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For forty yeara, Ayer'sCtierry Pectoral ïas been demon strated to be the most reiable remedy in use, for colds, couglis, and hing diseuses. Sliglit colds ahonld not )e neglected. The Pectoral will prevent lieir becoming chronic. (Respect gray liuir especiullyyour own. If yoti have a place of business to be buiid there when wanted. To when yon are yoiuif: that you m&y tpend wlien you are old. Day and Night Puring :tu acute attack of Bronchitis, a eeatéleaa tickliiis In the tliro:it, imd an exhautting, dry, hacking cdugh, ufflict thn snlTiTi v. l.rp is ImiiNhi'd. and KTOat proitratton foltow. 'l'liis dlwiM U also Rttendcil wlth Ho 1 1 - i f - , : 1 1 1 1 lODMtimea Loss of Yuk-e. It is Hable to become chronic, involve the lunga, and termínate iatally. Ayer'a ( Inri y rectoral aflbrds tpecily relief autl cure In caaei of Bronchitis. It controla tlie dlapotUton to congb, and Induce refreabJng leep. I have been n practlcing byslcian fr twenty-four year, nud, tor tlie pal twelve, have Miffired trom aunual Rttaoki rf Bronchitis. AfWr exhaufting II the USUftl r lln-dit-s Without Relief, I tiic-d Ayci's cliiiTï Pectoral. It lii'lprd me iininediately, and effected n tpeedy cure.- Q.StoveaIl,Jl.D.,Carrollton,Mlii. Ayer'sCherry Pectoral is decidedlythe best rcinedy, wlthin my knowledge, for ehroulc lïröiu-liii i. :md ill Imu; düieaiet. - M. A.Buat, M. l.. South Pari, M. 1 was nttacked, laai winter, wlth a spvpic Co!.], wiiirh. n.'iii exposure, Krew worm and fiiially settled on mj Lungi. Ity nilit Bweats l was reduced ahnott to i ¦ketoton. My Courfa nu Inceuant, mul 1 ircqmntly ]l bJood. My liy.-ician tol.l me to Ive up buslueu, or 1 would uot live i uonth. After taklns varkmi remedies without relief, I w is iinally Cured By Using two bottles of Ayer's ('liprry rectoral. I ni nciw in perfect healtb, and ble to retome business, after bavlng been ptouounced Incurable wiili Contuniptioii. - S. P. Uendemon, Saulxburgh, l'enn. Yor yeara 1 í:i In a ileclloe. I bad wrak luugo, and -ml. r. .1 trom Bronctaltl and Catarrh. . i " C'herry.Pectoral rcitored me to healih, and 1 have heeM lor a loni Mmé eoinpRratlvrh vl)(orou8 1" ol n smliliii cohl I 'alw ny rexort In the Pectoral, nd ih I peed) rxllef.Kilwaixl I'.. Curtía, ItuÜHIlu, i. Two veára i 1 Milfrretl fvom a Mvere Bronchitis. Tne phvulctan attendlng tn became fearful that the dinease would tcimlnateln Piieirmonln. After trylDKvari(ius medicines, without benefit, he Bnalh pretcrlbed A ( !berrj Peetoral, I ¦ ï t ii relleved mea) once; I contlmied t" tike iliis niedleine a short time, and on curtd - Eruest Colton, Logausport, Ind. Ayer's Cherry Peetoral, Tripared l.v Dr.J.O. Ayer fc Co., Lowtli. Htm. gold liyull Ï ujjgiBt. Prlel all Statement by Dr. A. M. Spaulding. Rhciim.i'ii Svrup t'n : t Genttancfl - In rvplv u your lettert cheerfullyidj thatl uu Mtrs tJuir Hibhard't Khcumatic Syrup in my pr;u n. ¦ , and iiimjly recommend it fot tlic div.i-o vvbich voq cl:iini it ood for. It is truly i T mmrkablt mt ilicinc, eonpOMd as it it of the best knowD iltonitlvat ind tonics to be found in the Materia Medica. U-opwttet apoo the liver, kidnejfi mni boVrela, In othr words, sets them to work aod poison in the blood and tissues. It is a f ram f touu amd apfftiiêr, and truly a wondorful prepAradon. Wat n. tanuiil or debilitated person it has no icju.t]. and thould have ihe approval of tha medical t;uult. 'oui Khcumatic piasters ara th best I havt twi us. il. You fthoulu not hesitate to push ihiMii befhre the puMic, as their superior mcriU will Kar oi; out in the htghest ierras. Van tralT, Dr. 'A. M. SPAULDINO, tip Canal street. Grand Hapids, Mi eb. Read the Statement of one of Jacksons Oldest Residents. Jackson, Mich., May aó, 1SS6. Rheumatic Syrup Co.: GaoUemea- About ten yetn apo my pencmï health became impaircil frotn my hver and Sidneys beroming: dtoMMd. I luive constantly failed ia strenjth ever si nee, my whole system becominj prostrated. Foi jffiui my nerves have been so W4ftk and uncoñtrollablt that my sufferinffs havo been rr;itr th.ui I d.irc atlempt 'to describe. ITie pain and stitches in my hack and shoulders, and twiuhinjfs aiul iT;imps of the musties have been nlmost unbearahtc. I hiivc laken evcryttiing; I could lenrn or hear of, but ncvr received the beneñ t wMch I have f mm Hibbard'fl Kheumatic Syrup. It is a remarkable rcmclv. The syrup has regutated my kiilneys and hver, ihereby removing the cause oí my general ailmcnt, aitlinj; nature in restoring my impure blood to ;i heallhy late, and the palsica condition of my whole nervous systera is better than it lias lecn for m.iny vr;irs. The pains which I have ¦ ODJtflDtly been sufletintr for years have cntirely ct me. It will be gratilvin on hit part to answer any inquiries regarding the merits of your remedy us cxptriciKcd i ine. I am verv truly vours, n u. koCkwei.l, aoo Morrel) stree;, Jackson, Mich. I have known H. W. RockwaU, who subsrrileti ta the aNivc ttatomCB for forty yeaii. He is one t ouroldtst dtlteai :nd very reliabte. Any statement made by him can be fullv relied upon % truc " W. 1. THOMPSON. Pruimt Jackson City Bank. Hibbard's Rhtumattc Byraa is put up ia large !ottles, and is sold by dnifipst ({enerally. Prwi $i.oo, or sil bottles for )oo. If voor drugist does not have it writt tis and wc will end it to any address on rec'iipt of pnce, treight prepaid. Send for our medical p;unphlrt. RH EU MA TIC SYHVP CO., Sole nianut.icturcrs, Jackson, UÜL


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