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Thb mines near Roanoke, va., m! by the Hoanoke Ziuc aml Mining Company, were sold on tho llth to J. II. Bartlett, of Englimd, for 1000,000 oaih. Anotmkk slight shock of eartli(iuke oecurredon tho oveningof tho'.'tli at Charleston, 8. C. Aix the paekinghouses at th5 Chicago Stock Yards wero in operation on tlio Oth, and new bands were pouring in from all quarters. No trouble of a serious Datnre occurred. The troops were slill on guaní. The paokers were determined to hereafter employ no man who belonged toa labor organization. Sixce the present systom of internal revenue was orgauizod, July 1, IS'iJ, up to June 30, 18St, the total OOllflOtlons hiivij been {8,488,990,465. Minnik Hei.vie, agd six youN, only daughter of Samuel Helvie, of Anoka, Ind., wasburned todeath on the 9th, her elothei catching fire from a stove. Ackes of coal in the Standard minos at Mount Pleasaut, Pa., were on lire on the Oth. The flamea were spreading in the direction of colls which wera filie 1 with Uredamp, and a terribly destructive explosión was feared. Sevex EmmaiD Hualp&l Indiaas lo Northwestern Arizona wm sturing on the Oth. The Government bad madu preparations to foed them. 1 Heminway township. Me., on the flth poacborsshot and killed two deer wardpiis named Lyman A. Ilill and Charlea Niles. Tuk National convention of Unitod Presbyterians, who are opposed to the action of the general assembly on the miisic question, met at Allegheny City, Pa., on the 9th. Mus. Dkuse, of Warren, N. Y., was on the 9th genteneed to die on the gallon cember 29 for murdering her busband and burning hts body. Advices of the 9th say that near Jetmore, Kan., Samuel Purple killed bis wife and two children. Ue surrendered to tho sheriff, but was taken by a mob and hanged to a tree. Eioht HUxnuEi) ooal minera nt tho Erie, Marshall, Fox and Louisvillo minos. In Colorado, quit work on the 9th bscause of a reduction in wages. Prof. Foster, the Iowa meteorologista predicts flerce storms between December 4 and 17 next, during which railroads will be blocked with snow, high winds will dostioy property and electrieal dlsturbauces will allVct telegraph and telephone lines. The house of John Suiitb, noar Cborry Tree, Ind., was entered by burglars on the night nf tlm'.uli androbbedoC Qvethoaatuid dollars in gold. Tuk spread of pleuro-pnoiimonia among cattle in Northern Indiana had become s) alarming on the &th that the Oofernorhad called upon the National Board of Agriculture for asiistanos. Tue National Prison Congres, at its session in Atlanta, (a., on tbe Bth, discussed tbe qnestion of tUe moral and religious Instmction of pruoaer. Qreat stress was laid upon the charactor of the warden and o hr offio IPJ of the jail as t!i most efficiënt factor in thi iiianaging and roforming of priaoner Ai.!. i: r. tni.i)i:vi. in art student in San Francisco, killed ktamta Kelly on the street on tbe lOtb with a revolver. Bhe vas in love with lnni, and bis excuse was tbat be had grown tired of her. The Chicago packen on the ïoth resolnded their resolutions nevor again to employ Knif;hts of Labor or union men at tbe Stock Yards until they resigaed from those organizations, on tho grouiuls tbat they were unjust to many persons, and adopted in thoir place a resolutiou tbat they would exercise the rigbt to discharge and einploy wlumi they ptoased, and would conduct their business on the ten-homplan. No serious disturbancjs were reported at the yards. lii!AKi:nN Vi:li.s was on the lü!b held responsible by the corouer's .jury for the recent accident on the St. l'anl road at Rio, Wis. Ho was amsted lii-nv Aiiriiso and K 1 li ¦ I'oterson aged sixiiM-n and seventeen yeaiN, vrére in prion at Hartford on the '.'tu, and were believed to bn tbo daring burglars who bad boen cbloroformin and robbing oople in various parts of Connecticut. Ai.i. the knit-goods manufacturors in the State of New York, who employ over twenty thousand persons, declare 1 on the lOth against the Knights of Labor. lx a recent gale off Mantoulin Island, Lake Huron, three men were drowned. Tue National Butter, Cheesa and Hgg Association met in its thirteeuth annual conventiou on the lOth in Chicago. Si:cketahy Man'xixo ou the lOth oflered to distribute about $10,000,000 in tho way of anticipated interest on the bonded debt. The effect would be to distribute that sum almost immediately among about two tbousand banks and individuáis in overy section of the country. The barn of George Condón, near Anoka, Ind., was burned on the lOth, live valuablo horses perishiug in the fiamos. Estimates made on the lOth by the Department of Agriculture at Washington place the corn erop this season at l,(js,UOO.OOJ bushels, tho potato erop at lfi,0D0,000 bushels, the hay product at 