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The Greatest Tonic And Appetizer

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Ever Produced. Compounded from Roots, Herbs and Barks. No Poisons nor Opiates Used, A Sure Cure for all Kidney and Liver Complaints, and a Posi tive Proof Against Bright's Disease. A Remarkable Cure which is 1SL A Wonder iul Oocürrunce. ii f i h Kl ASt ' r . i i. i . . ut '. ii.? Iackson, Muy aS, 18S6. ï' "v no.incl 11 Sclatic Khcumalisin. He (javi Rheumatic Syrup Co.: A .'¦'".! MS ¦ iïi : -- JjHBl 111..1 .lun. i iji-clion 111 m% ii.:lu -!i..':!.ki , which Gentlemen- Kor ten yrars I have been a Rreat sBÜÉBL-ÍÜ rcsulu-.l in p'u-.ilvzinu in m-jIii i .'. 1 ;!¦. k.i.t íercr from Dyspepsia and Neuralgia. AboottwelvC ,.L .Ut' ' uflucncfl ol 1 il !; t M ren. years ftgo my kidneys and Hver becatne dixeated, my w,-, . - M riiflil Icu and 1 hiul hucoiu li whole ystein doraiged, my stomach bacante eak, Bn, inv jolnlt n ero s. siill tn il ui '.( Ia and I was attacked willi the worst lorm ol Dyspi-p , -r. SF iiction'in ilum. Alvml üimI iimc I .'iiliniK-il Ilia ski, which Ij.stt-d until (uite recenllv. Abnul _ , -=l3' -¦¦¦'¦¦ ust "! :lt '" ''¦ M1'i' s' ' ¦¦ lv ' I l'i l hu.11 U ame time pyspcpsiji took sn lirm a hold on nw ¦ .V.tJHHuF)', . vjíi : ¦'¦;-:-Ü==:::: "f vom 11:1 itic ."vru: :irnl . ir it. ralgia set in, soinetimes attackinu me in llie lu:n -jWHfc:- --H,-'-. Aiul here U-I . llns l.u-i . 1 ounninl aliout thr temples, then in the back ot mv neck ai.,1 .- aBgJL -" (il 'l "u r'' ht ;m.l It" n sliiunl n, shoulders, then in my stonmih. The sullirini; .uil - isSÊKÈgKR ÈSëk ¦'"' w':l' ¦ .1 s" "inch lh;it I enull h. nll treme pain which I have endurcd the nasi twelvc r Ë twiiiL' nl"iv, mul th:it hut littl,-. iiu.l alleri 'ol u ilh years is more than I can describe. I have tiikeii ¦¦¦¦¦B EZ. ' K1.!! -li..r' .ml pain. Mnfc I Leen (l. 1.: nearlyevery medicine I could learn or hearol; h.i HB yourSjrup 1 liivc Kit uil the hm of ,rlrk employed the most skilltul physieians. Dr. Slinou, JSBKQ SP fntirely, :.r.,l oniy use a ram-, :in I tor the 1. oneof the best and ahlest doctors ot our city, ollu.: H 3S u.ií.s 1 uftcii fory-t it ml walk illioul ,uiv aid. 1 o US Main trect, doctorcd me for a lonf tune, in.l g 'WSTr s..v I aiu 11 ijipy, and Ihat il Ims ureallv l i„ riu.l can testify as to the seventy of my disease. 1 never ggg t&ËZÊÊMkii "e bul pnorly exj,. .s my idea ol sutceeded in cettinit anv permanent relief unlil I : - Syrui) Vmirs tnilv, had uscd Hibbard'l 1 Rheumatic Syrup. I have -gHg7 C. D. DliNK), De.iler i'n (; CriKvriev. gaincd ten jxninds of lli-sli in seven weeks. 1 lic ' 55L '2MHSE=r cor 'i', ti[ -,n,l M,v h St sallowness which so disligured my complexion "í5=sH JtBE&iríS .,,.,,,, ,, , . ,.' and caused me years of sorrow has 'been entirely 'r' l ", ' '""' '" i' "V" " '" """ ""n" removed, and my ecneral hcalth is letter than il has ÍTmmm?7ZL. mimity.anJ wa probably the ivorat rlk pllyaibeen in thirtcen years. The severity of llie NeuralUIDU ADn C callv of any m.m this cunlrv ew r vnv. li. Aas eic pains had caused a contraction of the imiM les, niDDrtílL' J p.iraly.ed lro.11 Kluumatic is,.n. ! „.) onc ev.r or nerves, un the rittht side of my face to such ar. " . ¦¦--. fc. CXpected he would et weU. II. 1 well, though, rxlcnt as to partially close my righ't eye, which your DLIL fin ATlf :"" " ' siniplv inarvelon. llie statement Syrup has cntirelv cured. 'My face and eye ara g M Su W I VI i I 1 made ly hun is true, and 111:1 De fully rclicU upon, restarcd to their natural state. I most chwrfullv - _ , __ . , __ 1 ani truly, recommend it to any alllicted in likc manner, or lor VYkI ID KRANK L. SMJTH, general debilily. Very respectiully, W I IT.WK Kx-Memixr Sute Ijflslnture, and prnprictor Hard Mks. A. D. NOBLE. AVD lluuse, J:i.-kson, Midi. Corner Mechanic and Mason streets. Hibbard'l Rhcoinalic Syrup is pul up in lari;e Hibbard's Rheumatic Srup is put up in largo TJ T rUTTV O 41 O PI Q QTPfC! hnttta, nd is -old hy draiofint ¦. i.-l ly. l'ri.e bottles, and is sold by dniKisti pencrally. Pnce Xtll" 111110) LIO lldÖlOlÖi i.oo, or x botU for $too II r tlruin' dom $i.oo, orsix bottles for 85.00. If your druréist doei nol hav, 11 write and i n-ml 11 in any not have it write us and we will senil il to any A o.4ÍS -F-r +V,a T31rt-1 aildre on receipl ol i.ri. -e. Ir, i ¦.;,. ,i,,,,il. Scn.l address on receipt of price, freight prepaid. Serid J. bPOClilC IOP XHO X51OOCI lor our medical rwmplilet. for our medical pamphlet __,-$.ANDi UII.AMATK S' IITW RHEUMATIC SYRUP CO.. ._ , "t'"'T" Sok) unnufacuirers. .l. l. n. Soie manuiacturers, jackson, Mich. A Eegulator of the Liver and juclueys. There is no Eemedy known that equals this "NATTJRE'S SPECIFIC" for Removing Blotches and Brown Spots and all Skin Eruptions from the Face, thereby Beautifying the Complexión, Giving a Bright and Clear Expression to the Eye. IT CUBES IT CUBES RHEUMATISM. Malaria and Headache. IT CUEES " IT OTTBIES Sorofula and Sált Rheum. All Blood Diseases.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News