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To rlilo r Dot to rlde, that Is tho questlon, And by bicycllnic leave,them?-to mount to rlde- Whether 'tla nobler In the innn lo ulier Tlie Kaïns and holhers of pedwitrlan travol ¦ Or to take wheels agalnat tlie scourge of boma, Ay, more, and, by a rlde, to flnd we end Tho headache an the thoumuid natural ills That tlesh is helr to. Tls a recreatlrm Devoutly to be wished. It takes 110 electric liglits to sunply Muskegon. The wcatlaT bureuu promisps us a cold wave for to-nifrht or inorrow. Eggs briiig the producer In 18 cents per doz. The consumer pays 20@22 cents. You can mnrket your turnlps for 20(3 30 cents per busliel. And onions at 50( 60 cents. The court liouse square Is as badly torn up now a th(! demócrata wcre just after election. The oUl town pumn is doomed. DrlnkInp fountains at $7." per year is the next thlng in order. ThU year Winans & Stafford had 5,000 bushels of onions which thcy sold for f0 cents per busliel. The next sociul Uop of the K. T's Social Club occurs next Friday evenlng nt Masonic Temple. The T. A. A. & N. M. R. B. Co. tl pushing businew in a very satisfactory 111:111 ik r to the md. The Edison Incindeaeent Light Co., have been making sime iuiprovements 011 their linea in the ctty. Calendará for 1887 are staring peoplc in the face now fiom bookstore counter?. Phew ! How time fl'es ! Charta Staebler, of tbis city, and Miss Emm:i Zilin, of Scio, are to ba married November 18th, to-nu rinw. Dressed pork brings f rem $4 to 4.r0 per cwt. Beef 4 cents for fore quarters, and G cents for hind quaitrs. Mrs. Dubos was adjudtfed insane from the use of narcotics, and taken .-.lui u mu mi, U- ín iiiiu mu , .uní tilden to the Pontiac asylum last Saturday . The primary school money for tliis county is $7,297.36. Th8 will give to the Ann Arbor district, $1,610. 3G, or 56 cents per scholar. The condition of Uve stock in VVashtenaw according to the Ia9t erop report ia : Horses 100 per cent., cattle 98, slieep 97, swlne 09. Tn the list of members of the next le;islatiire. n the first page the nauie of John V. Watts sliould be substltuted for W. H. Potts. An order for Dr. Chase's Recipe Iïook was received a day or two since from Georgetown. Demerara, in Britlsfa Uulana, South America. The new directory gives a :mon the "temperance organiiUions" tho ' Haruïari society, Xo. 470." Tbis is inteuded as a joke, probably. Trains run on the T & A. A. K. R. very convenientlv for thoae desiring to go lo Whitmore Lake. You cun go there and back twioe the s:une day it you wiab now. About the tírst thing to be done In the sidewalk line is for the council to order a five-foot walk on the east side of the north end of State Street, fion North to Fuller sreets. Tuis will be a nece9sity. Frank Minnis expects to engage quite extensively in the manufacture and sale of nis famoua ink. He hopes to bnre several thousand people pushlng tliis ink - on pens, of course- in a short time. Justice Griffln, of Ypsilanti, reported $133.00 as line money to th county treasurer for the ye;ir from 12 cnses. .lustice .Toalyn reported 2 cuses and $30 tine collected, making a total of $183.00 for the year. A Mission [ThAiiksgiring Service will be held in the Methodist Episcopa' Church, Thursday, the 25th inst., at 11 o'clock, local time. Dr. Haskpll will lireach the sermón on "The Heavenly Illlllll' ' A new express waron and outtit has been put on by the American Express Co., one wagon belng inadequate to handle tbe express matter passing through this otlice. üf course, Chris. Donuelly has tbe nice iiew r!g. Wby is i' that tlie tax on doga Is not rnforced ? If it could be, thrre woulil be lesstlian half of the miserable, wortliless manjry curs ttiat tliere are now iiifarttac our streets. En forcé the tax, or muzzle the dojrs, or both Tbat new Kentncky tborongbbred of E. B. Hall's wliieh be recently purcliased ís attracting a great deal of attention. Horse fnciers, even among tbe professors, have gazed with admiration on its wondrous fair proportions and beauty. 