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Rege nts meet Dec. 7. Friday, December lOth, the Schubert Qitartet n University Hall. Burbank, the fatnous reader, it university hall, on Friday evening next. Prof. Winehell is down to Memphis aiid New Orleans, taking ia an excursión of geologlsls. Prof. Stowell was called to Northville yesterday, by tliu severe illness of oe of hls brolher's famlly. Judge Cooley has gone to Columbia, S. C, to be present at and deliver an addraM before the Southern Bar Association. Last Monday he ealled upon President Cleveland In Washington. The Palladimn editors should have the credit of belng the most industrious of any similar boarJ fir years, and they are going to give the public the handsomest and best Pallailium ever iisued from the uu i vers i ty, too. The uuiversity had two distinjruished visitors during the week. F. H. Buchanan, Fellow of All Soul's Uollege.Oxford, Eng., and li. Preston Bruce, son of the late Lord Elgin, forinerly Qov. General of Canada. Tliey are on a tour of inspectiou of the schools of the United States. Friday night last the prohibitionists in the university advertised a great jollificatiou meeting in the law lecture room. Our reporter dropped in to partake of the great joy of the occasion, and to his astonishinent was overpowercd with the glooin of just 12 jolliliers, all afire with tuerejuvenatlng spirits of jolity. Saturday evening, Dec. 4th, the Alpha Xu Literary Society gives a Víctor Hugo program. A biographical essay will be read by C. V. Nafe, and a critical essay by A. B. Curtís. Select reading will be givcn by Hiss C. E. Chamberlain. A general discussion will be opened by a paper by V. Ii. Antlsdell, on "Victor Hugo the Poet." Good music will be furnished. The exereises open 7:15 standard time. All interested are invited to be present. No, no, tbis cannot, catinot be true! For years and years every little prank of Ann Arbor students bas been herilded over the state, and terrible lectures given them by the state papers. Now comes the Hillsdale Standard with a mild account of a student prank at the llillsdale College. But in some way it was not telegraphud all over the state, as it would been bad it occured here Yes, 'twaH very funuy, very, very funny, but siioulil the oïfleen of the law get hold of tlie fellow ¦ si inlruts of course), wliu stole the ciri, and hydraut wrenches from tbe englne house, took them to the college, atlached the bose to the hydrant, put the Dozzle llirough a. wlndow of Pro, ilayua' recltallon rootn.lurned on the water and let It run for about three hours last Wednettday ulght, It wouldn't. be quite so mlrtbful. If a person desires to look at a magazine or periodical at the general iibrary for a minute or two lie bas to go througb forinalitics gulllciont to entille him to an introduction to the Sultan of Turkey. He mustn't raise his voioe nbove a wbisper; he must go out llke a llttle man and get his cap, coat, etc. checked - (to stuff said c;ip in his pocket would be a breach of the rules, calling for imincdiate bouncing) - lie must write his pedigree on a piece of pappr, togethur witli n complete andtuccinct history of the pcriodlcal he desires to scan, and on do account must he make np faces at the low-spoken, smoothfaced asaistant; wbo is supposed to C;iny in the portion of lii auatomy tlial wavos and sways above hls ehoulders, all the knowledge tliat is coiitained In the poor little magazine which he magnanlmouslv allows you to carry on tip-toe to a scat and desk in the opposite portiou of thu room. I


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