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AKlMc POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powilernover vnrlea. A marvel of pu'Ity, stfnu'tli and whoh'someness. More ecoloinlcal I tix.ii the orilltinry kinds, and camiot je boIü 1u competltlon wlth the nmltltudc "f ow teKt, Rhort welght, lum or phosph.ii. lowilcrs. Solil onlv In raiin. Koyal Knklns l'owder í?o.. 1O0 Wall st.. N.Y. SCALY, ITCHY SKIN, 4.11(1 all Itfhin? and ScuTy Skin and Scalp Diseases Cured by Cuticura. PSORIASIS. Fezc-m, Tetter. Ringworm, UAen l'ruritus, Sr!d llead, Milk Ci ust, Dandrnft'. iarbers' Bakers (rocera' and Wa;herwomwn": Itco uid cvory species of Helling. Buruinj;, Scaly, Plmjly Humor of the bkin and Scalp, witti uss of [I&lr are poslüvely cured byjC'uticura, the cre&t -kiii (ure, and Cuticura Snap, and exqnii e skin BeaaUOer exu-rniilly, and Carteare Weolv-nt. tlie new UI iod ïmtler internally, wheti ph. -icmn iiid all uiher remedies mil. Psoriasis, or Scaly Skin. I. lohu J. Case, D. D. 8„ Imvtng practired denttstry In this county for thirty-flve years and hcinu vvell kuowu to thounnndH hert-ubotits, wlth a view to help any who are fflicted as 1 have beeu lor the iaít twelve years, testify that ihe Cnticurn U-iikv 1ies cured me of Psoriasis, or tcaly Skin, in eiirht iays, after the doctors with whom I had consulted ave me no help or encouracmeDt. Newton, N. ƒ., JOHN J. CASE, D. D. S. Distressing Eruption. Yonr Cut'cara Remedies performed a wonderfui cure last nummer on one of our cnatomerp, an ld gentleman of peventy yeara of age. who ufrcren with h fearrully ditreeeinir erupllOD on hip ir;i'l and face, and who had tried all remedies and to no pnrpone. Texarkana Ark. J. F. SM1TH & CO. Dustpanful of Scales. II K. Carpeatér, N.T., cured of Psoriani or leprocy, o twsnty year-' standing, by Uuticura liemedii's. Rn mot wonderfnl cure on reconl. A dustpanrnl of schKí! feil from him daily. Pliyglcian and liis friendo Ihought he mast die. Eczema Radical Cured. For the radical cnre of an oh -tírate case of Kczema of lonp stAudinii, I jrive eutire credit to t'hf Cuticura lieuudles. New Haven Ct B. B. BICHARDSON. Sdld by all Drogu'ift. Prlce: Cdticub, ¦ "'-.: übsolvïnt, sl.OO; Soap, 25cts. Potter Dkdo and Ciikmicil Co.. Boston. Henil"H w li nr. skin Mm.hc " T3T? A TflfY the Complexión and Hïin by ijLjii. U usin? the ii niTiiA Soap. EIT FEELS GOOD! 'rtio?1 ¦ worn out with I'alns, AchfK and wi-aknest'e tl ml relie ved In m mimi!. h i iiticurn Autii'niii l'later. At Dmil'l'í-is, 26 CONSTITUTIONAL CATARRH. No sinile dlMM haa unUilled more suff.irliiKor hastened the hre.ikin up of the coDstitutlou than Catarrh, The neiise of nmell, of taste, of sight, of lieanns, the human volee the mind- one or more, aud pomi-Umes all, yleld to tt doetroclive luflaence. The polion it diKtrlbntef throtifhout tin1 system and breaks up the most robust of constitutions. iKiiored.becauau but llttla understood, by most plivsidans, ioapotently assaUed by qnacks and charlatans, those suffering from lt have little hopo to be relleved of lt this side of the grave. It ík Üme, theu, that popular treatment of this terrible dtaease by remedies within the reach of all pjiened into hiuds at once competent and trnstwirthy. The new and hitherto untrled method apoptcd hy Dr. Sandlord In the preparatton of hls liaillcal Uure has won the heartv aiproval of thousinds. Il is instantaneuud In atTording relief in all head cold, meezing. sunflllDK and obstructed bratl)lng, and mpidly removes the oppresilve symptoras, clearing the head, sweeteninfj the bre.ith, restoring the senses of tmell, taste and hearing, aud neutralizlni: the conBtltutional tendencyofthe disenae towards the lUDga, BW and kldneys. Saniifobb' RAPirAl, ('t'BK consists of one bottl ui tuu Radical Cube, and one box of Catiiaural Reshi.vknt, and one Imi-koved I Ml AI, Kit; piitr Ifl.' U. RHEUMATIC PAINS. m Neuraleic Sciatic, Sndden, Sharp and 'Ak, Ni-rvous l'alns aud strains ltelleved fmj in MliinteJbytheCutloura fW Antl-Paln Flantcr, the mout per ?V fect antidote to pain aud lnflamalion, JkVver componnded. New, original. In-mi.iaiieouí, infalllble and safe. At all drUftk'Iit, ¦air.; fw$1.00: or postage fre, or ol Potter Draf? and Chemical Co., Boaton, MMt. 1887. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTBATED 1VEEKLY. Harper's Youno Peoplk has been called the model of what a perlodlcal for yoong rca.liTh minlit t be,"aud tbe Justlce of this Cüinmendalliin Is ninply Hiistnlned by the Inreclrculatlon it has attalnod both at home and In Oreat Hrltaln. Thls success] has been reacbed by methcxls that unust commeud themselves to the Judgment of parents. no leHS than to the tasws of chlklren-iiamely, liy an eaniesl aud well austalned etrort to provide the best and most attracllve reaal ng foryoung peopleala low prlce. Tlie illustratlons are -opTou and of a coplously high stundiird of excellence. An epitome of everything that U attractivt nnd dcsirablc in iuvenile litcrature.- Boston Courier. A weeklyfcast of good things to th boy and ({iris in every family which it visita -Brooklyo ULion . . lt is wonderful in its wealth of pictures, information and interest.- ChristUn Advocate, N. Y. TKKMS : rostage l'repaid, $il Per Ycnr. Vol. VIII. commenccê November t, 1886. Single numberH, 5 cents eaoh. ReinlltauoeH sliould be miulu by Poiit-Offlee Mum y Order or Dratl,toVOfd chance of loss. Newspaiier ar' nol to copij adverttiemrnl without the exprens order oj Haiu-kk & Bhothiis Address HAKPER 4 BROTHERS, New York. 3(Blïw JAMKH O, III. MM ¦ JBI 1 Qutiwlls all ollifr bookK. HonÊB?- ,j J. K Wlfleof Va..says: " ï'Ao,i ( r BW ffi tak it ut', no mtitlt r ufa ttisr he ¦ Vi Mr. Blaine't n. .ui or ji. iv, ¦B, bJ u-ill never jntt it tlou-n uiñü Fifi VkmA I"" retid Ihe whole." II n. AII n wËLtkÊ Êg (- 'l'lniniian, sa.VR: "A claiMio t .Ss DHR in our KiUHrul hMory." ¦ AeiiiW nnti'il on c nuv ¦Mte siun or Hulary. AtMrcss, Ei In.. Biuthtn,


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