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1 Dr. DurllDg1! roottier fren Bethel, N V , lavlaltlng hln. ' Airs. E. l.. (renvillo, f Detroit, is vis Iting at Win. Wngnor'.-. JiKljrc and Mrs. N. w. Cbeevei rMtml Dundee friend iaat weck. A. O. Ciozier proposes to bang out liis slimme q Grand Raptda. Mr. Sic)li(.ii Bingham ex-postmaster o Lunsing wi in llie city Moiulay. Mrs. ('Ims. J. Kintner returns home to Washington, D. C, next Satunlay. StmlcyE. Farkill, of Owosso, callei apon ftMadi in the citv Priday last. Mr. C. H. Milieu Mili remmlni verj low, nd her recovery is very doubtful. His Irene Blrd, of Uiaolnnatl, hasbeei risltlflg Miss EtelU Wagner during this week. The litcst Dewi frora Wtephen FairclnlU j to tlie elFect that he is, littlo if any better. Dr. Albert A. Hallock, of Mnssilloti, Ohio, has retuniecl home to nsslst his f. ther in his btulneta. Mis. Margaret Bower ratorned from a two week'a visit to hftraon 1!. Frank Bower, of Detroit, [att Situnlay. Ml llattie Foml.i. of Kr.-kino st., Detroit, is visiting her relatives, J. X. B;l 1 ,y and family, oo S. División st. ltev. Dr. Ilimsay delivereil his lectura "Sky.Woiider.," t the Cass Ave. il. B. Churdi, Detroit, TQMday evcniiiir Mis. H IC. H ile, of Adama, X. V., w{,0 lias boen visiting iler njecC) jrs A . Ha inilton, luis rone to Grand liapiils. Moses, Hogen and liis brotber, Dr, Rogers, hnvc bee visiting relativos and friends Id Hiancli cwinty durhig thc pa=t week. Mis. Abbie Warden, of Gteen O.ik, who had been visiting lier sister, Mrs. W. C. Stevens for se7er.1l days, returned hom Satimlüy. Fred Sclunid and runily will fpend Thanclrlog at Manottetter, and wliile there attend tlie ehristening of Xathan Schniid's youngsorj. Cassius Uobison is ezpeeted back from lus DakoU home .this week to reroaln during tlle winter with bh parenls, Mayor líobison and wife. A nieny couipany, consistn; of Saín. Langsilorf, J J. Q.iarry. "Barney" John-' son, Jas. Ooódtpeed, of this city, and Will Becker, of Brígbton, took In the Hooi of Detroit duringtlie past week. Will 8. (},Hild formerly a member of the clitss oí '.Sí, at present state agent for the Detroit Eveiiing News, hu been 11 the city dnrlnjr the week pust.and w.-is .1 pleasant callerat the Col-riek mitctuin yesterdaj'.