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'VliO 10 UNACOUAIMTED WITH TMfc utuuruirni r ,r,.a . SEE BY EXAMIWINO THI8 MAP, THAT TH í-5ejí3 .¦Vaoi i W$iWatervTllS'' tJC v, e E-i& CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y Bv roason of it8 central posltion, close relation to principal Unes East of 9hJc';P SdSnuoliuoaat terminal points West. Northwest and Southwest lutho cïïly tme middle-link in that transcontinental system which invites and f acü' itates travol and trafilo in cither direction between tne Atlantic and Pacülc. 'f ho Koek Island main line and branches include Chicago,Joliet, Ottawa, ta SpJle, Peoria, Geneseo, Moline and Rock Island, in Illmois; havenport, Muscati.e, Wa'hinston, Fairflold, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, West LibertyIowa City, 1.ct i l iños, lndiïnola. Wintersot. Atlantic. Knoxville, Audubon, Öarlan, Out. rje , o and Councii Bluffs, in Iowa; Galiatin, Trenton, St. Joseph, Camoron.a..a unas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert : i Oft, 1 linneapoUs and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown in Dokota, aud hundrodo ei -tormodiate cities, towns and villagres. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAMD ROUTE utructuros of stone and iron. lts rolling stock is perfect as human skill canmakc it. It ha all the safoty appliances that mechanica! g-enius has invontod . nnil nxperience proved valuable. lts practical operation 13 conservativo and methodI irü-its discipline strict and exacting-. The luxury of lts passeug-er accommodcúons is uneaualed in the unsurpassed in the world. ALL EXPRESS TRAINS between Chicago and the Missouri niver consrt .f coinfortablo DA Y COACHES, magnificent PULLMAN PALACIÍ PARLOlt and SLEEPING CABS, elegant DININCJ CARS providinfr excellent mcala, and -bevoen Chicago, St. ioseph, Atchison and Kansas City-rostfiü RECLINING CHAIE CARS. THS AMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is fi3 direcT ivorite line between Chicapo and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Over ILiü -¦ juto üolid Fast Expresa Trains run daUy to the i.uinmer resorte, pictureequo lcautics and hunting and fiahinii grounds of Iowa aad Minnesota. Ino rica wliat üelda and grazing lands of intenor Dakota are roached via Watertowu. A chort dosirablo routo, via Séneca and Kankakoe, offer3 superior inducemcnti to taravelMS botwoen Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayetto and Councii Bluffs, St. Jorrph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minnoapolis, St. Paul and intcr"aiI classos of patrons, especially families, ladies and clilldren, receive from ofilciul and employee of Rock Island trains protectiou, rospoctfvü courtosy a d Tickcte, Mape, Folders - obtainable at nil rincipa.l Tickeï Offices Lata.' United Stu.te and Canada- or any deaired information, üddress, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, residont and General Manager, Chicago. General Ticket ..nJ Passender Ai;ent, Chicato


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News