45,000,000 tons, the buckwheat erop at ll,000,00J bushels, and the tobáceo erop at 4S5,UÜJ,OOOpounds. Before the grand jury at St. Louis on the lOth a Wabash engineer named Hefferman testifled that on the night of the expressrobbery on the San Francisco road be saw Messenger Fotheringham help a suspicious character into his car as the train moved out of the depot at St. Louis. The European diffusion process of making sugar, which has been tested at Ottawa, Kan., by employés of the National Department of Agriculture, has proved Buccessful in the highest dogreo. Wixdow-olass manufacturera of Pittsburgh and the West met In Pittsburgh on the lOth and formed a syndicate whicb would control production and regúlate prices. Russei.i. Bi.ackstoxe, aged seventeen years, son of a prominent citizen of Berlín, Wis., hanged himself on the llth in a ñt of despondency. A hesiden'ce at Latrobe, Pa., havingbeen connected with a natural gas main, was blown to pieces at the iirst lighting on the Iltli. causing a loss of ÍIO.OOO. Natubal gas was struck on the llth at Muncie, Ind., and the people were grcutly excited over the discovery. By an explosión on the llth in tho cigai-ï b ix factory of Henry Sheep & Co., in Philadelphia, one young woman was killed and ten other persons were badly injured. The anti-music convention of United Presbiteriana, iu sessionat Pittsburgh ou lh lltti, adoptad the mom of the United Prosbyterian Associatlon of North Amcrlca Tm Director ol the Mint estlmated on the lllli that nol Uwi than 17,000,000 in ponnies wito in active ciruulation in tho United States. For the last Hsoalyoar the War Department oxpendod $17878,468 and tho Interior Department I8,8üo,523 on account of Indian liliiintenanre. CoLLBOTOB HáOOXB, of Nrw York, on tho llth Bned oineteen ateamen $505 each un der a statute relating to clearancos which was pnmfld in L789. Simk.ox (eiiakd, who for fiftcen years had been a desperado in Warren County Ind., was shot doad on the llth by iour vigi lantes, on tho bluft north of Attioa. At a moeting of tho stockholdora of the Fir9t National Itank at Indianapolis on the llth it was decided to go into voluntar; liquidation, surrendcr tho Oovernmcnt deposits anrt tako up lts bonds. The bank was established in 18 The Board of Church Extensión of tho M. 1'.. Churob oponed its twenty-nrst anuual meeting on the llth at Philadelphia. Tin: Pension Bureau at Washington on the llth allowed Í12,+U to John T. Moncrief, a member of tho Eleventh Illinois voluntcers, now insano, and 111,917 to Josiah Brinard, formerly of the Eighty-eighth l'ennsyh-ania regiment. Thosü were tho largest lirst payments ever made. J kii[ Fimimer, of Cincinnati, who was marrled two ycars ago, made the discovery on the llth that his wife has fivo living an( undivoroed husbands, one of whom has taken lier away wit 11 all tho householc goods they could earry. Upon tho arrival of a mail train on the lltli at Dubola, l'a., the car-inspector fouiu three dynamito bombs and caps attached to tho springs of tho rear coach, which con tamod thirty-four persons. How the traii rau tho twenty miles f rom its starting place without an explosión exeited great wonder. Up to tho llth over 1H0 fourth-class postoffices liad been abolished this mouth ii various parts of tho country. Mus. ])nny, wife of James P. Dugan, a Widaly known capitalist and banker o: Delhi, Ind., dropped dead thero on the llth of heartKÜseaso whilo attending a meeting of tho Women's Christian Temperance Union. Sr. Pbtsb'I Roman Catholic Cathedra at Allegheny City, Pa., was totally dost r,. ved by lire on ilio ISth, Loss, $100,000 iuiiy covered by Insurance. Axbibt (. Boïxton was hanged on the Y! h at Los Angeles, Cal., for kiüing his wifo and J. B. Kipp, and William S. Wil son was exocuted at Anua, 111., tor the morder of his wife. The strike eohtinued at the Chicago Stock Yards on the 12th, with both men and packera apparently moro determinei than sver to stick it out to the bitter end. Heavy rains turning to sleet and snow feil at Cineinnati and Louisvilleon the 12th M&ny telograph wires were rendered uselcss. Charles E. Lyman, a tramp, sneakee into Engel's cooper shop at Reading, Pa. on tho 12th and set fire to the building wit! his pipo. Tho building was consumed ani Lyman and a horso perished. Fiiie in Chicago on tho 12th wrecked the interior of Moody's Chicago Avenue Church, causing a loss of f25,000. Tiikue were 198 business failures in the United States during tho seven days cndei on tho 12th, and thirty-throo in Canada. William Kexxeoy, aged fifty years, fel into a tub of boiling lime-water at the Newark (O.) paper-millon the 12th and was scaldcd to dcath. Akob of ten thousand stormed the jail at San Francisco, Cal., on the l'ith, with the determination of lynching young Gold enaon, a murderer, but they were driven away by officials. l'i.ri imi'i:i UOKIA made its appearance among oattte on thelSth at Boswell, Benton County, Ind. Thjs acreage of wheat sown in Michigan tlns fall is not as great as last year, but the condition of the plant on tho 12th was 109, agalnsi 80 a year ago. Tui: Wuttn ¦¦.ii-i-FublishingCompany, dison, Wis., made an assignment on the I8th. Tin: Dufry Malt Whisky Company, of BalUmore, Md., failed lor a large amouut r.'th. Colonil J. H. KxionT, of Ashland, Wis., assaalted Horace Rublee, editor of tho Miliviinkiv tientkui, on the 12th, striking him in the face. Hvstanders then interfered. The trouble was of a political nature. