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The best Eiêtory of the War that „„¦ yet aipearal.- Boston Travtller. T"eP"llv;i„eDeirolll!!t"t' HARPER'S Pictorial Hisiory of tlie Reüellion Is the only mean of obtainlug lts lavaluable Mslorlcal illuslrat,„„s. I,i two Spie,„l,ï rollo volume, urne alM ,mKr „, n,e weeklv and eom,u„l„K i,,wo of G. flHHOQ?wi?rt5 lires. Prioe ibr aet. oarrlase pald in bevelnl oloth,l0(); in Half TurkêvSlonKeo hand. Í?; -rA'"Vtla'np"" Bi "' '"'irbled e$ge KB. Iü AVOII) DEOEPTION, 8EE THAT li(OKS BEAK HAltl'KHs NAME sí, d by Krto ' y' Se"d for lllU8tratJ c'reu. McDONNELL BRO'S, 185 Dcarborn St., Chlcagro, III. I Of Priceless value fur I'reseroition.- I Boston Advertlwr. PENNYROYAL e WAFERS. tPrescrlption of a physlcian who I bas had a life long: experience in ! treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect Buccess by over 10,000 ladfi s. Fleasant, Bafe, enectutu. Ladies askyourdrugglst tor Pennyroyal Waters and take no substitute, or Jnelose postaeeforBealedparticulars. Boldby Sold In Ann Arlior, Mich , by Bbwtoeh L Son. 18U.S MMkM MORA'SCORSETST ! JHHM, M;'f''J they Kive botter i t!.u any conet rJ 7 .Jl' '" ¦ ¦" !¦'¦ l'i Bikr i ST. VfWp;. Are uorticulurly liked "Í A&mFn. 'e-! ' " ¦ ' - ' X h.ivi'tji!'f,-i:xTTnii;i.i .i'.,, k. B&_A WUch tlic open gpu I t WHi j" VaRI.K SrKIIS, wtll.ll Ont, WITMofT Cl ITÍNÍJ OR ! r HL JetrAJÍt MOR "R" M li HfllB OtTmri t' ' , f i" l,v nll W . Uanufacturi'il liy Madame Mon's Contour. L. Kit i CO., Madame Wora's La Reine. Birmingham, ,,,ui. Madame Mora's Aldiite. O. Fltspatrlek A ' ... Madame Mora's Comtort liu. IJ Luuuord sl, N. í Sawiiig lado Easy. A jH So 3DV.'X'Cr For loinrin? aanr, w -nnii. farmers tfottim? on ítovpwtKíd.fir.dallbortpot iMp'-ouumtf- It IsnnrinleJ ThoumfiU 53-Í wfríy. A boy oC 16 eau saw Ioks f4 aii. ¦7. Immense esfljuf ei" ir na mier. Writforcloeantly i!!ustrni.. Mi....iriu' in ú brlUlaiit oolora Irobrllltantlylllui'r. . .. culurs. AUbw Afx-nta Woiiieü. Vit . üy ,- jionaech ltj. co., CAiPimmmia, tu. FRANCIS L. Y0Rk71vu7 I Wlll recelvo during THE COMINC SUMMER: A Limited numberof Pupil In PU ANO, ORGAN AND m HARMONY, At greatly EE.DUCEID EIATES. Apply by mail or at NO. 30 SOUTH INGALLS STREKT (7Ï& BnsinBM College. School of Penmiinsliip nml Short liautl Instituto, Ypsllanti, M Ic-li., OfTers unequnlpd ndvantages tor preparing Youngand Mldille Ag.-d un.i Woman tollll Importlint and Lucratlve Posltlons in life nperlor nystfin of Actual buslnew. No vacntlons. LargeaUcnilaiicii. NIHB teaohen. Qond board wlth wi-ll funilsned nxnn, to SSÍ.I2 ppr week. Now Is a dealrable timo to enter. CaM or wrlte fnr Circulara. H-4t P. B. ( 'LEA KV. Principal.


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