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BM Spauldlng'l Adjustable Fireback. j 25 4w. Au Eud to Bono Srrapin?. Kdward Slicphcnl, of Harrfcbarg, Qi, says : "Having rcceived so ranch benulir. froin Electric Uitters, I feel it my duty to let 8utl"ering liumanity know it. llave bad a running ore on my leg for eirht ycars; my doctors told me 1 vould Imve to liavc the bonc scraped or leg amputated. I uscil, instead, t li ree boules of Klectric Bitters and geren boxes Bucklen's Árnica Salve, and my leg is nou sound and well." Electric Bitters are soldatrifty cents a bottle, and Buckten'a Árnica Salve at 25c. per box ly Bberbacb & Son. The First Sign Of fafflnf heatth, rhetherln tiio form of Kigbt Sweats and Kervouaneaa; or in a cense of (moral Tearineaa tmi Lom of Appetlte.thould auggeat the use of Ayci's s.trsapariiia. Thii preparatlon is most eflectlve for givlng tone and strengtb to the enfeebled tystem, promoting th (lipjc-tioii and asaimilatlon of food, restoring the nervoua forcea to thcir normal condition. and for puiifylng, enrlchlng, aml rltallztng tbe blood. Failing Health. Ten venrsnso in y licalth bogan to fail. I wii troubled witli i diitreMing Cough, ? ijilit Bweata, weakneu, and Kerroumss. I trted varioui remedlei prescrlbed by different phrafuian, luit becamc 10 weuctbat [coiild uot u u p stairs uitliout stopping to rest. Mv fiicmls recomBmded me to tiv Ayer"! SartañarUla, wblcb I did, and 1 ara now ai bealtny and ¦trong :i ever. Mr. E. L. VilÖam, Alcxandria. .Minn. I hare oted Ayor StraapxHlla, in my family, for Scrolula, and kuow, if it il taken falthfully, that it ill tborougblv endiente thii terrible ditean. 1 havealio preecrlbed it ui a tonle, ns well aa an alterative, and mo( MV that 1 bonettlv belleve It to be th bost blood medicine erer oompomided. - W. ]'. Kowler, I'. I). 8. 31. i., Qreenvllle, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would be Impositbfo for me to de. acribe wbat I suffered froni Indigestión and Headache up to 1 1 1 , ¦ time I began takiiiLr Am-i's Barsaparllla. I was im tle cnre of rarioua pbysk-lanit and trted il Rreat mriny Kinds .t meiliclne, In:! liever obtained more than temporary relief. After taking Ayci's Sarsnparilla for n ihorl time, my beadache disappeared and mv atomach perfornied dutirs moro perfertlv. To-day my health is Eomlletelv i.Mnnd. - Mary Haiiev, Sprln;lii'hl. .Ij. T hare been greatly beneflted by the prompt u-c (,f A.yer'8 Saraaparflla. I: tnnes and in iroratea the ay item, regulatei the nction of tlie digeti e and aaaimilativv ornna, and ii:ilizes the blood. It i-. without doubt, the most reliable blood tmrifier vet dlscovered.- H. I). John :;-:! Atlantic ac. l'.rooklyn, N. V. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Trf pjirod by Dr. .T. C. Ayer J: Co., I.owell, Mm.. Irice SI ; ix bottle, SS. „ A WONDERFUL CURE. Rlieumalic Syrup Co ¦ w inn ?,T "i"!" tor eWi. reara, poi m.,ft hu ,,„„,!,.,, „ ,„,,.„ „,1;lllt. It, mmi, .fl,',' lned to m lnú :t' ume.utterly dteoomatUnf me [or traniacUo any buainms. 1 ciaii. umi have (ken loo many oí tbe io-called Hih'h '"."""" takingthefourth Kuift ..l "'ivin" 'V"-'1"11-""1 Sl'"l'. d l, r.ce.M-,1 n.nre beneflt trom it tfianallotbermedre ne wnl permanently cure me. and 1 dW fully recomniend it to any one afflicted tiïnJ . iupo,n tlle Uwnd ranlatod mj kldnevs tu a l.ealtny aotio,, almoíi,"iif. i an'íoel'"; llai' 'n 'b morniiw, noapm. ! .,? i !' " 1'""'l! '"¦'¦¦'"¦'¦' ¦! t braoeii test of all Mthatmy nctnala do not listn- . 