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Dr. C. I. Kayno, of Montreal, Can., is In the city. Mr-. M. C. Slieeluin in visitin' friend i" Hrighton. We regret to learn that Mrs. C. H. Mlllen is quite III. Miss Chira (iott is rblttng Mrs. Ed. A. Uott, In Detroit. Kev. Calvin Cudy vi.-itcd relntlvH in Dumlee laat week. Prof. Steere bas been undvr tlie wt-ather for u few dnyá past. Chas. Braak and wifc visited.lriends in Detroit during the weck. Mra. Fred Wood left for her home ia Pittólmrgh, Pa., Mond:iy. Frank K. Jones, of Saline, was in town Mouday, on court business. Judge Haniman went to Toledo Munday to see Htepheu Fairchild. Mrs. F. II. Helser ha gOue to Detroit to visit her sister for a few days. Ueo. P. Wantv, ofOráüd Knpids, isexpected in the city, this weck on business. Krastiis X. Gilbert is working for an uppointment in the Auditor üeucral'a oflice. Dr. Ultes, of Lnnsing, has been in tlie city on professional business during the week. Geo. M.Heniou left a few days since for severul week's visit in New York State. Mr. Backus, for some time the landlady of JetlVrson st., has moved to Detroit. Miss Kuiily Smith, of this.eity, is vWting Miss Aunie KcklilT, of Itaudolpli st., Detroit. Mrs. John liemick Is visiting at the home of her parents, ta Manhattan Junction, near Toledo. Win. Heiuy, of Coxsacie, N. Y., lias been visitinjj liis brother, J. D. Winnus, during the week past. Thos. Walton, of Saruia, has been stopping a few days with his brother-in-law, Jas. Kearus and fainily. John R Dow and Warren E. Walker returned from tlieir hunt in the north woods last Mond ly. They had a glorious time. I John M. Parker, formerly manager of J. H. Cook & Co's buckot shop in this city, has gone to British Columbia to reside permanently. urm A. Stiiir, of the Howell Hepublican, is in the city, lookiug up the Edison Electric Liglit business, which he hoies to Introducá Into bis thriving city. Mr. E. E. Brewster of Holly, and children.iiceompanied by lier sister Mrs. Harlow, of Fliut. have been visiting Mrs. Geo. H. Pond and fainily during the week. John EUnnhter, who pleasaut face luis greeted customers ut Ooodyeai's drug store for some time, bus folie to Eiton linpids t take a place in :i diug store. Miss Nellie Remies, wno bas been visiting rel:itive9 here for a few weeks, left Monday Blgbt for lier home in Colorado Spring, Col , stopping at Chicago and Kansas City to visit friends. Word caiue to several frionds in the city Monday a. in., tliat Stephen Fairchild was very sick at the home of bla sister ia Toledo. Benj. Brown, Mayor Hobison. Capt. Manly and several others went down to see him Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. Brown, wife of the State st. grocer, was quite severely injureJ last Frday by thrown from a carriare, caused by the front wheel coming oft'. Otliers in the carriage when the accident occurred escaped inore fortunately. Mrs. Gov. Ashlej' was consldcrably njured Mond.iy by being thrown from a carriage In which she was rlding. The horse becameunmanageableand ran a-.vay, The carriage was badly demoralized by coming in contact with V alter Toup's lakery waon, on Washington st.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News