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BACH & A 9 EL' 3 COLUMN To-morrow, Thnra...

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BACH & A 9 EL' 3 COLUMN To-morrow, Thnrada} , bcing the linie linnorcd and now matcrializcd "Thankugivlng laj ' tucording lo our uim tlii store wlll bc closed. I5WII & ABEL. Amid llic wraisgle and jungle abont Wraps and Jackets we wlsh to announce for the benefit of those wlio Uve at a dlstance that we are tho cloak house of the city and the place where the cloak business of the city Is done. - We hcar that one or two stores who keep n llttle of everythlng, mix In a few oioaks along wlth the general conglemeratlon bul we have a room forcloaksexcluslvkly, a oloak centre or sort of headquarters for cloaks If we rany so express lt. The Ladlcs of Ann Arbor, look upo usas an authoiity In thls Une of buslnes and don't venturo to buy without flrst cora Ing hore. As we long fcgó prcdlotéd Seal Plu? Garments are more; In demaud this Season aud therefore, more popular than ever before. This to some exlent is due to the fact that they aro nffered In more ahapes than heretofore. One of the most popular garmntsamongourlargea8sortmentof Plushes Is a short Wrap, Just loug enough In the back to set gracefully over the drapery of the sklrt and just enough longer In front to allow of a benutlful curve over the hlps. It Is made of a beautlful quallty of Seal Plush, lt is llned "'"' uiaiicnesioi piain satín, ana Isflnished at tho bottom wlth a doep Plush ball trim mina, and at the neck and In front with heavy loops and ornamenta of real Seal. It has the deep Oollar and CuffH to be found In all really handsome garraents and has the further vlrtue of belng very moderate In prlce. IdtHI come ncxt to Rcnl Plushes as popiilw material for fine wraps. v Hlmu ¦MÜttült made up of fabrlcs of both one and two-toned effects, in a number of shapes ani trlmmpd In many different stylea. Frenen Hare wlth taüs belng the favorito TrliumlDg for the longer and beavler garments. If we had spaee wo might go on forever and de serlbe Wrnpa. The sum of lt all U that In Ladk-s Wraps we have the world's products and cun meet any demand i n Slze, Style anc Prlce. Whea on exhlbillon they whlsper Paris, Berlin, Philadelphia and New York. Localize your taste and we will meet lt Generalizo your taste and we wlll meet thal too. Scrutlnlze your pocket-book In Wrap relation. We have antlclpated that too. For Mls?es the tight, single-brensted Newmarketseems to be the top coat of the Season. Plenty of varrtety, however. In thl one garment. Capes, short and long. Hoods. polntod and square. Neither hood nor cape, Plaids or cheoks. Plaln Dlagonals and face goods. Several styles of nnlsh in the back. Prlces very Low. Lower than you have any Idea of. Everythlng for Chlldren. Everythlng covers a wlde Held even In top coatí. Yet we say everythlng. . Four weeks ago we had CO Dozen Kid Olovei, flve-button-length at 65 cents. Our former prlce, $1.00. Just half are gone. All Tans. Poople who are bayldg cold weather Underwear from us, are gettlng one hundred per cent. for the use"or thelr money. U 7ÏV4Scln1ts"lle8 VeStS entS reaI vaIuei One case of Ladies' Vests 75 cent, real valne w cents. Oneíl20e f Lalles' Vests' real va]oe One caé of Ladies' Vests, $1.25, real valué One case of Ladies' Vests SI. 50, real valué $ 1 i .". The best Ladies Henriet Vests in the city ia our $1.00 quuliy. Excellent quallty of Gents' Scarlet Shirts and Drawers, $1.00 tlils week. We thlnk them very chenp. You will them lïnd clieipwlien you examine them. Ttipy are clieap nu doubt ahout lt. BLAXKETS! BLAXKETS! Do you want a Blanket. Remember the slze. The most Important part of a Blanket is that tliat keeps on, the part you tuck in, the part yon dem't buy, the part that glves you no warrath- that Is why you don't buy lt, take cold and go for the doctor. The doctor knnws better. He don't leep under llppery Rlankets. Thenext thlng to think of l how much does it weigh? How much does lt cost? How much a pound not a pair. One case of Blankets 2 00, cheap at t 2 50 One case of Blankets S4.00, choap at $5 00. One case of Blankets $5.00, cheap at6.U0. Full line of Gray Blanket f rom $? to %G BACH & ABEL. Celebrated The best shoe yet for the Best American Calf, Button, Lace and Congress, all cut Seamlcss Hard wear in every pair. GOODSPEED & SONS 17 South Main street. Eslate of Caroline Ronse. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty of Washtonaw, At á pcwion of the Probate Conrt for the Oounty ol Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office. In the city of Ann Arbor, on Tnesday, the 30lh dar ol November, in the year one thousand elijht hnndred and elghty-slx. Present, Wllliam IJ Uarrlman, Judge f Probate. In the matter of the eitate of Caroline Rouse deceued. ' On readlnj; snd iling the pelltlon, duly yerlfledof JeftV-rann c. Kom -, prayinir that admlnistratton ui satd esia'c may he tfranted to ('omatock K. Hiu, or Bomo other auitable perron. Thereapou tt l ordered, inat Monday, the 27th day of December neit, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, bc assiirned for the hearing of said petiiion and that the deviseea, leeatees, and heirs at law of aid deceaocd, and all other persons interested In aid estáte, are reqaired to appear at a cfsion ol eaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Offlco, In the City of Ann Arbor. and how canse, ir any tbere le, why tha prayer of the petitioner should nol betrranted. And it Is further onlfri'il. that naid petitloner give notice to the pereons interested In sald estáte, of the pendency ol said petitlon, and the hearinir thereof, by causint; a copy of this order to be publlshcd In the Ann Arhor Vouner, a newspaper prlnted and circulating In said county, three succeesive weeks previous to id dny of hearlni. (A trne cony.) W1I.LIAM D. HARRIMAN, Judre of Probate. WM. O. DOTY, Probate Résister. 18Z7-1.W).


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