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. (¦i:m:kii. .Kmn' B. GoBSOU was inaugui aiGoTsrnor of Georgia on the S'th. Til e bill pased by the Vermont House giving women the right to vote was do1 in the Senate on the 'Jth by a vote of IS to li). JaXBBA. Whitney, an attorney of New York, agreed on the 9th to use his best endeavors to bring before the United States Sujirume Court the case of the condeinned Chicago Anarchists. Tm: Mississippi Supremo Court on the 9th nllirmod the constitutionality of the Loeal-üption law recently adopted. Tiieoijore f. Gikney, for seven yeara comptroller of tho city of Chicago, died on the 'Jth, in his sixty-seventh year. Tui: President and meiubers of his Cabinet returned to Washington from Boston on the 'Jth. Jessie II. Loni), aged fifty-flve years, a well known editor, fatally shot himself at the grave of bis wife in a cemetery at Hartford. Conn., on the lOth. Tm: National Urange Patroni of Husbandry, composed of delegates froni every Stato and Territory in the Union, comineiiee 1 its twentieth annual session at Philadelphia on the lOth. JDDOI FiuníisJ. Dickman", of Cleveland, has been appointed to the ühio Supreme bonch, vice Johnson, resigned. At Dus Moines, Ia., on the lüth Miss Ida C. Hultin w as ordained and installed as pastor of tho Unity Unitarian Chnrch. Tiie (lfth annual convention of the Citizons' Law and Order League of the United States will be held at Aibany, N. Y., February 20, 21 and 22 next. The official vote of the Ohio State election, reeeived at tho office of the Secretary of Stateon the lOth, gives Robinson (Rep.), 340,895; MeBride (Dem.), 329,314; Smith (Pro.), 28,657; Bonsai (Greenback), L.9Q& Hobinson's plurality 11,581. The rest of the Republican State ticket bas pluralitie9 ranging from 5,000 to 0,000 greater than the head of the ticket. The official returns on the lOth showed that there were elected to the North Carolina Legislatura at the recent election 81 straight Democrats, 77 Republicans and 12 Independent Democrats. Official returns on the llth from the recent Colorado election give Symes(Rep.)for Congressman 70Ü majority. The Senate runsists of 19 Kepublicansand 8Domocrats; the Houso of 25 Republicans and 34 Democrats. Coloxel R. G. Inoersoll on the llth agreed to argue tho case of the convicted .nan;hists of Chicago before the Illinois Supreme Court. Tiie üovernor of Alabama, in his annual messafjo on the llth, statcd that more one-third of tho rovenues of the State vvero devolcd to tho public schools. Tuk total vote of tho State of Illinois at tha roemt oloction on tho iiuostion of aconstitutional amcndincnt to prevent ennvict OOntract-lobOT was 570,418, of whieh 277,619 WON rast in favor of tho muendnient, Of 7..VC) votes less than was neoMMry to pas it. WxsniNOTox advices of W10 llth say that the next House of Representativos will stand: Demócrata, 1Ö8; Republicana, 153; Labor, 3. At the closing session in Chicago on th 1)th of the National Farmers1 Alliance A. J. Stroetcr, of Illinois, was re-eleeted president. Cordon E. Fvllek, woll known throughout tho Northwest, who wrote a biography of General Garfleld, died at Des Moines, Ia., on the 12th. Ox tho 12th United States Attorney Walker reported adversely on the petition for the pardon of ex-Banker Kish, now In the Auburn (N. Y.) prison. The President on the 12th appointed Francis A. Hoffmann, Jr., appraiser of the port of Chicago. At the meeting in Chicago on the 12th ol the National Butter, Cheese and Egg Association H. B. Gurlor, of Illinois, was electod president for tho ensuing year. FOREIGN. Sevex persons were burned to death in s barn at Fussdorf, Germany, on tha 9th, and sixtoen others were misging and were supposed to be dead. Mk.xicans on the Ittli attacked the stock ranch of Hewitt Oriner, of Texas, at Los Vecos, Mex., killing Oriner and one of hij men. In consequence of the alarming spraad of pleuro-pneumonia in the United State-i, the Dominion authorities were on the 9th taking steps to establish a quarautino against American cattle, extending from ocean to ocean. Pkixok Waldemar, of Denmark, was