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Hoííday Opeiiii! MONDA Y AND TUESDAY, ...

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Hoííday Opeiiii! MONDA Y AND TUESDAY, December 6th and 7th3 J. J. f MIEII1 DRUG STORE. TUK MOST BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY NEW NOVELTIES, AND HOLIDAY GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO THIS CITY. ' [t wlll Pay you to Look in npou the (}rand Slg-ht even If you do nol Hny. Celebrated The'best shoe yet for the Best American Calf, Button, Lace and Congress, allicut Seamle8s Hard wear in every pair. GOODSPEED & SONS 17 South Main street. 1887. ,887. DETROIT JRIBUNE. The Metropolitan Itepubliran Journal of Michigan. A Standard Family Newspaper The subscrlptton list of the Detroit Tribnne has been very lart-ely locreutd undi-r .t-s n w ,„.,„., ,. meiit and its politica! Influence .nade its,-lf slrikm.'iy lelt in the cunpatgn which ba jun closed Asa üterlinE Family NrwNiiantT tnüi notmerely man.tain lu blsfa .tandil' durini; the wnÜMf year„but t wiil be Mreogthennl and iniTHE TRIBUNE "¦¦" All the ¦?, Pond n .IJomestie Mate and Local, in the most readab e form. It eontains the latcst and mot readablc Markct Report! Itcontains able, vigorous Bultorlalt and punsent paraeraphs, candid and timely comnient on current issues ami miportnnt qutstions of the day In d4?IG PAPBR FOR M'CIUÜAN RÏA i'i.K.s. ine WE E KL Y; TRIB UJYE Is a large eieht-page paper of 64 columns, containing editorial discussion of current issues from the standpoints of accurate inlormation and adherence to correct politica! and economie principies interestln and valuable miseellaneous matter original and qui.Uil poems and sketches, and sclections from the best üterature of the day Especial attention will be paid lo' topics of interests to the rural community, an il to discussion of questions of intenst in practical agricultura!, letters on laim and home topics, receipts, etc. In brief, neither pains norxpense will be pared in keepin Thè Tnbune a Ur.l-.laH. Family IMew.papcr, strons in all departmeiits, and in every wav worthv of the treat ttate with whose history and Krowth H has been so long and so closely identifitd.; Per Six Three Annum Mos. Mos. Ri!!"v'"tfP.'-SuiLdaT; $5.00 $2,50 $1,25 DAILY, mcludini Snnday... k 6.00 3.30 1.50 WEEKLY 1,00 .50 .30 For Í1.50 we will send: the Weeklv Tribune for one year and a copy ,.1 Onr Famlly.'PhyHiclan,'' a valuable household med cal Work of 544 pa?es, well printed and handsomely bound- a book that retails at The Tfeekly Tribune will be sent on trialjto New Subscribers three mouths for 20 cents. All postape prepaid. Specimen copies frec Remittances may be sent at our risk by drafts on Detroit banks, money orders or in rejfistersd letters. Liberal terms to ai;ents and canvassers. Send for particular. Address THE TRIBÜKE, Detroit, Mich. GRAND OPERA HOUSE TWO XIGHTS ONLY. THtTitSDAYfana FRIDAY, December 9 and 10. Kngagement of the American Traiiodtau MR. 1MÜ1 COLLIER Supported by ;acompaoy of legitímate Artista In the follnwlug great repertorio : ii(inmi..IRGINIUS. iJZY;.{lVIETAMORA PEICES: 35 cents, SO'cents, 75 cents Reserved Seats now on Sale without extra charge at Yale's Post-offlce News Depot.


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