuoccupled. Iist yearthe number taken was 26, tlms ghowing the society to be in a very tlourishing oondition. - Deiter Leader. Melbourne H. Ford, the recently elected member of Congrew from th 5th dUtrlct, was boni on Ann Arbor st., Salino, in a bouM erected hy bis fatlier, and is remerabered In tliHt place both as n boy 1 yonng tnao, by moy ut the preaenl s.iIlnelti Rouw Bros. liave roniitly süipped to cxtensivc breeders o[ Hllisdale and C'alhoiiu countle?, so t' Ibelr choloe Poland China ]hj;s. ii, would pay all who are intereated In thta line to itive them .-i cali, ai tbelr stock II m to be of 80eï-ior grade.- Saline Obserrer. Matthias V. Blacfcmerdied very radden]y Xnv. Bth, at his resldenoe two tnilei east of Suline on the gravel road, of apoplexy. He had artsen trom the breakfast table and im about to rit down on a coucli wheti hedropped dead, He wi5 yearaold nnd a member of the G. A.B post. (ne of our staid citions was considerably turprlsed on comlDg out oi cbnrch, a recent Sundav eventng, to tind that in sotne mysterloas maaner hii horse had twlsted itgelf end forend in the harneas, and while IU tai] waa tied to the hitching post, the n.'iir Btood contentedly with its bead over the buggjr (tashboara.- Saline Übseiver. TMe mayor of YpsUanti BM recelved from D. M. BoUssi, Conral General oí Greece,in X. V., a line picture (engraving) of General Ypsilanti, the Greek cïiieftain aftei' whom our down-the Jluron sister city was named. The donor requeated that the picture be placed in the city lin.ll that tli e people inicia becorae familiar with the lioro's features. 'l'lie citicns' gnanatee fund, to pny lor buildlBg the foundation of the. mili, which bad lallen down before Mr. Holt boughl it, was payed over yesterday. The aniomit ralsed was not sufficient, but the balance wa advanced by Nate Schmld and dtiicrs. owinjr toapretaure ofother business the commlttee have neglected to ciroolate the paper as they iltould and tnnny persona who are abundantly able, and s 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 glve, Imve not been seen. Tlie mili ili bc of frreat value to the rarmen of tbi viclnlty. and they should quickly inake np tho balance. 'il they do it f- Manchester Enterprise. wiien trade grew slack, and bilis fel] due, the tradenuan'a tace jrrew long and blue; hts dreams ware troubled ilirough the Dljtlll with sherill'' bailiitsall iiisi{lit. A.I last liis wife untohim iaid: " Rue up at once, fel 1 1 r o!' bed, mul get your paper, ink, and pen, Bud say these words UDtoallmen: -M gooda J wish to sell to you, aud i" your wivet and dauhters, too; inv priceanre so very low, that all wil! buy before tliey ro.' " He did as lii (food wife ftdvised, and in the papen adveitised. Crowds canii' and bouyhl of all he had, hls bilU were pald, hli dreanii wereglad: and he will teil you tothla day how wi'il did pri::tcr ink repav. He boaateth, wltlj aknowing vrink, howhe mi savcil by printer ink. - Saline (Hiserver. From thp Manohaatw EntcrprlM. ¦ il BIL M RKTl BUCAMS. The republicana of tlila sectlon held a ratificntton meeting here Saturday eyenInjp i!h hro or three loadi of rail?, boxea and barrels, they built a larfre bonflre on tbe public iquare, whleb 1 i i 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 that portion of the vlUage and cal led out upon tbe itraau m-any 'all the Inhabiliuils. The comí i band beaded a long procession of torch benrere and the snapping of Ure crackers, ihootlRg of Ruinan candlea and the flash of red and green lighta gave ur villaga the appeanuiM of ¦ enetian city on a liollday r icstival evening. Alter marchinx and counter marchinjr on Exchance Place tbe pcople fllled Goodyear Hall and lUtened to apeukln by Onpt Allen, ol ï'pallantl and Ai !'¦ Freeman, I'. q,and V. II. Pottle, of iliis village. The captain pleased everyone and the old hall rang wiiii cheera al the elote Capt Allen and tbe republlcanl ciu wel] feel proud of the run lie made and lus elecllon for congresa trom this district The demócrata ?ery klndly loaned thelr torchea and dtopoeed of thelr surplus Brework, olí, etc., to make thé affaír a aucceaa, bat tben, they bad no further u-e for them and they could nfford to -hnw thelr mngnnnlmlty.