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lui: HO FEE!! ) ïSTABtisHED hui. ) Merrill l INTIL BETTER ƒ DETKOIT.MICH. ƒ Block. ' SSajOs The Regular, Old-Established j LI ) I'HYSItLiN & SCRGEON L Ww 1: rtlll tmting vlth tS Lretrt é SXILLAND 8UCCE88 7 V--A.Xj Xj1X)UNG MEN, MIDDLE-AGED MEN nd all persons who by their own acts of Imprulenceor Folly at any perind of life havebrought r ipon themselves, the evil effects following closely j ipon the heels of fren igrettion of the laws ¦, i nature, should consult the celtbrftted Dr.Clarke & ,t once. RemeiubertNervous disenes(with or rithout dreams) or debillty and loss of nene toner treated scientifically by new mcthods with B iever failing success. Jt3r-It makcs nn differenca vhat you have taken orivlio has failcd to'cure you. j 43Tie terrible poisons of Sypltilin nnd all ( ad blood and skin disenso, completely C ated without mercury, Kfmeinber that tnUON I ïorrlble dUease, ïf neglected or imprnpcrly reated, curse the present and coming gene rut i ons 1 43-All unnaturnl discharges curcd promptly J wihout hindrancc to businctt. No experitnents. Soth sexes consult conflUntlally. Arainl xperience important. A written gunrantre f cure giren in every case undertaken. JOtySufTerer from any chronic diseasewritc listory and Symptoms of your case - plainly. Jases solicitcd which others have failcd to euro. ítj"Send two stamps for Oeiebratod Works on 'lu-oiiir, Nervou and Ielicate Piseases. You ïave an exhaustivo symptomatolofjy by which 0 study your own case. Cnnsultation, personally r by letter, free. Consult the oíd Doctor. I Thousands cured. Offices and parlors pri 1 ate. You sec no one but the Doctor. Bcfore 1 :onñdlng vour case consult Dit. CLAItKE. A Tiendly 'letter or cali may save future sufferingand I hame and add golden vears to life. Medicines ( sent everywhere secure from exposure. llours, Í to S i Sundays, 9 to 12, Addrc, J F,D. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mlch OH! MY BACK! DR. HiLL'S j ENGLISH BUCHU Is One of the Best KIDNEY INVESTICATORS IN USE. Wlll curo all dlflMMOl "f tïie Kfdneys Rladdcr, rrostatlc Porllon 1! tjie Iriüaij Or'ann. Irritatlon of the Neckof thu ülniilir nin lllnir l'rlnci film t.niilliillltM . In all lta Btu. Bncuoi 1 I ii tf- Confección of ' the Klclnej-n. l!ru-k Uu : ...u-u-,., lntlamat tlonof theKklii.-.vsiHKl Bliulder, Drupsv of Kldneys, I Acid Urine, Illo.xlv Urine, I'jhi in the ft.Rion of the i Hln.ldiT, l'AIN IN THE BAl'K.Urinarv (-IcuIiik. Renal ' Calcul, It-nal ('olie, Retention of l'rlnf, Freiucnt rrlnatUm, Gravel in uil it i ï ms, v to Kytaln Í tho Water, tmrticiïlarlv in pel ons fcdranced in Ufe. I IT 18 A KIDSEY ISVÏ8tI0aT0K lliüt restom tl Trine t to íts natural color. romoTi tt lio acid nd lun iimir.aDd tho elft-et of tho aeaill a 'iu of lntoxu-atniK dunk. PRICE, Si; SIx tronies for $9. ' lX-liverod Oïi i ¦ ' of pri'M'. t"ySind for Circuí ir. Solt! by nll Dmg(rists. W. JOHNSTD Sc CO., I Solk Agents. PETIÍOIT, MICH. 1 Johnston's Sarsaparllla is tlm oheapest ' andbestBlood remedy inusc.asitonlvcosts s % dollar for a quart bottle. Try it. Ëither : f the above sint irco on receipt of price. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCc AGENT! ' Ko. 4 South Mnln SI.. Aun Vrlior. Theoldest agency tn tlieclly. Eslabllstu-d . overaquartei ofiirentury ugo. Representlng n the followlng flist-class coinpanles wlth over 60,000,000 Capital and AJICU. HOME INS. t'O., of New York. ( (INTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN3. CO., of New York. QIRARD INS. CO., or Philadelrliia. ( ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL DNION. ol I.niulon. LIVKlU'OnI,. LONDON and QLOBE. Í WASHINUTON KIUK and MARINE, j of Bostou. ' P Rates Low as tlio Lotv'st. IoM Liberally Adjiistt'il and promptly l'aid. C. H. MILLEN. RINSEY & SEA Oi-T'S BAKERY. GROCERY, -AND Flour and Feed Store. Wc keep conptanlly on truid, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Ri'tftll Trnde. We shall also keep a xnpply f SWIFT & DEÜBEL'S BEST ] White Wheat Flour! Dollii Flour, Iftjc riour, 1 Buckwlieat Flour, Corn Ifleal, Feed, Etc, At Wholesale and Ketail. A t'.ueral Ktock oi &ROCERIES M PROYISIUNS Constantly on hand, which witl le sold on as reasonable torm h at any other hoate In tht . i CaBh paid for BUTTEK, EOG, aud COUNTKY PRODUCE generally. iïoodi dliverod to any part of the city wlthnnt extra chart'. i RINSEY & SEABOLT. riMIE CIRCUIT COÜHT KOR TUK COUNTY . l OF WASHTENAW, In Clmncciy. Jenny F. Norton, CompUlaaDt, ( Stanley Norton, dfti ndant. i It Sfttlsfrtctory nppi'arliiï to im by afndavltt on flle, taal the derend int, Smnley Norton, is mtt n rcsl'lrnt 1 this sint e. bnt. . sities in Maniioiui, in thr Dominion of Caamía. On motlonofE, l. Ki i iplnlnant'B is ordérvü ihat the aid defendant, Stauley Norton, oauae lus appearance to be entered hord n, wii In n (uur months from the date of lula order, aDd In oase of lils appearant-e. Muit hc i-nnsf hisanswerto the complalnanfs blll ut comnliiint to be J flled aud a copy t licri'oi to bOMrvedon sanl complnlnnnt'x iollcltor wlihin twenty (401 j dayb after service on him of a eopy of sald ' blll and notice of tliis order, and tli it In ilofault thereof, saiil Itill be taken as uonfessed by the sald non-resident deleudant. And It Is furtlier ordered, that wllhln twenty days after the date hereof, the sald complainantcauüea notice of HiIk order to be 1 publlHh In the Ann Arbor CoiitiEit, a t paper, publlRhed and olroDlatlns in sald i county, and that sald pnblU-allnn i uedthereln at least ome in oach week, for si x weeks In succession, and i she cause a eopy of thls order to be personally served on safd non-resident dwViiilant. at least twenty ( days before the Mine above prescrlbed for bis ' appearance. ' PATRICK McKERNAN, Circuit Court Commlssloner ut Washtinaw County, MlrhlKan. E. D. Kinnk, Sollctor fnr Complalnant. Dated, Beptember i'i. 1886. ( uis-uat. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of WMhUMW, , H. Notice Is hereby u'lv''n, tti;it by in otder t the Probate Courl fot the Cuuotj of Wuhteimw, made on the lstli diiy of October, A. D, 1880, il montHi) trom that dle irer altowsd l.n eredlton to , preeent thcir cl 'tl in h :u';im-t tneestatsof KleauurC. Blhliin, Ule of siiid Cmliily, o eiwed, ntul that all credltorrt oí' niil decvMed HM requircd to nrenent thelr claims lo snit! Pobate Coart, al üw rrotMte oflïce In ihe city ot Ann Aih.r fur exnminatlon and Hllowance, on or before lbo lSth dny ot April next, rtnd tliiit snoli eliimi svlll be beard belore ] huiiI i 'tuirt, on Tiu's-diiy thu '.Sth ilny oi .1 rinnry. and , 00 MODdaj the elghlcpiilh d;y ot April next, at 1U o'clock In the fort noon (f t'tu-h o! Mld days. Dated, Aun Arbur, October I8ih, A. 1). 1SU. W1I.L1AM I) HakkimaN, , 1321-24 Judk'il l'rolmta. ' . I MQ .1 !ls; ui. MM , Lk Wn UKKATHlAtORV ' K Outst'Ils uil other books. n„n. mWr - Jl J. s. wiseot Va.,says: "Whocver i W ba Mr. Blaltu-afri.ndor eru-mu, ' . V mÉÊm ""' '"'vr ¦' (iou-ti uHtii r.i . TC3 Ba i"" r''"'1 "'" ota." Hon. Allen ) f ': ¦.L"¦ TbuniKin, saya: ".1 chtutc '. V3'] " tnour 2"litictil hhtur]." ! L PmL Atffnta wniited on coinmls(JQ ¦h ln or mlary. Addreaa, ¦¦elyi k.-í.mi Hiyrthtn,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News