11 baa cMdreiy roKulnted niy dlgegUv u eans. erytnily. W..B.1. - - HARR1BON If. REED. marakory,129CanaUu,Und Rápida, .Miel.. Iherebycertifythat [ ara acqnalnted witli Ilairlüon 11. lieeil. and know tle abuve itatement (o be true, nn.l l.elirvc the remedí to be all yon rlalm íor it. Il la sioken of In the Wgbosí Urina by all of my trad, that hava usert lt. It Is a t'rcat tonic and appatlxar. n Yourn tnily, Drueglst, 1-6 Canal t., Qraód Rapídí%nh. NEW yolfilBÜNI, Whíle TIIK NEW YORK WBKKItl TKIBI K il thc tnost expensive puhtication ol its class in thc United Statt-s, oeverthelos Us price is now fixed at (i a yc;ir, tlic Semi-Weckly at $a ; in both cases in cxtr.i hopy wltfa a club of 10. The campaljn just elosed íbund tlie country n the trough of thc polilícal wavea, The Kepiihlican managers liavr made the best ItTUffffM titkCJ could atainst a state ot" general apatliy. Id a ffw States tney have been aided by thc latpiring presence of a grcat leader, whose tpeeobe have va nkened alinost thc only cnthusiasni anywhere sliown. The resuh of the campaign a ratilVin ; its púas are an inspiration; the Democratie Iomm ¦ plain guide to the popular drift. Krom tiitn forvvard thc country wíll feel thc lift of' the ;ul ing wave of iSSS, which, if we aJl do our duty, -vs iU swecp out froin Washington the muqneradera now in posession, thc foM of protection, eqasHly an.l patriotic govcrnment. lt is nov thc duty ot til carnett and cxpcricnccd workers to bend tht'n i gies tenvard unitcd and hoarty work for iS, Tlu party Ís to be consol idsted, i u red and rallíed To this work THE TKUH'M p]i Igcs itJ cealoui efTorts. THE iniHïNF. offers foi 1SS7 levetml - ccllt-iit pri-miums, inchuUng The Tribuno Hook of Opon Air Sports. A work conipiled hy TH1-; TRIBUNE, espècïsJly for the youBg men of thc United Stltes. Itiaa thorough statement of thc present status of OpcnAir athlctic amusements in America, w ith lugmf tions to beginners, thc rales of cvery important trame, the records of noted contcsts and the achie ( - ments of American Chsmplons. The book uilí contain about 150 illustrations. Ch.tpters are pro vided on Archtry ; BSM-bsJ], with thc rfeorcí ot wonderful phiying and the League and Aisoclfttlofl contcsts, and lnstrnctions how to cure a ball ; Luv q Tennis, Court Tennis. Koot ball, Cricket, Kacket, I-acrosse, HOTSenuahip, Crosi Country Haating; Yachting, with a discustion of Sloop and Cottcr and instructions How to Design, Bulld and Sail a Boat; Kowmg, Canociofr, Flthlng, Tmppíng, Iluntlng with bnot-gnn snd Rlflo, C'mplny-ont Vinter Sports, Uicycling, Amateur l'liotngraphy' and a few minor sports. Among thc writers wlio have contriluued are WllUam BlsiKie, Maorice Thompson, Captain Jacob A. Augur, Cavalrv instructor at West raat, David Kirhy, Th Clapham, General Ovorge V. Wlogate, Professor George Goldie, Director sf Athktics of thc New York Alhlctic Club; and 1 Luye oumber of prívate gentleman tliroughout thc country have farolshcd í'.icts concerniría the wild gime and hunting sporU of their nveral localitics. No book of thli character has e er heen put inlo print in America. It is sufliciently elemental tobe a MBoy Own Book," and answer alt the purposes of our manly youth. and yet will Uso inett thc demands ofadoJts, bc ready for delivery December ist, Octavo, cod pages. Ketail price. íj 50. Tem, postsge pwd with Woekly, t Jj.o. with Sc we klv 1 ycar, $.150; with Daily, 105o. On 'y to le had in con neet ion with yearly subscriptions to THE TRIAlso "Blunt Rifle Practiee," a book for every huntcr. and NatíooaJ Guardsman ; a fine Walth-un Watch; the J.ow-priccd Waterbury Watch: the two Unabridgcd Dictionaric s; Wood'l Medicine Hygiëne and Surgery, Illustrated; and Vounir's Concordanee of the Biblc. Sample copy, giving termi in fulL sent Tree Order by postal card. A Club Ajfent wantcd vbereve Ikere is none THE TRIBUNE, New York.


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