8. W. Beake?, of the Argus, has been appointed correspondent of tbe Free Press la this city. The F. P. is certalnly to be conjrratulated. He will make not only a live, but a correct correspondent. Monday, November 15, Justice Frueauff united the lives and fortunes ofWm. Andrew DeLaney and Mies Alice Bowman, botb of this city. The couple were very mucb elated over tbe event, and left on the evening train for Ionio. un iiii ( iiui Liaiik iur imi;i. The plan proposed to be Imragnrated by sorae of our housekeepers to have milk delivered at the kitchen door, never seems to havi' materialized. The milk men object. Tiine will brin? them to time, however, as it hal in other places. lï. Toni?, the florist, has a nevv house under w;y that will be rere uniqiie, to say the least, when eompleted. It will be senv-circular in forra witli a flower garde ) reschln to the second story Windows. Xothing like it in these parts, and ts beauty will be marvelous. Mondiiy Winans & Stafford boii"ht of Win. K. Taylor, of Chelea, 29 acres of swamp land Incated in Lima township, about one mile out of CheNeii village. They propose to pot in a erop of onlons next si-ason, and a man has gone to work preparing the land already. The Xov. erop report fjives the acreape of wheat in tliis countv as 104 per oent as compared with 1885 and the average condition at 91 per cent, comparecí with average years. The weight per measured bushel ot the 1S86 erop compared with full weiVht is 101 per cent., showing the erop ofthis year to have been an excellent one. The remiins nf rima O. I!a1,l,,i„ ,,.,„o„ mbh iviuniug i-i vi'i_'. j iniij III, VY HUSc death was noted last week, arrlved from LeudvilleCol. Satuiday niornltiK last, and were placed n the v.iult it Forest Hill cetnetery. Sunday tliecorpse wasbnried, services being held at tlie rmve. His wife ramalm ut Lradville to close up liis butlneaa. After wliich she expects to return to Anti Arbor, we understand. The new coiinty and city directory is out, and is an excellent one, very correct, for i directory, umi inv.iluublc to our business men throughout tlie connty. The nntnber of nameg given Ann i 8,688, mnltlplied by :, ¦ very low flgurp, w.tiid gve iis a pnfiulatlon of 11,068, theeenmu enumeratnra 10 Uie oontrary, iiotviiliHr:indin.r. Tlll is about i'ur ze, gentlemen. W'nrils run liigh in the presence of several 01(7 and cniinly ottlcials in theiouDty clerk' office, Mondar . m , whea t h ree or tour coiored men and romen cormlled Jeflf D.ivis Hiere, .i id tvauted to chastise him for what he had said on the witness stand the t-ame afternoon. But Jeff was iirnn'dj nul kepl huuwülantl at 1 iy in a true military styli' Ulat would have been the envy of Jeir's famoiis namesake down Mmth. The war endad in word8, but blood, deep-dved, red Kemed almost inevitable for a time. As ti$ual severul officers pneared as FOnatthe aflray had stllled. ' O. P. Schleicher has put in a telephone, No. 129. Pot.utoes are bringing 4." cents froni farmer's wagons. Tho fiill term of school closes Frlday, and the winter term cotnmences next Mondty, Scvoral plañí for the proposeil new school luuise are being considered by the school board. Bntter retails froni th stores :it 20 cents, froni 16c. to 18o. belng ilie paylng ["ices on the 9treet. Tbe Michigan Central RaHroad is laymg a fl.'ig'itoiic Bldewalk froni its new station baildlng to State street. Col is on the up fraile. All sizes and klnd advanced 60eentaper ton on tlie lOth, and very sc:irce nt that. Mcrrithew hai moved lns billlard hall froni State Street, tuto the store next west of IUmlaH', on E. Hurón street. The second grand ball by the "Blf Fmir," will be iven at Armory Hall, Fridny evening, Xovember 19th. Aid. Kenting completed the new stone walk in front of the Cook house Monaay. H is :i credit to thiit part of town. Tt is sujrgesteil tlmt it woald be ¦ nlee thinjr to have the electrie llght In operation the night before Christmas. Apples from wagons are being sold for .:."",,., .-,( cent?. The latter price tor the very choicest varieties hand-picked. We Qndentand that thn "mg men" have conHuded not to tight tlie city ïgain, and have gone to other parts. J. T. Jacobs & Company have wonls of wisdom to whisper in yonr ears . Read tlieir "ad" and be wise In time. Sixty-thrce eiectric lights woulu give ten liirhts to each ward with three evtra to spare for t!ie business p.irt of town. The war.! fehools are heing supplicd with new oiiiiino nap, mnch to the comfort of teachers, and the good of pnpils. E. A. Cftlkins & Son are to open up a drug business on State Street, in the store formerlv opcnpied by Merrithew's bilUard hall. Thia morning A. L. Noble tells us that there are abought 7." men at, work In the v.uious branches of the Electric Llht Co'.