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i lie Congregatlonal clinrcb nt SaJem, ís nearly comploted. Tlie beekttpcri !are in KUlon nt Ypsilanti to-day and to-morrow. Wm. Rlder, oí Balen, had two tumor removed from üis face recently. Tlie Chelsea C'reamery Co. luis introüuced a nciv system of gauging craam. An oyster supper ia to be given by che D 8Ü? ll'e SlllÍ"e 1re3byteriiu' elmrch _ Wm.Xeebling, of Manchester, is huildin; n $500 carriagc lor Conrad Lehn of tlie same place. Jas. Brown and Al ce Van Horn, botb of NorthflelJ, wera Binrried Nv. 18th by Kev. Mr. üelston. The Grand División of the Sons of Temperance commence their nnnual seasion at ipsllantl to-day, and continuo until tomorrow evening. Dr. Ramuy, nf Ann Arbor, delrrers hli lecture " Sky Woiiders," at tho M. E. Unareb, Chelsea, Frlday erenlng, d ,. Jü. It is a grand lecture. Wheat lo tliis oounty is said lo be looking exceptlonally line for tliis time ot the year, notwithstandinj; the dryuess of tlie ground.- Manchefter Enterprise. Mr. ind Mrs. K. S. Kinr of J5rd"-ewater township celebrated the ."iOth anniversary of their marrlage recently, and six of thfir Blght ohildren weie present. Tlie Wathtenaw connty dircetoriwhich has just been dellrered to IU subBcribers, is ool satisfactory to our people as t la full of errors.- Miinchfcgter Enterjirise. A (rentleman from New Voikcitv' who recently Inspected Xissly's poultry fann reponed it lo betheftneat establishment of the kiml in the country. - Saline Observer. Kil. Chandlei on liis return to Clielsea rrom New Hampshlre wlth bis bride nee Miss Hattie Graves, last week Wi tfey, wat ierenadd, and giren a hearty welcouie boma auil ;ni oysler tnpper. It s whiaperad that there is a sclieme bemg workod to batid manufaotory at Bast .Manchester and iitlie the water poner there. Wv ean't giTe any particular now. but should t lie écheme su. it wlll be n good thlng for Manchester.- Euterpriíe. C. T. Dewcv & Son Imve sold their livery business hero to a Mr. Jeiinin.'s, of Daviaburg, who takes possenlon n abont JOday. Mr. Dewey wlll return to his tarín Mear Sllver Lake. The íainilv have tieen restdents o( our town nc.-uh tlucyears aac] have made the acqualntam large circle of frienils aud neio-libors who verv mucli regret their departure.- South Lyon Picket. Tliere la considerable cora vil outabout the county, thou-rh the bulk of it has been taken care of. The erop bas proved nuicli better than was expected 2 nionths ago. Corn only brinfa 28 cents In the ear. the same as former years. This conntiy 'is go wide, tlmt no local sbortage in any erop affects the prlee as formerly. Forgetting tiiis tact haa canwd many to jet badly lelt this füll in their gpeoiilatloos tn dover wed and cora.- Chelaea Echo il is rumorea taai tfonday the T., A. A. & N. M. K'y will change thelr train service and put on ;i train startin;; frota here in the morntag And returnlng In the evenin-. it i-; alto said that the Companv have applied to coiijfress to gel the prlvf. lege to discontinué their line bctween here and Leiand. Mnch trouble Is experlenced in gattlng a rite tor a turn-table and water tank at Hamburg,, iv frelght, fora time, 11 transferred Ht ihls pomt us Uerttofore.- South Lyon Plcket. The total tax on assesseü propert ot the school tlistricts of öylvan township la as follows: No. l'fraetionn] with Lyndon 15.07 on f 1,000; No. 2, f7; No. '3 (r.utional with Lima (Chelsea distr'cM tS; ; f, Sp.30; No. 4 fractional with i.i„',H.' j-S4 ; Jo. 5 fractional with Sbaron, $8 60: No. G fractional with Gruss Lake, - No, 0 fraetioral with Waterloo and I.vntlon, 5.80; No, 7. $0.54; No. s fr.utinn al witli Lyndun. $ü.30; No. 10. H.60: No10 fractional with Lima, (5.96; fío 11, $9.50.-CUeIsea Hcralil, 1 ¦"¦¦ "1 While returningfrom Howell the other mornlng Gor. Ashiey happened to i-eat hunself near us, and we remarked to him of havmg been told tht a number of the stationsou the T. & A. A. line had W-n named from old sweethcarts of bit. He smilmgly replied: Urania isa constellation, Aialia a flowtr, and Nora and Lulu werc named for two little jflrla In Tolado, one a daujrhter of Cu-n. Steadmau and the other he (liáiemeiuberci! whora, both of tlie gentlemen were my tisociatesin oongress.- Mllan Journal. 1 üe larjte engravliis of (.en. ïpsilantl nowonexhlbltfooatStepbenwn'sjiallery over the postoffice, provesqiiite án attraction to the numerous patrons ol' tint popular establishment. The picture is thal of au intelligent military personage, wlth penetrattng eyes, Roman nose, b&h forebead, and apparently about torty-ñvo yean of age. Mr. Stephenaon has secnred Mveralgood negativos trom theengravmk, in order to meet a delire expreüed by sevcial for a picture of the Doted soldier in wliose honor oiir city waa natued - Ypsilantian. At the recent animal meeting oí the W. 1'. M. society of this, the Adrián district, ut Manchester, the fullowiii" oilicers were elected: Rrethtont.