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PACHA ABELS COLUMN, , To-morrow, Thnruday, bring i tlio timo linnurcd and 111atcrlalizcd "TlinnkNKivliitf Oay" ik or1lii(i lo our rust om Ihti ore u-I II lo eloted. BACII & ABEL. Amiil tbfl wnit'.glc nnd jungle ubont Wrapsand Jackets wo wlsli to announce for the beneflt orillóse whollve ntadlsLancc tlml i we are tho cloak house ol the clly and Iba p]ce where thecloak buDw ol tbr city Is f done. We hear lliat ouc or t#o itoref wlio keep a II tito of cverytlilng, mix In a few clouküalong with thegeneral conglomerado bilt we hnve a room forcloaksexcluslvkly, n cloak centre or sort of headquarters for cloaks 11 we nuty no expruss it. 'J'lie Latlics of Ann Arbor, look upoi usas n authorlty ín lilis line of btulnea aud don't venture to Imy without ftrut com ing In ti'. As we long i'o iircnlicteJ Seal PlUih GarmenU Hre more In deraand tliis Season and therefore, more popular tlian ever before. Tliis to some extent ia due to the het tliat tliey are offered In more simpes tlian heretofore. One of the most popular garinciuts amongour lnrgeassortment of Plushes S a short Wrap, just long enough in tbc back to set gracefully over the drapory of the skirtand Just enough kmgn In front to nllow of a boautlful curve over lbo Mips. Il II made of a beaullful quallty of fSenl riiish, ( s u,iPlj witb lbo licbest ofpialn Satín, and Uflnilbed at the bottom wlth a doep Plush boll triminlng, and at tbo neck :mcl la front, wlth heavy loops aud oriiameuts of real Seúl. II bas the deep Collar aud Cufl's to be fouiul In all BMlljr bandsome garments and has tbe furlher vlrtue of belng very moderato In prlce. Kriccs come next lo .Soul Plulies as popular materlals for flue wraps. We show KarmenlN made up of fabrlcs of botfa one and two-toued efl'ects, lu a number of shapes and trlmmed In mnny different styles. l'rencb Hare wllb talls being the favorlte Trlmmlng for the longer and heavler garments. If we liad space we mlght go oq forever aud describe Wrnps. The sum of lt all U that lu Ludios Wraps we liave the world's producís añil can meet any demand 1 n Slze, Style and Prlce. When on exhlblllon they whlsper París. Berlín, Phlladelphla and New Vork. Localizo your taste and we will meet lt. Generalizo your taste ;nnd we wlll meet thnt too. Ncrutlnlze your pocket-book iu Wrap relatiou. We have autlolpated tlint too. For MIaaea the tighf, sinjflc-brenstcd Newmarket seems to be the top coat of the Season. Plenty of varlety, however. In thls one garmeut. Cape, short and long. Iloods' polntcd and square. Ni-ithcr hood nor capo, Plaidsorchecks. Tlain Diaicoiinls nnd fice goods. Several stylesof finish In tlie back. Prlees very Low. Lower than yon have any Idea of. Everything for Chlldren. Kverythlng covers a wldo field even In top con tg. Yet we say everythlng. Four weeks ago we bad M Dozen Kid Olove, flve-button-length at 5 cents. Our former prlce, $1.00. Just half are jone. All Tans. People who are buylng cokl weatlior Underwear from us, are Kelllug oue luin dred per cent, for the useVf thelr money. One case Ladles Vests' M cents, real valué 7-J'i oenu. One case of Ladles' Vests 7.5 cents real valuó 90 cents. One case of I.adies' Vests. $1.00. real valué One case of I.adles' Vests, 1. -.':, real valué $1 . 40. One eane of I.adles' Vesls íl W, real vnlue tl.78. The bent Ladies ScariM IV..v in rilt is our $1.00 quality Excellent quality of Gents' 8ca riet Shirts and DrawerK, l.(l t Iiíh week. W t link them very cheap. You wil] tliein flnd ' c'eipwhen you examine them. Xbay are i cheap no'doubt about lt. BLAXKETS! BtANKETS! Do you want a Blanket. Remember the slze. The most Import int part of a Blanket Is that that keeps on, the part you tuck In, the part you don't bny, the part that glves i yon no warmth- that Is why you don't huy lt, take cold and go for the doctor. The doctor [ knows better. He don't ileep ander illppery Blankets. Thenext thlng to tlilnk of 1 how much does H welgh? How much does lt ros!? How much a pound not a pair. One case of Hlimkots $2 00, cheap at ti r,n One case of Hlankets, cheap at $.ï im.' ODe case of Blankets $5.00, cheap at IK. nu Fiill line af Ciuj Mantel from ? to %6. BACH & ABEL


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