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Two CiiiN.vMi.s ii'c.niiv tecured vivci bv o1iipíulí with white girls trom Augusta, ;a., una tli" teellng waa to Intense agahut tin-in that on the 8Oth uit uu attempt ku made to dost roy Uuur house! wiiti dynamlte. One thodiaxd batet of Dotten, worth KSO.OOO, wore burnod at Raleigh, N. C, on the BOth Uit. FiF-fY-sEVEN nead of fimcy stock WON burned to drath on tho 3l)Ui uit. in tlio barns or J. W. Allen, at Kast Syracuso, N. Y. Loss, 140.000. Au uurtlniuakii shock on the BQth uit. in South Carolina dfstr yed ttm dam at tli ¦¦ Langley cotton-works, and tho adjaoeut country was flooded, eauting heavy dumage to railway trucks and other property. A fike on the 80th uit. at Aiku, S. C, destroyed eighteen buildings. Thk thermometer feil to SB degreea below zero at Winnipeg, Man, ou the :tli uit., and to Hdegress below in Norlhorn Minuéso ta. u'ii.i.iam kwai.k ft Oo.. wbolMate milllnors of Mllwaukee, Wis., failed on the 80th alt. f or 198,000, and Bntpley, Doisy & Co., Wholesale dry-goods dealers of Cinetnnatl, failed for ftjjó.otio. Howard Blackstoxk. dtsodunt clerk of the Canal Natiuual Bank of Portland, Me., abeoonded on the ."vith uit. after embexxllng 126)000 "f the bank's funds. At Morita, Tox., on the Sfith uil. lifty Chinamen wore attacked by maslced men and hung up by thoir cues uutil they gave ¦p thetr money. Tho robbers aecured fcjiX). Tuk General Exeoutlre Board of the Knights of Labor on the mth uit. direoted a l.'vv of twenty-flve cent on eaofc member of the order to assist i members who ore " locked out" of work unleaa they left the order. The bank of W. L. Fulton, at Parkville, Mo., was entered by burglars ou, the. 80tt uit., and the safe was blown open with dynamite and H.OIO stolen, beaidea Í130 worth of stamps. The public-dcbt statement on tho lst shows the totul debt to be íl,7(li,7'.Ki,27O; cash in treasury, 10,083,566; debt loss cash In treasury, Y1,851,843,668. Decrease during November, 18,006,249, Tiikodohk 8. Mi.k, cashier, look-koo]or and conn.lontial mauager for Miuer T. Ames, president of the Chicago and Minonk Coal and Coke Coinpany, was on the M said to be a defaulter to the extont of Í10O,000. lx the heavtost gale over kniuvn mi Lako Michigan, the iteam-barge ICaggle Marshall and consort Arundol wero boaclied near Manistee on the lst. "Doe" Wilsox, the plaintiff in the fammiH lawsuits against P. E. Moen, of Worcester, Mass., the millionairo barb-wire manufacturer, declared on the lst that he is the son of Moen's tlrst wife, und that ho was cast off whon a child to uvoid public scandal. Tuk loss by lio?-oholera in Miaml County, Ind., ou the lst roa :had the smu of ï'ir,0X), aiui diseaae was still prevalling. P. D. AitMoru sii'il at New York on tlio lst that tho strikos at tho ötock Yards in Chioago had onaettled contidence; that no one would dare po inorease taciUtle, umi that he wou UI compelled to oxtoud his interosts further West. (Bun;! c. Ki.i.iiitt fc Son. oarrlagedealers at Providunce, K. I., failed on the lst for fl(X),OÜO. E. B. BiiuwN. teacher of asohool in Boone township, Harrison Connty, In I.. d.MUlsed his school a few days affo beoause three colored ohildren preented themselvefl as pupils. The affair had oauaed mach oxoitement. Soitiif.rn Illinois wheat Qelda wero on the lst reportad to b iaTeated by ohinohbugs. The shipmonts of hos trom Chicago for November wero ''.I7,:ts2- Ihe largest un reoord. C.