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MlGHIGANPÍENTRAL The JJiagara Falls (Route. Time table takinjt effect Nov. 14ih, 188ü. Ontral Standard Time. CHICAGO TO DKTItOIT. . I Sï "I iil ! sf L I' L V v Lfi Si 5 If $ Í jl.M. i.. P. M f.M. P.M. P.M a. Chicago.. Lv. i 8 60 900 8 10 4 401815 9 10.. MlchlganClty 9 11 11 4 55 B57'l0 18 11 27' ÍSlIB 'lUSf 1215 549 818 II II 12 fA Kalamazoo. ..Ü217 150 6 58 95012:)'. üSS ' ti 45 Battlu CreekJ 112 2 27 7 33 1 30 'i 2o 7 1 M,_h,,,IAl. 14(1 2L0 ar'na"íLv. 2i 310 764 ïAïmim Alblon 225 382 8 ÍS 2 23 4 OS 8 20 Jarkpon 8 15 4 23 84 315 450 1 15 Oraje Lake... 3 38 jjfl 9M -helsea 35 53595:! Dexter 4 14...., 5 50 Id o? Ann Arbor.... 4 33 530 45 .... 4 35 081016 Ypsilanti 450 5 45 Dótt... 4 52 B 24 10 40 ViHjue June. 5 ÍS 606 ....... 515 647!llO8 Ditroi ,...r. 600 6 45 10 45 60C 73ÍÍ145 UBTKOIT TO CHICAGO mo , i aL 5 - j_ _= !_i_íl_ A.M. A.M P.M p M. P.M P.M Detroit.... l.v.j 7 00 10 180 4 U0 8 00 9 16.... "'vFiH.Iniic. 740 58 208 4 45 831 9 55 Ypsilanti ...J 801 1012 2 2U 5 12 85M020 auArtoT... 8 1 102; 232 580 91-2 1038.... Dexter $3t 550 932 Chelsea 8 48 606 9 52 Oras Lak o.. 9 10 6271015 Jackeon 9 35 1185 332 7 10!l052 1203 Marchan 103MJ5I, 422 820!114"; 104 .... BatlleCreek.. 1103 lis 4 40 852'l212 1S5a.m Kalamazoo. . . 1152 150 515 V 45 120 i 35 4 45 N'lei 140 322 827 !SOS 4 18 6 40 MlchlgaoClty 2 5S 4 85 7 82.... 1434 540 803 (JnlcaKU...Ar. 5 15 ti 40 t 80 7 00 805 10 20 Canada DlvUion. BKTROiT To BtrrTALo.- Standard Time. I ucl A _m ¦2.O "tu ' u i aí F. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. Detroit. ...Lv 7 15 10 55 5 00 6 10 12 06 p.M St.ThomasAr 11 05 2 07. 10 10 9 401 3 25 A. M. p. m. Toronto...Ar 8 10 I 5 20: Octawa. pmSaS 4 38 Montreal I ti 00 8 20 Quebec Ia630 p. . a. m. r.Thomas,Lv 11 10; a 12 1 00 9 50 3 30 Waterford.... 12 2fi 3 24 3W 11 11 4 V, Weiland 153 4 42 5 12 12 41 06 Falls Vlew 1 119 N. Kalls. Oüt. 2 22 5 08: 123 6 35 Suarnndge. 2 35 5 20J 140 8 60 BüTALO to Detroit- Siandard Time. STATIONS. JJ 8, =BÍ.M E? Iw_Ül!l_ A. M. V. . Phlladcl'a..L 00 p.M 8 00 New York... 10 30 6 00 9 .5 Bocton, 8 30 3 00 7 X Woiceter... 9 50 4 20 8 !8 Sprimjfleld. . . 11 35 6 05 10 I6i Albany 8 OOpm 10 05 t 16 Utica 5 45 1233im 5 i5 Syracusc 7 40 2 00 7 SO Kochester.... 65 4 1 10 00 Uuflalo. ...Ar 12 15 5 50 12 15p a. m. a. M 1 Buffaio Lv 11 30pm 5 45 Oi 00 11 85 Scsp'nBM'ue 'á'H'" 'é#43 '.'.'.'. ií'sS N. FallB.OnU 12 45 6 55 ÍS 5 Falla View 7 04 105 Weiland 110 7 2tS 7 10 10 05 133 StrnomasAr 4 10 9 55 11 15 1 10 4 35 (uebec....Lv 2 30 10 00 Montreal, 8 00 9 00 Uttawa. A 1145 ÍS 35 Toronto, 8 10 105 St.ThomasLv 4 15 10 00 8 00 1 15 4 45 Detroit..,. Ar 8 OSam 1 Ojpm C 45 5 20p 8_4ó t Stops only to let off passengt re. i Stops only on signáis. O. W. KUGGLK8, H. W. HAYKS. G. P.fc T. Agent Am.. Ann Arbor. Chicago. Toledo, Aun Arbor & North Michigan Rallwai. TIME SCHBDULB. Totake effect at 12 o'clock, noon, 011 Sunday, Oct. 24th, 1886. Trains rnn by Standard Time. GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH ÍTTT -II! tí si P.M. A.M. A.M Lve. Arve a..p. MP m 3 40 10 45 5 30 Toledo 9 35 1 30 5 00 3 45 10 53 5 36 Manh'tn Jane 9 30 1 26 4 54 3 50 II 05 5 42 Alexis 9 28 1 19 4 4 4 02 11 30 6 57 Samarla 9 0? 