- Mi r. Hondrlekaon, A.nn ArVlo Presldents.-MrR. llamst-y Aclams Ann Arlmr. andStallcer Dlxboro Auams' Kec. Socretnry-Mra. Harding, Teoommb. ter 8ecretary-M's Emli Sowe, WanchmTreasurer-Mrs. K Clegg, Adrián, cbrolii"B 8tauili" oomtpltoei were LeattetH.- Mcxdames Woodwortb Caanlnsham, wd ivrk-lns. of Hiidson ' Mlt Box-Mr.Wm. Betuoñ, Adrián. P ïotoKrnplis-.Mis Ada Lynn, Kldgeway Arbor Members-Mrs' Uujr Julms,,,,, , mi ArirW f Exchal8e-Jlrs. K.iowlton, Anii Speoial Woik-Mrs. Johnson, Ann Arbor. Lnstwoek the Nogargas well wascased down f uil deptb, about ïüoo ieet, and the lupply of water ahnt out, afterwhlch iliilliDg proceeded when a new Bupply of water was struck afaln, nearly flllinii the well to the top with water. The oaglnff has been withdniwn and drillhiir resumed wltb the old sizo of bor, hoptnvsometime to flud aometblng beiUea lkne rock and water. Had luck and perpleiltioe have attended the workagreat portion ol the time during lts proeregi, and moil anyotberman than Mr.Nogarwoold lonn iloce have becoine ditcoaraoed and ai.andoned the work. Mr. Nogar deeerves the greatest success for hli unequaled enterprise and staylng qualitie, and Ifthere Is any tnith in the Mam that poöd luck is preceded by perpleiitiea aud bad luck, hewillyet recelve his reward.- Dundee Reporter. Supervisor (Mlbert's fruit ilryina house carne near burnlng ap one day lust week. 'l'lie oiiion business will be cxtcn.sivelv engaged In by iwamp huid farmers nexl Haioa, Look out tor a raluy year boy. The Vpsiluiiti Liglit Quard are to jii w r grand social at thelr hall, wlilch baa bc-n greatly Improved recently, on tlie evening ¦ fli-o. 10. and wili appear in tlielr brighl dresa uniforma, ío eaptivatlng t. tbe i iir sex, on tliat occnsion. Look out for i han! winter! Tlie corn Imsks are thlok, tha oíd lien has puton sorae extra feathers, tbe mtukrata have rnlsed tlielr domes, cordoroy nml calicó bave a strong affloity for eacli otber, aad matrimony u epidemie- Ex. Bhouid thlnk the obove rould Indícate a warm winter. Tho ik w iion briilífe' on ExchRn'tre Place is flnlgDed and so far iis we are able to le un glyeí generul tatiafactlon. Some would have bad t a few feet wider, others ihink it wide enougb. Oplnlons dlffer in iiiaiiv respect, but taking it all in all wc think tin; bridre is siiflicicnt lor on needg, look well, and will be a oy rorever. - Muncliestor Enterprise. The Oundee cheeêe factory has ctoeed business for tbe season. 'J'bc business of the season has been about the same sic RS that Of last, notw it listan. linir the lo?8 dnrtnji th torepart of the scason ol eral patrón s wlio were Induced to patronize tho Peteraburgb creaoiery. Cl has comiiiandcil a go nd price and thercfore the bniinesa will prove a very proüttble one, botli to patrons and factorv - Iteporter. i wo omr-ers ol tlie } psilantl liohemi.-m oat company, visitad Holly on Moiiday tojfei Jai Slocum, o f the AdvertUer, to retract BtHtementí In lila papar concerning their method of dolng business. They ínviti'd liini into a room ni tile liotel and threatened to whlp liini, but he did not scare worth a ceut, and outsiders hearing the racket, broke intn the room and proeeeded to mak It very lultry tor the Bobemlan oat anides. The men wcre glad to leare towD oa the flret train lo escape the angeror the pejjple.- Saline Obserrer. Among our oldest aml most respected í'itizens, is numt)ereJ Mr. and Mis. A. H. Botchktn, who oame from NTew York about lifty yean ayo nd tettled i the aouth-eastera part of Lodl township, and sinoereslded Ín tbls locallty. Mr. Hotolikin and wlfe liave traveled together in wedded life for58 vean, h.-irnK celebrated their golden wedding In 1888. Mr. 11. bas I ii a constant reader of the .New ï'ork Obierver forMyears, SOycais of whlch time lie has been a ateady subscrlber. He is in rellgious (alth a truc hlno Frwbyterian.- SaUas Observer. HE'S BUILT IIIAT WAV. From tiic Ypallaatlan. The Milan Journal has again bctrayed the trust of its conlidinr readers by thrustiug before them a ueanioglets collection of words, presented erideutly, as original poetry. There are niiie staiizas of the tblng, the Brrt whlch ia a fair sample of the wnole, being formed aa rollows: THe boys wUl go toclmrcl. tlic-1] go to ie I ¦ ntv 11 wniK arnmui lown all dnr, "" 'hou"." l!"le "le 8lrls to Opora Bcwom theyaln'l built that wy, The name of E. T. Burch s givcn as the author. We have not tlie pleusure of a personal acqtuintance witli Mr. Buroh, but theawful resultsof bls'efibrta Id tlie poetic liue ndicatcs to us tli;it- Ili-could del ve Ín a ditcli wltli roim! tftooi Ooald wn;sti wiiii fodder aod hay: Cciuld thu yard Irom eows aud hogs inotcet, He seeras to be built tliut w:iy. Hut he fails toconnect in the building of verse H s laoklog in bruin mntter greyletmlglitmasterapen-with n plg wltllln- Heseems to be built tliat wav.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News