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Ann Arbor's Boom

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l'.'liw la utren complete IW "f uil tbe ncw buildings nctad in Aun Albor daring the pari yer, together wltb othcr ImprorsmenU. The ogurea muy not be t-xictly eorreer, l'or nwspaper men ars nol üei'es?;iiïly goodjndgea of real estaie raines, but the prtaea giren are ai nenr rlght as poêslbU (o obtaln. The lUt B'.iowi tht tbere i hea'tUy, solid growtll i" lliis city, one tliat argües well forthe future of the place. Tue claM f houaei being put p are all of a lobttantial cbaracter. While nothing extravagant, yet tlicy are of the betut claM. The 3 i st is ai followï: PUBLIC BUILD1H08. Hobart Gulld ilall, crected by the ProMstant liplscopiil churcli, corner of E. llnroii aii'l suue Blreets. Brlck. U. J. Koss and l.uciw& Teaaraer, bullders c-o.Uüu New BtiUloii house of the M. C. K. R. Co.. Ht Ihe loot of Stille street. J. L. UearlDgA Hou, builden, stoiie -J5,000 Nortlum Brewory. Herman HurUukhouse, owuer. öLh ward. Johu Wttlz and Luoaa 4 Tenmer. Hrlck .noo A.. BUele, atora oh Detroit r-treet, Win. Neillmiiiintr, hulUler. lirick J.UJU Walker Hrci's brlok block, two stores, W. l,ll)t-rty sueet V. E. Walker, ma¦on work b.uuu llenry Exluger auJ J. M lioes, liolul, nornerN. late and Ful Ier treeU. J. M. Iioo , Inilld.r. Wooi. 3,0(0 Dr. Juiiu u.pp, ottlce liexl lo rooiuouce, s. .Mam itreet. Drtck oW Qeo. Clarken, alore, 8. Main street. O. W% ¦ t 1 . . m I ft . 1 . I F ,m.i!' ¦ 1 t 1) lilil I _ ti. ïscliwuo, uuuuer. xíiii;. vhuiísvaulzed irun iront 4,uuu f. P. Juilsoii, sloro on S. stale streel, l'urileld Helber batidera. Brlck.... 1,200 . K Hungsteríor, uew Ice houses, ou iluron river. Wood H uKí-iDBN'CES. I T Jacobs, comer Mouroe and Tlioni¦on streeU. Gates & Gales, buüders. Wood ' ¦uw Wirt Cornwell, Cornwell Place. A. RHammond, builder. lirlck veueer ,OÜÜ John Keok, 8. Fourttt Mraet. J.Walz, buikk-r. Wood ¦ J5UU SV. 11. b'redinin, Kourltl 8trect. W. H. l'r.emno bullder. Wood A31W Jobn K. UlQer, B. Libt-riy street. Gates OaLrs. builden. Wood ¦-¦¦- 5-&uu W in. W. Walls.S. Kourili Street. Geo. Boótt. bnllder. Wood ............... . M. C. reterson, S. Kourlh street. Chas. A. Poland, biiüder. Wood.... ........ 3,000 11. Krapl, ThoinpsoQ slreel. O. Scott, ballder. Wood VB"Ú ' Un. Wlng, 8. Btate itreet. A. lt. Ham"mond, oullder. Hnck veneer. ...... 4 oou Mrs..s.-ymour,6i. State street. Wood.. á.000 Miss Moro, N. State street. Wm.Copeland, builder. Wood.... ...... ¦¦ J-Uuu I. 1) Wlnes, córner E. Washington an.i s. Tlmyer slreets. L. U. Wiue, Ballder. Wood ¦" ";"T ' Jolm W. Hennett, . Tlmyer street. 1-. W. liennett, IJUllder. Wood 2.M Mrs.Si-.-rry, K. aslilngtou street. I-. D. Wlnes, bullder. w ooJ -.uw S 1) Alien, E. Washington, comer 8, lnLiliireeU. H. D. Alien, bullder. W ood "; Mr, l-i.-kno'r's. lnalls streel. U. J. Hoss ballder. Wo ni ¦¦'" Mr.-. Win. Orinn, N. inwUl" treet. (;,.„. se-tt bollder Wo,,,i ..„. 2,oOO s. 1). Alien, Tweltui street. &. D. Alleu, bullder. Wood 1X' W U Canon, K Üñ versily ,.v.-iiue. orner Monróe treet. W.C. Carson, ballder. Wood .¦""Vi W . r. Carson, Wllllard Ktreet. NV . O. Carson, bullder. Wood ¦ -, ArtliiirJ.Knsi.n, Cemetery strvet. A. J. Kiiaon, bullder. W.mkI ............ 103 .1 , Hll.7MH uní. - - ll K. .1. Miller, (Jeiueleiy streel. E. J. Milter, bullder. Wood afñUli' Mis Ryan, Maynard rtreet. W . Biggs, bullder. Wood ¦""- 3'0y0 Alir.l UiiUcr, oiln bii-ecl. A. linker, bulldor Wrood _ -uuu Mr. Jaoobtu, K. Cathnrlne reet. W. C. JacobUH, bullder. Wood.... ....... 1,jO) Mr. Jaoobiu, K. Catbartiw treet. V . U. jacobiis, bOllder. Wood.... l.UÜO I. W. Crlppcn. E. Ann treet. Manna BeñnelC uullder. sv c a.. ........... W Q. Joaenbans, K. A au slreet, Lewla Schlelcher, bullder. Wood........ ... ,wi John (.. Uall, N. Fourlli street. II. Krapr, bullder. Wond ¦.;;¦"¦ Il7UÜ Joiin J. Robison, N.Main Street. Oeo. lirlck ...... 1,.jOU Joliu.1. lloiilson, N. Muln slreet. tdvrard O'Netll, bullder. Brick. .... . l,u00 CImk. -f.Duvison, w. Huruu street. G. Hoott. bullder. Wood.... ,¦.