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flOYAl POWDER Absolutely Pure. TblipowdsroaTW rarle. A marvel of purlty.striMiutli und wholeeomeneaa. More economie] tliaii the orillnary oannot be aold lo cumpetillon wltli the multitude of low test, short weli;ht, tiliinior plioxpliate powders. Roldonly In oan. Itojalllnkia Powdar Co . 1M Wall it.. N. Y. : From 115 Lös to 161 Lbs. To the Outienra Remedies I Owo My Heallli, My Happincss, and My Lire. A dny ncver im"S Unit I do mt Iliink ad sp ak kÏDdly í Ou1 ('iittnf'i Hemediét, Seren rofttvasol all of a dozen lumps formad on my wek rangToK iu (Ize from n cherry stone to an Ormog irsre iii,'hHHI to lnuk at, and iianiiu! to hnr ; peoplatumed tBlduwben tbeytt ni -, ni íü-l'ii-;, dl1 I was ubdmed to beon Ihe streel or 1u fO l'hy-tcian- and Lheir treatmetil itfid utl mad railed t') dn miy rood. In a moment ol di "mir I Iriedlhe CUTICIKA RBMBOIKS- Culicur.,. Iba Ifieat pk!n cure, and C'itïcut.t 8oop, ;u. exqalajto skin lleiiMiillcr, ezternilly, and Öaiieura Ketelrent, ttaeiww uiood Pttritter, Interoally; the sinall lamp (ui call themj radunlly disap.ioart-d, und the larfo ODM lir ik ¦, in aboB two ei M dl8Chir)(Irg lUKe quuntitU-M ui matter, leavlog two sllijlit acare iu my MCk to-aj to tall Ihe story ol my OfferiDg. .My Mrelght trien was one hundrud ani flltecn Blckly pooods ; it ip iiow one hui.dred and sixty-ine snlld, bealthy pouuds, and my belgbt ík only ftve lent flve inches. In my travel I praiged the Cuticnra Remedies, North, South. E ifl aDd Weet. Tocul i,,s I owt My Health. My Happïnttt and My Ufe. A prumluuut New Yurk Iragglst asked me tne other day, "Doyou Btlll u-e Outieura Remedies? yon look lo bé in perfact health.'1 My reply was, "I do, and phall alwayf. I bave never know wbal alckneu la alnce I commenced u-intj the Cuticttra liemedles." Soinctimen I am lauyhed at by praisiini ttu-in to people nol icqnalnted with lheir marlt, bat eooner or luter they will come to their genfes and belleva the saine thoM tliüt nee iliein, as dozen have hom I nave told. Maj the Urne como when there ahaU e a larjíe Otlicxira Supply House in every city in ihe World, lor the bem-flt of bununlty, vvnere the Vutietira Btme&ttë ahall be sold only, bo that ther: will be rarely u need of ever entering a tm_' rtore. M. nüSBANDS. 21U Fulton S!. New York, N. Y. CimoUHA líEMhDiBs aro a popitive cure for eve y Ibrm oí Skin and Bloei Dieeace. from Pim; - i Scroinla. Bold everywbere, Cltituka, 00 CtS ; 1 1 TICL'IIA 80AP, '-!.") Clr.; CUTICUBA Kemolvsnt, $1.1)0. i'repured liy thu Pomit DuL'u and 'al Co.. Boston. send rui -¦Huw to Gara skin i1mcuscs ' ¦ptlfi'i.Ki. Btackbaad, Skin Blemlahei and Baby JTtm Hnmor, use Cutieura S -Vun üianoy f axns. Êt W'itli ihuirwciry,, dull acbinir.llfalMt, l '-. the ('iitlriira Antli . i'uin Planter. Wmaatad. Al ttulruyiï-ts _'j OOBts. Vutter Drwj Compartí, tostón. Snoozing1 Gatarrh.The distresslnc sneezc, gneeze. pueeze, the acrid watery discharges from thu eyes and no?e, the pain ful inlHmination exteudinx to the turoal, thu welling of the mucous linint,', cuuhíiil' choking S'-neriiions, cough, rininii noim'e in the head and plitling heartachee- how familiar these symptome are to thousnnds who BaAl perlodical from head colds or imUicnz i, and who live In tennraoce of the fact tuut a einple applica ion of Sandhiud's Kapicai. Cure fob Catakbh will Hord i'nnl'tiaoxis relief. lint thirt treatment in caaes of simple Catarrh eives but a falnt Idei ¦! tliia remedy will do in the chruuic forme, wbere the breathinf Ie obetructed by choklng putrid raucons accumulationc, the hearing cffi'ctcil. Knie'.l and tante KOoe, throat ulcen-ted and hacklns couiih grndually fantcnini.' i'Hulf npou the debllitati-d sy.-ti-in. 'l'hen it Ie thüt Ihe curiitivi powei (if Sanford'8 Radical Cure m mífests Itaelfm fnntantaneoii and grateluJ relief. b-'iiiiiH frnm Ihe tlnt applicitlon. It is rapid. radical, permanent, económica!, and safe. NANUKnltli'S RADICAX Cl'KK diniKt Of Olie iintlc nf the RajicaIj l'ikk, and mm box of 'AiiiAKUAi. Siii.vknt, and one [1CPBOVKD nhai,kii ; wrapped ín one packae, wltü treatise üd dlrectluiH, and sold by all drnlat for $1.00. POTTEK m r, AND Cllll K M Il'AI. ( 'o.. ÜOStOU . I ACHE ALL OVER. , " MI'S'! tilVK VI', I c-.iiinot beur tx tbtl piii; I ache all over, and DOthll fJH Hrtr' does me any good." Back-acln', SOTir Iterlne pain?, iii and Sidu puiu. :W=r s""' 9 I-'imcii.'-p. Wéaknci.', and ''?lB Iiiiliiiumatiua relleved in one utiiime by i hat new, original añil lei;ant antiote to pain nd Icdammation, the GvncmtA Anti-Pain Plastek. t DrosKtst 95c. ; flvo orfi. Potter'Urng aad Ctaemlca SCOTTS EMULSIÓN OF PURE GOD LIVER OIL And Hypophosphites off lime & Soda AlmostasJalatablea3lVlilk. The only! n of COD I.ITER OIL that can bo taken rcaüily aud tolcnited for a lung time niml Uil slUl_l]TOv. ANAK.'IIA. ir-tnL pKBiuTy, cociüis axd thboat ueKKrnNS, oi,.j _:i!i VAMT.i risn:i)::ns of rilll.Dm:Ñ lt_s ninT-l'0'iï In It rwalta. j-r, ¦, ¦ . ' bSa l'liyBiclana üi l! ¦ FOHrin" P ' niUGtílSTS. W. TREMAINE'S liüá'lf AGBIVGÏ ! 'o. Ui Kast Huron Streef, üpposiie Cook llonse. Ten Plnt-Claaa Companlei repreianted. ' Assetts Over $25,OO0,O0O. 13l9-i:i(i'.i. l _ - . , THISPPERsiys?1I niV fllkll ItoWELL & CO'S Kcwspapor AdvortlBlng Bureau (10 Spruco ipi lf Afll tlslng contracta raay MkMf YIIKK le iiutdo tor It ialllafff I Ulllla '


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