1 04 4 30 4 15 11 59 0 18 Monroe June 8 5C' 12 40 4 15 4 25 12 08 6 22 Dundee 8 42 12 86 4 CU 4 37 12 26 6 32 Azalia 8 30 12 -5 3 53 4 48 12 40 6 42 Milán 8 22 12 13 3 40 5 05 12 59 6 55 Urania 8 09 11 54 8 25 5 15 1 10 7 05 Plttgneld 8 00 II 44 3 14 5 30 1 25 7 17 Ann Arbor 7 47 11 30 3 0U 5 45 1 48 7 30 L land 7 :fO 11 Vi 2 40 6 35 8 10 8 30 Ilowiil 6 36 10 20 1 42 7 30 4 25 9 30 Durand 5 43 9 30 12 53 7 52 4 58 10 03 Corunna 5 23 9 08 12 33 8 00 5 05 10 15 Uwosro 5 15 9 ' (' 12 25 8 05 10 18 Owcsso June .. . ! 156 110 9 15 1135 Ilnaca 7 4 10 57 9 33 1152 Su Louis 7 27 0 43 9 41 1159 Ain 1 7 20110 37 10 30 ÍS 45 Mt. Pieasant 1 I 30 9 45 South Lyon Braneli. NORTH BOÜND. STATIONS. SOUl'HBOUND. Triln 8 Trafn 7 j. m. p. m. 12 25 Lv. Lelands Ar. 2 50 12 35 Ar. Wordens Ar. 2 40 1 50 Ar Sonth Lyon Lr. 2 25 Connectlons: At Toledo, wlth rallroadsdlvergine; at Manhattan Jnnction, wlth Wheellng R Lake Erle R. R.; at Alexis Jnnction, wiih M. O. K. R., L. 8. & M. S. Ry. and F. P. M. R. R.; at Monroe Junction, witb L. S. A M. S. Ry.; at Diindee, wltn L. S. ét M. S. Ry., M. U. Ry.; at Milán Junction, with Wabaeh, St. Lonl & Pacific Ky ; at 1'ittsHuld, wlth L. s. M. . Ry.; at Ann Arbor wiiii Michigan Central R. !(., and at South Ljon wlth Detroit, LaDsing & Northern K. H., and Mich. A. L. Div. of Grand Tronk Ry. H. W. ASHLEY, General Supt. V. H. BENNETT. Gen'l. Pan. ABent. TIKIE ANN ASBOR SATOS BANK, ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $SO,OOO. Orcanized nnder tbe Genera] Banking Law uf thie SiHtr, the Btockboldore are individntilly Hable for au additíonal aoiuuut equal to Uu etoi k held 1-y thetu, therehy creatina a Guarantee Fuud tor (he benefit of Depositóte of $100,000.00. Three per cent. lntereBt Is allowed on all Snvings Deposita of one dollar and upwardtf according to the rules of the Dank and interest compounded semi-annually. Koney to Loan on nnlncumbered real estáte and other good securlty. DIRECTORS: CHRISTIAN MACK, Wm. V. HARR1MAN, W. W. WINKS. DANIEL HISCOCK. WILLIAM DEUBEL, WIIXAKU B. SMI1 H. DAVID UINSKY. ÜFFÍCERS: C. MACE, Pres. W. W. WINB8, . 'ce-Pres. . iL. HISCOCK. Cunhler. INSURANCE REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGKNCT OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hatnlltun Blick. Partles deslrlng to buy or sell Renl Eslate wlll flnd H to thelr advantage lo cali on me. I represant 15flrt-class Flre Iusurauci Compnnles, havlng au aggregate capital over }80,000,000. Rutes Low. Lossea llberally adjustcdand promptly pald. I alao Issue Life and Uivestment PollcleK in the New York Mutuiil Life Insurance ('ompany, Aasetts, $55,000. Persons deslrlng Accident Insurance, can have yenrly pollcies wrltten for them orTraveler's Coupon Insuranco Tickets lssued at Low rates In the Accident Insurance Company of North America. Mouev to Loan at Current Rutes. Otöce hours from 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, HamiUoii Kloek.


Ann Arbor Courier
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