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There is DO doubt about the lionest worth of Ayer's SftHtparilU as a blood purlfler. Thouumds, who Imve been benclitcil by its use, will attest its virtues. This remcdy cures liver and kldney conip'aiut, and eradloatea every trace of ffl MM frotn r, svstem. AYFD'Q Sugar-Coated ¦ tl II O Cathartic cornet torpid. ff the r ILiLmJ boweh are coiuiipated, or ir the itontach fallí toperform its fuDctiou properly.uu PUI. Tbey are luvaluablo. Fot Km vean i was a vietbn tn Uvtr Complalnt, lu conequenoe ot whleh 1 ¦Uffered (rom General Debility and IndlL-.'-tiiMi. A bw boxea ot Aver'i l'ill-i rettored me to pwfpct benlth W. T. Brightner, Hendeiiion, '. Va. For c;n I have n licii inore iipon Ayer'i filia thao anyüiing else, to Regúlate my boweb. The PITh are mild in .irti.m, anddolheirworkthoroiiirhly. I hme iised "'cm wiili k 1 pffect. in caw "f Ulieunmlism, Kidney Troulile, and Dvspepsla -O. V. UUIer, AUMwrougb, Ma' Ayci's Pilla ctircd me t Stornaeti and Liver troublcn, froiu wliicli I liad lullered for ycors. I uonstder thein the l,.-i , . , n - made, and wouM iiol b wltliout tlu-m Morris Gutes, ÜutriMvllle, Ñ. V. I was attaeked wiiii Bilioua Fever i followrd by JauodJce, uid u bo daRferounly II that bit frlendi depalred uf my racovery. l commenced Aj-er'n l'iü-, and joon reeained niv custoiuan Btrengtli nml vljjor. Johu ('. rattisuu, l.owill. Xebrasti. Ul iprinc I tuffeml -ir.itly rwn 3 troubleaonie buraor m mv de. ' In pite of everyeffort lociirc Ihïs eruption, t increated until ihe flpsh becama etitirel rav. I waj troubled. at the urne time, wllli Indigestión, and dltrealng polo In The Bowels. Rythendrlce of b friend I beau UklOf r' l'ill.-. In ;i slioil time I irna inZ Trom pnin, my food digested properly, Uie orea on my body commenred beatfnc nul. in le. ilian ,.i„. month, I :is cured. - Samui ID. V bJle, Atluutn, . I have Ion? uaed Ayert ritb, in my fainily, and beliere tltem to be Ibe best pilh made.- . C. Darden, Darden. Miss. My wifo :inl little gir wen taken wiih Dyaenterv a few clayg ,¦,_-,,. Bnd I at once bemin Kjvinf tliem smal] doses of Aver! Pili, thinking I would cali a doctor f tlir disease becamc an worxc In slion lime the bloody discharges stopptd, all pain went nway, aud hcaltii u restoi-ed. 'J tüoUmoud.Va. Ayer's Pilis, rreparctl l.y Dr. .T. ('. Ayor i Co., Lowtll, Mui. SolU l.y all Dralera iu Mcdlciue. THE INTER OGEAN OF CHICAGO In Oirfulivtlon nnd Politfcal Influente la th Leading Rfpiiblican tespaper IN THE NORTHWEST. THE INTEU OCRAN has from the befflnnlnff been the diender of home tnstltutlons nnd American Ideas. It ta ftdvocata i equal ligrhts tor all beftre the lnv.-. nt "prote ctlon to American labor, and kt America Is for AmerlcKiis-not nOcesnrlt by birth. but true cmzena of the Ropubln It .m ui the Went and men. bolda te tin :dn tht tho ftiturO seat of eiaplrowi; ippi Valley, and la bold and ajf: ¦ oppoeiUon to the unholy alli¦.iniij-.changWB of New York ClU' Hiid the Stutos lately in rebelUon. DCEAN is earneatly In ftr of th Repu hl muse it belevea Che principie ofthatpnrty are correct, and thnt, honeatly carried out. they will beat protest the rlghts and advance The tnterests of the whole people. It la not. however. a Mind follower. but Is always ready to denonnre Republican ivirmip-rtolna, eiWier in high or low ji OCEAN hasRUvnya maintained that the Niiti..ii la under an obllg-ation to the aoldiera of the lat r. who leopardïzed their 11 ven to protect It from ni-meri treason, whlch it can never repay. naquntly, has advocated thO establishnifiii ol EIoUM and the enactment of uch pm - would Ira e no disabled vetran In IER OCEAN 1 not xccllod in th iTnited States. Astde from the ervice OClt4 d I'ress, in which it holds a mom berantp. it keepa a larpre body of Special Correpondents, both in this country and in the Old World, and lina LBASED TELEGRAPHIC WXRB8 iontuTtinfr it Culcago office with WA8HINOTON nrt NEW VORK, n both of which citiea It h.8 SPBCIAI NRWq BUdJtAUS and maiatatiin I (ifTlcea. TG Day ínter Qcean Is publlsbed every day in the year. I' Lustt'r ol Snitj, - - S S.00 fn hv " S ! - - - 10.00 ¦¦ '¦ The Semï-W)eely ínter 0oean Ispubllnheri on VONDAYS and THURSDAY8. anti contnlus the N'ows condensad trom the Daily. Amonir other atures. THE 8KMIWEEKI.Y prints the Sermona of Prof Swing nnrt othf-r leadïng MiüL.ter.- "t Chttragro. I 'ri e, sï.."o per Vr. The VJeely Jnter 0cean I f. HST CIRCULATION of any weekly paper West of New York. ¦hp the redurtlon of pald for I'OHl AGi: ON C! RCUI.ATION alone over $36, 0 1 ln.r I.OO !.!- Venn ¦ is fti to make THE WKEKLT f '.!¦ WSI'APER. on" iIim ( ' n n b taken Intö nv Amlly vrkh proflt to anA uther liter¦ "f the ablest aud lm Ong them re MR8 ; -S JKWK'IT anrt OWBrtlDQS LATHROP : A. Hnd E. P. ROE. rihe paper whlch have made n HE HOMK CIRCLK wlll I ad. and DOtblnM win be In the front rank an A .SO: l'KR. SPECIAL OFFERS. Thsr 13 ft Krat rtemand fiom nll parta of the country (or n DOrTVOl bilt rheap Hlstory of the United Statea Most of Miirh books bi' so larga f tis to bn out of the NMch of most i-t (rirl ouffht to b famil ¦ tnelT country it can hardIpna THE IKTER ¦ innn(fenients by whith KrowiV Historyofthc United Staten Can tie d"ored wlth I V INTER OCKAN. low rato of 9NK IdLI.Ai: AND FIFTY CRNTS nnd jmper. .i rllWTlttaii ntory of ¦ arllaai wttlenit-nt to the prdüttit n al] pvlnted in clenr type, on yood wh irt bound tn cloth. It contntni 'NS nnd over S1X ¦ ' ni. m .i yin y iy A PilKMim TO VGEKT8. Cl V INTKR OCKAN la Ui) peraon sndintf four yearly iiied by th ¦ will end th. ni A COI'Y OÍ i ORÏ PRBS. Alniont ¦ - - iibserlbetr. aiul bt tl huok' J fJk I l.i; mi. _ i; ,v in smt.) of i ui: : m r;; w itk ". l;.V; ,VA ATI VKJfTS plas of Hiiy adlttOB of THE INTIdH Ramli our risk, either by draft, r l expreas orders, postal i ¦ i Motiny rtom n ¦ mi Mndlng ¦ THE INTER OCEAN,


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