=. works here. E. B. Hall sent to E. W. Coddington his Shepher.l dog (left here when he moved snuth) hy expres, yesterday. The charges wlll be about $10. Jimmie tells Da that John Bowen is now iikiiir np a collection for tlie purpose of organizinfr a new brass band for the fnll cnmpnlgn thU winter. .T. R. Miner is bii8y footinjr up ttie figures of the official canvas in the coiinty. It ia n job as is a job. Up to ttiis noon lie had oompleted the state offlcers. Vijjilant Hoe CompanyMs down for n gnnA Thinksijiviii? ball on Wednesdiiy eveninff Novpnibpr 24th, one week fnvn to-nin;]it, at Roethoven hall. The acreage of pntatoes in tbis rounty tlii-; ve ir nu 01 pnr oont., and yifld 71 per cent. The yield of porn was 40 per cent., and clover seed 03 ppr oent. A ?reat dral of di?satisf:irt!on is being minife8ted by citiens on Detroit strr-ct beCAOM of ttie rao'ne; of the biiapi anit hacks on their wny to and from the depot. "Mrs. Gov. Asliley, of Toledo," t the v:iv, one of the Detroit papers announces Mr. A's recent nfcident. Mis. Ashiev bas been a resident of tin city for several years. Whe:it brillas 70 cents f.r No. 1 red, nitli a very ciuiet mirkpt. All firmers fthonld up their Inflnsnce to rot Riil into a biz flirht wlth some eqn illy strong nation or nations. "II I' 'II W 1 I I r t I 1 ' i I "¦ . W. P. Hazeltine of Lynn Mass., is the expert elpotrlcal enemeer n charge of the eonstruction of Míe Thomson-Houston ptant in this city. Walter Parish, of Kalamnzoo, acts as t'oreman. A pension of $2,500 bick pay ha3 been ¦acorad for Mrs. Donelson, of Dexter, and u pensión and $ñOObfiok piv for Mrs. Jones (colored), of Ypsilantl, by O. L. Matthews of this city recently. Quincy A. Turner has been offered a very fair cituation on the Northern Pacific I?. K., nt L75 per month, but ownr to ii n fit vorable ci rcumstanoes has been vi nable to neeept. At present he is In the employ of the Am, Kx. Co. in this city. Court re-convened Monday a. m., and somethinsr quite unusiial was the fact tlint a jnrv wiis on hand. The first case on the riooket was The People vs. Sarah Janes (colored), lavcenv. Mrs. Janes is nharged with stealing $75 from Mr?. Ilelmer, about a j'ear ago. Mrs. Rachel A. Biiley, president of the Hitad di=triet Woman's Christian Temperance Union will speak in Cropsy's Hall, Sunday, Nov. 21st, at 3 o'cloêk. Mrs. Bailey comes to ns liighly recommended by those who have heard her. Let tliere be a full attendance. luouuay evening miss ixeiiie L. Uurlingame will rcai n paper entitled "A Oentury of Dishonor." and Prof. Wtn. II. Pettce onc npon "Some of the Latest Tliinss in Science and Inventlon," hefore the Unity Club, in the Unltarlan Cliurch parion, A farm team got scared on Liberty street yesterday p. m., at about 3 o'clock, by a dof that ran out at them, and ran away tearing the wago:i and harneas to pieces and making thinas lively until they were stoppel on División street. These dogs are Ketting to be quite expensive luxuries. In the names of studenta attending the Agricultural college, we notlce tlie following from this county: Arthur B. Miteheli, Chelspa; Max 1 Peae and B. O. Bmlth, Yp'ilanti; Warren Babcoek, Jr., Milan. Henry K. Lum. M. D, Ann Arbor, and E. R. Lake, Ypsilanti, are taking a post gradúate course. B. F. Farrington, the wholeaale grocer of Detroit, dfed a few days since from the eflfects of falling through an open hatch way In his storp. Previous to death lie reqnested liis wife to eive orders at the store to allow John M. Gonld, of Ann Arbor. the privilege of buying siich bilis s might be npeessary to keep his, Gonld's, store in gond condition. Over this John feels very happy, and we believe he will never brinjr discredit upon the confidence reposed in htm. Yesterday p. m., a serious runaway occurred on State strpet, dlreotly opposite George I Moore's store. Mr. and Mrs. M. Davenport, of York township, were driving by whon a dor rarae out and jumped at the horse. Thia scared the animal so that he became unmanajrpable, and running into a tree threw out the ocpunts, spriously injuring Mrs. D.ivenport, cutting her f;ice and Mead quite badly and bruisinsr and breaking her arm. Mr. D'ivcnport esraped with few injurie The carriage was considerably demolIshcd also. Preston, the prohibition candidate for governor, two years ago received'782 votes. Dickie, this year received 814 votes. A gain of 33. The parallel attetnptpd to be drawn between the olil republican party, and the prohibition purty j not a very sood one. At that rute of progress it will take ri eat a man v vears for the prohibition party to come to the front. In tliw citv Diekie fiad jut 40 less votes than ilid Preston. TIip only gain of any importanee in any prt'clnrt in the connty was in Aupu-itn, wliere the vote jumped from 39 in '84 to 71 this year. The followinff from the Ann Arbor Democr it II quite pat for thoe knowing thecimimstances: "Erautus M.ison secms to be in a terrible huny to nfflcUb superintendent of the poor. It has been the custom for the out-goinsr superintendent to hold his offlee until the tirst of Januarv. Now, Mason ha" notifled tlie board that lie will meet with them, and that he shall expect to draw pay from now on. Of course, the oflice is a big thing to flg!:t over, and as Mason is a poor man, he probably feels that the money will do hitn a little good, as a colJ winter is coming on."