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i ne L. K E's eutertained Mr. A. P. Burbank upon his recent visit to the city About3ö couple attended tlie sophomore hop at Hmifcsteifer1 hall last Frlday evening. Attend the concert at university hall Friday evening, if you wish to hearsomethlngr srand. Will Curleton, University Hall, Tlmraday evening, Dec. 16. Subject: "The Golden Horse." The audience who heard Mr. A. P. Hurbank were happily surprlsed In the etitof tuimuent given them. The flfteen hnudredth student hs onrolled thisyearat the univerbiiy. The record will be wrecked. I t I i I O ITT fi J.k nA V ka i m. 1 & i iic ian cmss are agitating an exeursien to Washington during the holidays and are elrculating a paper to ascertain how many would like to avail thetnselves of' the opportunlty. The cost to be fourteen and a half dollars for the round trip. The Dexter Leader is responsible for thls quite complimentary (?) tem: ¦ Several of Ann Arbor's ' hen medies ' attended the hop at the opera house Thurxday nlght. ' Sllck girls, those.' " And thia also, whicli ig a trille better: "Twelve 'lady medical students' did 'practical anatomy ' on a turkey at P. Fleming's last Tlmrsday. Lewis McDonald, of Norwalk, Ohlo, who took such excellent cnre of C. W. Huggles aud wife, the students who recently died of diphthem, accompanyinK Mr. Ruiigles to his home in Ohio, returned to Ann Arbor, Monday. It was reported at one time that he had died of the same disease, so his friendg are glad to meet hhn once more. The Palladium will be on sale Dec. 15tb without fnil. H is a tliing of beauty and will cost you 75 cents. Everythlng about the publication is first-class. It is a regular bound book in unlversity colors, white back, blue sides, and embossed with gold. It will be a souveuir ot university life that every one will want who is in any way interested la the U. of M. The new Dean ofthelaw departraent- Prof. Rogers- appears to be the " right man in the right place." Under the present regime the standard Is much higher. Herculean tasks areasslgned butunflinchingly he requires perfect recitations, together wlth correct deportment in the clas room. The scepter he wields is burnished with the love and esteem oí every individual member of the clasa. The regents did a wise thlng in thls appointinent. The Alpha Nu literary society presents the following program for Saturday evening, Dec. llth: An oratlon, " Commercialism," by George A. Brown. An essay on ' Friso Reform," by MÍ8S Edna M. Havens. A story, " Watermellons," by ö. G. Jenka. The followlng resol ut Ion : "The Chicago Anarchists should be pardoned," will be discussed on the afflrmative bv II. B. Bracewell and on the negatlve by J. H. Powell. Good vocal music Is to be rendered. All are welcomed to these exercises. A movement is again on foot to present a petition tothe regentsat their approaching meeting, asking for the establishment of a Chair of Klocution In the university. This question is not a new one, but has tieen disregarded by the majority of our students, with the indifference characteristic in many other things pertaining to the university. It is to be lioped that the petition will not die, and it is the duty of all interesteü in tne subject to see that t does ii"i die. It is itn acknowledged fact that too little attention is given to public speaking in the U. of M. - (Jhronicle. Every one of the state educational institutions of Michigan seems to háve enentered upon a most liourialiiiifr year. Our univorsity enrolla fully 1,500 students, and in mattere of organizatlon and instruction was never before so thorough. Harvard lias just celebrated her 250th anniversury, Michigan next June will celébrate her her 50th, yet in raany respecta our university wil! compare favorably with lts famous sister. The state normal school aUo repons the largest attendunce ever enjoyed, and her graduates are each year gaiiiing in reputation.- Mich. School Moderator. PROF. FRIEZS'S NEW BOOK. A recent number of that well known liteiary authority, the Boston Transcript, contains a hihly appreciative and complimentary review of Prof. Frleze's Oiovanni Dupre, an art biography, which has beenalready noticed at length in the columns of the Couribk. The notice of the Transcript closes witli the following tribute to the author and hls book : Professors. H. Frlewe the acoompllshed author, hun proven agaln Mis versatüfty aud talent In the preparatlon of thls work. For longanaulhorlty In hl dlstlnct provlnce. he Is also knouru to hU frleiida as a lover of muslc, a student of art, an admlrer of nature and a true crltlo of lire. In times of transltlon the helm of the Unlverslty of Michigan bas ben oiiisik i to hlra; always beloveil by the tudents, hls place In thelr respect aa neyer greater than now. We refer to tlils partly 10 show how naturally hls eutliuslaam would be awHkened by a character Itke Dupre"s and how fluim? and fortúnate that he should, In the lanuage of Dupre's danghter, do thls work and glve ua the life accurately and ro benutlfully. Tblg llfeof JJuprels a valuablecontrlbutlon to the h Istory of art; But lt bas a wlder cope by vlrtue of lntrlnsic merlt, and becomes a contrlbutlonofitreat worth to the resources of llfe and letters.


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