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1887. Harper's Magazine. ÍILLTJ8TRATKD....

1887. Harper's Magazine. ÍILLTJ8TRATKD.... image
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1887. Harper's Magazine. ÍILLTJ8TRATKD. Ilarppr's Magazine during 1SS7 wlll contaln a novel of lutense, politlcal, social and romantic Interest, entltled "Narka"- a story of Kusslan llfe- Hy Cathleen; O'Meara; a new novel, entltled "April Hopes," by W. D. Howell's, "Southern Sketches," by Charles Dudley Warner and Rebecca Harding Davls, illustrated by Wrn. Hamllton Glbson: "Social studies," by Dr. B. T. Ely ; "Great American Industries"- contlnued ; further arllcles on the Ralhvay Problera by competent wrlters; new series of illustrations by E. A. Abbey and Alfred Parsons; artlcles by E. P. Roe, and other nttractlons. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAIt: HARPKR'S MAGAZINE S4 00 HARPEB'8 WEEKLY 4 00 HARI'KK'N BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOÜNQ PKOPLB 2 00 HARl'KH'H FRANKLIN SQUARE LIHRARY, One Year (52 Nuinbers) 10 00 Postaye Free to all snbtcribers in ttu United StaUs or Canada. The volumes of the Maoazink begin wlth the Numbers for June and December ofeach year. When no time is speclfled, subscrlptlons wlll begin wlth Number current at time of recelpt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine, for three years back, in neat clotli binding, wlll besent by mail, postpaid, on recelpt or $3.00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents ench- by muil, postpaid. Index to Haiipkk's Magazine, Alphabetlcal, Analytical, and Classlfied, for Volumes 1 to 70, inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, IStó, one vol.. 8vo, Cloth, $4 00. Remittiiiieos.should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. iVewspapers are not to copy Mii advertiêement witliout the (pres order oj II a kkiík & Bkothkhs. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. 1887. Harper's Bazar. ILLU8TRATKD. Hahpeu'ï Hazah combines the cholcest Illerntureand the tlnest art illustrations wlth the lniet f.i.shions and tlie most useful fainlly readlng. lts slories poems and essays are hy the best wrlters. and lts humorous kilclies are unsurpassed. lts papers on social etiquette, decorativo arl. housekeeplng in all lts branches, cookery, etc , inake lt Indispensable in every household. lts beauttful iMshlon-plates and pattern-sheet suppleriii'ins euable ladles to save many times the cost of subseiiptlon by belngthelrown dressmaken. Not a Une is admltted to lts columns tliat could shock the most fastldlous taste. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR: HARPER'S BAZAR $4 Ou HARPBK'8 MAGAZINE.. 4 00 HARPER'S WEEK I. Y ."." 4 00 HARPER'S YOUXO l'EOI'I.E 2 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LÍBRARY, One year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Pjttage Free to all subscriben in lu United éitatgs or Canada. The volumes ol the Bazar begin with the flrst number for January foreach year. When notlme is meiitloued, aubscrlptlons will begin wilh ttie Number current at time of rece ipt of order. BoBBd volumes of Hauper's Bazar, for three years back, In neat cloth binding, wlll besent by mail, postage paid. or by expresa, free of expense (provided the frelght does nol exceed oue dollar per volume), for f7.00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, sultnble lor binding will be sent by mail, poslpaid, on recelpt of 1.00each. Rimittumv should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avolii chance of loss. JVMMfMJMn nre not to copy iftij adverlisemont withoul the txprisi unlrr o] 11 aiu'kh & BkothKKS. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York. 1887. Harper's Weekly. II,LUSTRATED. IlAitri:u's Wkeki.y malntalns lis posltlon U l he Irmlnig illusi nitfd newspaper In America: mul iis imiii lipón public eateera and oonftdenca was nevcr slruiiger lliau at the pM-cnl tune. BeHiile the pictures. Haki'Kits WbrKLY always conlulns liiKlalmeutR of om f, occMtonally iwo, of the best novéis of II "¦ l:iy, tlnely llluatraMd, wlth short storles, [mm-mis, sU'l'hfs, iinü papers on Important ourrcul toplOH by Ihe most popular wrlters. The care that luis been ¦acctmfüllv erer. ei el In the piuttomakaHAPBR's VVekki.y a safe as well ns awaloomi ni-ltor t' evei-y üouselniiil wlll uot be rLkixcd In the Tulliré II.VRPER'S PERIODICALS. PER Y KA II : H MU'KIf I WKKKI.'l $4 00 IIAUI'KHS M (iAZ!NK 4 00 BARPKU'H BAZA.R 4 00 HARFEUH Y(i;.N(i I'EOPLE 2 00 HARPER'H FRANKLIN BQUARR 1,1BRARY, ono iM Nombera) 10 00 P.iitnqr Frrr to uil xubtcribers Ui the United Sates or Canada. TIn' Volume of Ihe W'kkki.y beKln wlth lie llrsi Number fur Janaary of eneh year. When on Uni6ln mentloned, rabaorlptloui v 1 1 1 baaln wllh Ihe Number oorrent at Urn Boaiid VolomeM f RASPSB'fl Wkkkly for bree eora back, in neat olnth binding, wlll ie si m by niiiii, poklxge pald, or by expresa, ree ot expenntl tin1 lic'jhtdoesnot izoeed ono dollur per voluioe), for Ï7.uo per Tolumc. Cloih cases ;or eaeli volume, laltable lor iliuliiiR, wlll lic nl by mail, poslpnld, on eoelpl ..i i oo each. Remlttuncea ihonld bo made by Poal Ofüce Minicv Order ir liiafi, lo avold chance ol oss. Nivtpaper ar nu to COPV tiitt aJ;crti$?mcnt oiilioul the expressonler uj Haiu-kuA HkotiiEBS. Aililress HARPER „t IiltOTHERS, New York.


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