¦¦ -¦SUJ Win. K. siiiusoii.W. Hurón street. Ueo. Bcotl buiíaer. Wood ¦ Mr, and Misa Chapin, liowery street. (i üreult. builiii-r. Wood 1,000 Tilomas.). K.,rli, Depot Blreet. Win. Copeland, bullder. Woo 1 1,JW Wlntlclit Uann.iM. Summlt slreet. U. Soolt, bullder. Wood "ÍV ' Kred Atber, Broadwuy, 5th ward. Alfreü Baker, bullder. Wood 1,000 G. W. Paul, N. Fourth street. O. W. Paul, bullder. Wood l,0W K. K. Wloks, Kourtli slreet. m. Nellliaininer, bullder, Wood ............ l.uou J. Pnaterer, corner Detroit and Nortli streeiH. Wood W ' W K. llowe, W. Hurón streel. V . i.. Hovre. bullder. Wood ""' ljW The Mlsses Wlllard, S. Mam street. A. R Hammond, builuer. Bno'.t veneer. 4,0[0 John l'llslerer, S. Secuml strcol. John Walz, builder. Wood ',"0U K. M. Boutaard, S. Heopnd street Curlis & Southurd, builders. Wooü 1,000 Louis bchnelder, Jewett avenue. A. Hiler, butlder. Wood 1,000 Christian Helber, V. Hurón street. C. Helber, bullder. Wood I,"".".' ' C, T. Ltdell, Miller avenue. Geo. Suott, builder. Wood ¦ 2'0w Barclay Mount, Twelfth street. Wm. Warner, bullder. Wood l.oOO Mrs. l'enny, S. Tliayer slreet. H. I urfleld, bullder. Wood ü. Alfred KriR-aulV, N. l'ontlac slreet, Jtli ward Al. Frueíiuir, butlder. Wood.. 1,000 Augustus Frueauff, N. Pontlac street, 51 h ward. Augustus FrueauIT, builder Wood l,00u J tl. Bartlëtt, Bth ward. Bartlett 4 Sons, builders. Wood ¦ 1,000 Mellow, W. Hurón street. Lewis St-hlclcber, builder. Wood 1,000 Mrs. Sarah Hogley, W. Huron streel. Lewis Sehleieuer, builder. Wood 1,)00 Andrew Miller, Forest avenue. Geo. Jacobus Son, ballder. Wood 2,000 H. T. Morton, Gediles avenue. Built by day'swork. Wood afv ' W. .1. Colgrove, Orleans street. W. J. Colrove, bullder. Wood 1,000 11EPAI1W, KÏC. W. II. Prettyman, repairs to resldence, comer N. Unlverslty avenue and mu slreet, includingnew mansard rool... 1,200 John Uoetz, repairs to building and barninrearot Main street store 000 M. M. Green, repairs to livery sUble (burned last Jiiuuary) on 4th street - 1,200 W s. Hloks, repairs to resldence, forinerly Lorln Mills' house, on W. Huron strect '.uutJ N. D. (jales, repair to residence, 5th Uiircl 500 K H SVicks, reoulldlng oíd house, N. l'ourth street. Wm. Htggs, bullder... 500 Repainon t hu Unlverslty buildings... 7,000 Hmaller repatn mnglug from $50 to 8200 or300, ay 10,000 "Tip" Wrtlker, E. Washington córner s Hte strect ürick barn 1,000 21 other new barna In the city, ranglng from 100 to 8500 SiOOO These foot up as follows: Residences 127,200 Pabilo balldlngt 73,200 Kepnlrlng of oíd buildings 23.0U0 Newbarus 5,000 Total 2-2S.400 Besides this iniglit be added tlie new Thomson -Hoaton Electric light plant now belng put in liere, $23,000. The Aun Aroor Water Co's seryiee pipa and extensión?, $5,000. The new bridge of the M. C. K. K. over the Pontiac street crossing, and approacbes tbereto, $10,000. All of wbich added together makes a grand total of 1308,400. Besiclcs llie above Alvin Wilsey and A. V. Hobison each have foundations laid forbrick bloeks on S. Fourtli streef, and B. Green for two storles on N. Fourth street, as an ndddltlon to the Goodrich house. There are alsn seveinl foundations laid lor new botlMO, but as they will Dot be constructed until next year we have left thera out, preferrlnji to ive Ollly thu ic!u;il growtb for the year. The keepers of the lumbcr yards teil m that not one-half the lamber sold by thecn goos to thu city of Ann Arbor. The larronndlQg country takes more than does the city, showinj that we are not keeplng ahead of the fartning coromuiiity ¦nrrounding us. With all of Ann Arbor's prosperity, the rillage of Cuelaea bt growu fully as nuicii in proportlon. Ypsilantl, too, with lier expendlture of $100,000 In new buildings Is not f ar behlnd. A pecullarity of Ann Arbor is the iniount of vahiable property exempt trom t.ixation. Tiike the Universlty buiklings, lie observiitory, the vahiable charchef, ;he public school buildings, St. Thomas' mrochial Pchool, Hobart Ouild hall, 'uut boute, the vnUiable railroad buildngl and property, Jall, city liall and enrine houses out of the taxuble property of Ann Aibor, umi it makes a wonderfully j laiire hole.