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liii NO FEE!! 1 ESTABtisHFn i85i. ) Merrill I JNTIL BETTER j DETROIT.MICH. ƒ Block. ; s LZZ%LT The Eognlar, Old-Establishsd I L : j PHÏSICIAJf & SCRtiEON B jÊv Isrtilltioitlagwlththognittit é SXILLAND 8UCCE88 YOUNGmen,miodle-ageomen md all persons who by thcir own acts of Imprtllenco or Folly at any period of life have hrought ( ipon ttiemselves, the cvil cffects following closely ¦pon the heels of ttansgrcssion of the laws f nature, should consult the celehrated Kr.Clarke itonce Reminber!Nervoulieae(withor vithout dreams) or debllity and loss of nerve wner treated scientifically by ncw methodl wttn 1 lever failing success. -It m.ikcs no difference irlmt you have taken or who has f ailed to cure you. jayT'.ie terrible poUons of Syplillis nml all i ad blood andêkill disense, -ompleti-ly iradi. l ¦ateil without mercurv. BemamiMT thal tlnsone lorrlble (linease, if ncglected or impropcrly , reated, curses the present and coming gencrations e"All nnnatnral discharges cured promptly uhout liindrance to busim ss. Mo experiments. Both sexes consult coiilldentlBlly. A Re and sxperlence important. A writton guarantco t cure glveu in vvory case undertaken. jaySufferer from any chronlc disenso write Fllstory and Syniptom of your case - plainly. Jases solicited which others have failed to cure. J-Send two tamps for celebrated Works on Cbronlc, Nervoua and Delicate Distases. You have an exhaustivo sy mptomatolofty by which to study your own case. Consultation, personally 3T bv letter, free. Consult the old loctor. ] Thoiisnnd cured. Ofïices and parlors private. You sce no one but the Doctor, iïefore confidin your case consult IH. CLAttKE. A . [riendly letter or cali maysavc future suffcrin and shame and add golden vears to lifc. Medicines i ïent everywhere secure from eipusure. Hours, 5to8; Sundays, 9to ij. Addrui-;, F. O. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. MIch OH! MY BACK! DR.]RéLL'S english buchu Is One of tho Best KIPNEY INVESTÏCATORS IN USE. W1H curo all diñases of tli. Kidneys BlncMpr, Prostetlo Portion ol t rlnarj i t t.m. Irrltwtlon of the Neckofthe Bladder, Buinlng Lilne. 01eet,Oonorrhe In all lts btuL'es. Min'ous üwchfirgw, Congestión of the Kiilneys. Brick l'ui liiobit, Dlabeto, Innamatlon of tho Klunen mwl Bladder, Uropnr of KidnrvH, Acid Trine, ltloudv rine, l'.un in the Relian uf tho Blmlilor. 1'AIN INTHK BA( K.Uruur] ('iili'uliw. Henal Caloulm. Kin il Colic, Rftfnlion of Urine, Frequent Urination, Urarel in nll Ita forttm, Innhlllty to ltetain the Water, partirnlarlv In pi -hh adranced I llfe. IT ISA KIDNFÏ nmtntOATOK Ihat n-liMis the Crino t o lts natiirid rolur, l"emov ithaacM and luinntiir .and tlio cfffft ol tlio XQBMlve ue of intoxicuting ili ink. PRICE, St; Slx rottlea for SS. DwMiiw1 on i f of prlro. fiSond for Oircol ir. S..N1 by n]l Prueglsts. W. JOHNCTiri A CO., SOLK Ar.nvT. PETKOIT, MICH. JohnrtOTi's Sarsaparllla is the clieapest and bestBlood remec}) In iBcasItonly costa i dollar for a quart bottle. Try it. Èither f tho above sent iree on rectipt of price. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 Soiilli Main SI.. ,nn ArUor. The olilesl nnency In Iheolty. Ksiulillshed over a qimrter of ¦ Dentary hk. IteïreRfntlnt tho followlng tlist-i'hiss oompanlM witb over 60,000,000 C'Hiilal and -l. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. OO, oí New York. NIÁGARA INS. Co., of New York. GIRAUI) INS. OO., ol l'hiliiüelphln. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Harlfortl. COMMKRI'I.M, DNION, of Lonrton. LIVKIll'OOl,. LONDON and GLOBK. WASHINGTON FIRB and MARINE, Of IJOStOll. Uates Iw a- flip Ij4)wst, I.ossi'S Líber ally Artjtistcil itml pronptlT l'aid. C. l!. MILLEN. RINSEY & SEA OLT'S BAKERY. GR9CERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. Wc keep conatautly on hand, BREAD, CRACKKKS, ETC., For Wholcunle iud RctaU TVirt. We Bhall ulso koop a -upply of BWIPT & DEüBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Dellii i'lour, ltyc I'lour, Buckwliciit Flour, (Jorn Ifleal, Feed, Et-., At Wholesale and Bata.ll. A enernl stock of &ROCERIES anfl PROVÍSIÜNS Conetautly on htind, which wl)l ba oltl on ad reuonable terfn s atan; otlicr In th" cit. . Caeh paid for BUÏTRK, RUU, and COUNTKY PRODUCE genurnlly Gooilw d"Mvered to any lirt of the cuy without exim chareu. HINSF.Y k SEABOLT. 'I'HE CIRCUIT COÜRT KDR TUF. COUNTY 1 OK WA8HTEN A W, In Chnory. Jenny F. Norton, Coinpininunt, VS Sliinley Norton, defeodant. ) It sntifaoloiy appi'íiiinií to me by ntlï(lavlft ou file. tlüi' the ilciVriil ml, siimley Norion, ia dim a resident i ihlBxtate. bul residfs m Munitoba, in Ibe Dominion of Ca:iiida. On motlon ol R i. Kinne, oomplaJiiant's soliciten-, II is oni ii-.l Ihul the -ai.l defendant, stunU'V Norton, oausc liis appearftnee to be enterod herelD, vü hiu four tuont hs from the date of Ibis order, SDd in cate of hit lipptMranre, ihal lic i-iius h is auswer to the complaiiianl's hlll ol oomplHtnt to be flled and a oopy tbereol i b6 aerved oo saJd oomplklnant's olioltor wlihln tweoty (Mi days after service on li lm ol 'a copy of aald blil and noliee of iliis order, und in default thereof, satd btll be taken asconfessed by the sa id non-resident delindant. And lt Is fiirther onlered, tliat wlthln twenty dnys lifter the date liercof, the said eomplaiuant oanro B nolioe of thls order to be pnbllsli In the Ann Arbor Coujuar, a ' paper, published and elroalallpg In utd ' eounty, and that sald pnbllcatlon be i lied tbcreln at least nlioe in caeh weik, for slx week in successlon, and lliat she cause a copy of this order to be personally servt-d on Rnld non-reelflent tlcfi'iidant. at Ipsat twenty i days before the time above prescribed for hls appearance. PATRICK McKKRNAN, Circuit Court Commlssiouer of Washtenaw County, Mlfhiuan. E. l). Kinnk, Solletor for ComnlalnROt. Dated, September i". 1880. ' 1810-1336. ïiotico to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County or Waslitonaw, . 08. Notice Is hereby Rlren, tbat by an orilcr ol tw. Probate Coarl fnr the Coanty of VaiUiiiaw, made on the lstli dny of Octoher. A. D. lKSti, kIx montas Irom tliat dutc ere allo Ml l"r credlten lo , DreMDt tbelr daima axaiust toeeatate oi blleaüorC. liltihln, late of uld couuty, dereased, aml that all credlton of taid deceased aro reqntred to present hflr claims to aald Probate Oonrt, at tne Probate Ufllce In the city or Ann Aibor lor examlaatloii , id allowancc, on or befbre ibè IStbdayel April sext, and that neli cUlmi ili be heard belore 1 iaidConrt, onTuerday Hii'lSili day ol Jirmiiry umi i u Monüay the clghteenth dv ot April next, at LO o'clock in the (breooon f eaoo oi aald d:i n. Dated, Aun Arbor, on iIut Is'M A. V. 18MV. N WU.LIAM 1) HAKKIMAN. , 1321-24 Judüe of Probata. - , tgflflt&i JAMK8 O. m.AlMC'S Mt. Vp GREATH18Ï0R1 _K Outsolls all otherbook. iion ' Mfff. 1 J. -s. VIne of Va., says : " H7, - . UJJVV liiki-fit i),o malttr whcthtr he VP s- Bt iMr. lUtune'a fricml or Man ' . „ lm MhI " ' nerrr nd 1 dou-n rntlil he r .¦hL '""""" u-hol,:" Hou. Allen " Inaj W " Thumian, Baya: "A clustio , J ?Tt inovr politirulhíntori." x L iftiiBfc. A;' "ts wiinK'd un CfMimiH¦h sli.n pulary. AtldretvS


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