on the lOth elected to lili the vacant throne of Bulgaria. A Russiax claims to hare dlseovered a proces for reducing petroleum to crystals for transportaron, to be easily reeonTertsd into liquid torm. Of the number of persons condemDed to prison for participation in the riot ia Spain, 230 were sentenced to imprisoument for lifo. The British Colonial Exhibition at London elosed on the llth. There wa a total of 5,550,749 visltors and tho average daily attendanco was 33,84. A rouNO American woraan who refuscd to divulge her namo entered on a thirty days' f ast in Paris on tho llth. The total production of sugar in Cuba in the season of 18S6-87 will amount to over 800,000 tons, and exceed the largest erop heretofore raised on the island. Railway trafile in France and Italy was greatly impeded on the 1 lth by iioods. A rise in the River Po destroyed the bridge at Albenga while a train was crossing, and live persons were drowned. ElKMUfOUl waves from the Mediterranean d id great damage on the 12th at Niee and (ieueva, in Italy. Houses were swept uwa.v and several Uym were lost. Tuk King of Denmark, in a telegram on the 12th to the Bulgarian Regeucy expressing thanks for the honor done his son, Prinoe WaHiemar, deolined to ]ermit him to accept the throne under any conditions. The Harding Casino in Berlín caught üro on tho 12th while a ball was in progress, and four persons were killed and a largo number mjunvl. A CAiii.KOK am of the 12th from Mamluluy states that the British intencl to replace King Theebaw on the throne of Burmah and evacúate the country. Mix'H alarm existed in Madrid on tho 12th in consequence of reports of a threatened outbreak against the Goveruinent. Extensive military prcparutions were beinjj made. Tue rebels in Afghanistan were badly defeated in a recent battle, and the victorious General sent to Cabul ten cart-loail oí heads of those killed in the battle as a loken of the victory his forces had wan. LATER NEWS. a heavy snow-storm occurred in Central New York on the 13th, the snow being over a foot deep on a level, and the drifts were from three to six feet deep, iuterf ering wlth railroad travel. Snow wasalso reported in portions of New England. Kuiht persons were killed by a landslide in Southeastern France duriug the recent storms and Uoods. ATtwenty-six leading clearing-houses in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the 13th aggregated $1,035,578,188, against $1,079,055,976 the previous week. As compared with the corresponding week of 1885, the decrease amounts to 4.4 per cent. A pire on the 13th at Brattleboro, Vt., destroyed the post-office, several business places and residences. Official returns on the 13th from the recent election in Cook County, 111., show a majority of 80,970 for the convict labor amendment, which iusured its adoption by the State. Probate Judge Kniekerbocker received 98,185 votes out of 96,733. At a hotel in Winfleld, Kan., Lillian Quinn killed Frank E. Lockwood, her betrayer, on the 13th, and fatally shot herself in the head. Robeht G. Isoersoi.l announced on the 13th that he would have nothing to do with the case of the Chicago Anarchist. The official canvass of the votes cast at the reeent election in Conneeticut show no choice for Governor by the people, and tha Legislature, which is Republican, will elect Lounsbury, the Republican candidato. The Chinese steamer Yakataman wa wrecked in a recent gale off Niigata, and ninety-six persons were logt. AxdrewJ. Mullioan, a murderer, was taken from the Harrison (Ark.) jailon the 13th by mounted men, dragged with a ropo around his neck behind a galloping hora ior four miles, and theu strung up to a trea and riddled with bullets. The Law and Order League of La Crosse, Wis., on the 14th caused the arrests of seventy violators of the Sunday law. Among those arrested wero saloon-keeper, theater actors, barbers, confectioner, liverymen and railroad men. General Sheridax's annual report show that the army of the United States consist of 2,103 offlcer9 and 23,946 men. Nearly all the saloon-keepers in Cincinnati were arrested on the 14th for violating the Sunday -closing act. Miss DaisyIkick, aged fifteen years, who was bitten by a pet dog in Englewood, 111., several weeks ago, died from hydrophobia on the 14th. A coxvsxtion of all the trades unions in the United State will be held in Columbus, O., December 8. The strike at the Chicago Stock Yard came to an end on the 13th by order of Mr. Powderly, and the strikers would endeavor to 9ecure their old situations again on the terms of their employers. All the packers emphatically declared that such of the Imported men as found work during the strike and choose to continua would be proteoted at all hazards.


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