ïsak Roiunon (colorad) was lynohed at Florence, s. C , cm tho lst tur crimlnally ussaulting a young white girl. Nkaki.y three thoiuand eoal-mlnersln tho Mahoning (U. ) valloy struck on the lst for an inerease of wages. Tuk Commissioner of Agriculture in his ammal report on the lst says that American agriculture has dovoloped mto oolosaal proportion durinsf the last thirty yoars. and says the past year has been one of medium fruitfulness, tho crops bolng ampie for lunne oeodl and for foreign dein and s. Passexoeh trains on tho Northern Paclflo collided on the lst on a curve near Muskoda. Four employés were killed, both engines were wrecked an 1 the mail car and four others were consumed by nro.. The month of November was i)4 degrees colder than the average for twenty-two years in the Northwest. HMUMTOV & PiiiNiE, of St. Louis, opti cians, failed on the lst for MOO.OUO. A coli wave swept over the Northwest on the lst. In Minnesota the thermometer ranged trom 28 to 10 degrees below zero. In Dakota the cold was severe and all trains were blockaded by snow. In Chicago S degrees below zero was reportad. Two no3 of John Lee, aged Hve and six years, and a son of Robert Pulver, aged six years, broke through tho ico and were drowned in a pond at Joy, Wayne County, N. Y., on the lst. The American Institution of Architects begun their twontieth annual session at New York on the lst. The tea inspector at Chicago on the lst condemned an invoiee of about twolve tons which laUsly arrivod froni Hiogo by way of the Canadiau Pacific road. The Comptroller of the Currency roport ed on the lst that the amount of National bank notes outstanding was f2ÍU.01tí.871, being a docrease during the last month of f2,21t,959, and during the last year of Í1S,1HO,24S. Vont negroes were lynched near De Kalb, Tex., on the lst for the murder of a farmer named (ieorue Taafe. Minino excitement iu the vicinity of the Hot Springs of Arkansas had on the 2d causod the location of claims on every available tract near Boar Mountain. Baedek & Co. 's. large glue faotorv at Ayer, Mass., was destroyed by lire ou tho. 2d, causing a loss of 15(),0U0. L. B. Fkankel & Co, the oldest miningstock firm in Nevada, failed in V rginia City on the dd, with liabilities of JitlS.OOa, A N explosión of powder on the 2d in the store of Robert Hall, near Bellaire, O., blew the end out of the building, fatally woumting three persons and sevorely injuring four others. The defaleation of Reed. late treasurer of the South Boston Horse railway, was on the 2d placed at 4')0,(K)0. Eioiit Hght earthquake shocks occurred at Summervillo, S. C, on the 2d. Shocks were also feit at Charleston. Ovek one thousand non-union men were at work on tho 2d in the milis at Amsterdam, N. Y., where the Knights of Labor were rocently locked out. The November flre losses in the United States and Canada were on the 2J estimated at $10,0lX),000- one-thinl greater than the November average since the great Boston fire in 1873. Advices of the 2d say that a hurric ¦n tho killed four iMpim luid two tasaengtn of the tteamei jBréstern Lind. ADVIOM "f 'hi' '2.1 from thc ooke región il Peniisylvanla wero to tho effect that ¦ ¦n tlimiHuml ooksrs preparing to ttrike at the end of the month if the operitora diii DOt oonoedfl the domands made lome time a The greatest ezottemont prevalled in nlnlng ihare operatioaa at San Francisco m the 2d, and sovenü brokers fuiled for largc amounta, A. H. Ki.i.woon, a postal elerk on tho Qrand Rapids & Cineinnati route, was arrsetedon the M for systematloaUy robbing th mailH. As #7" in markod bilis was fnuiid in his possussion, he confossod having stolen tl, 200. In au affray on tho 2d in Pitt County, N. C., TUouias Snnth and John Dennis were killed. In a tamil; quarrel on the 2d nearTrenton, Ark., I.avina Brown beheadod hor husbaod with ui axe. Both an.' colorad. TH! signul office at Washington annoumvd oo the Sd thut the cold wave which was passing over tho country exteiuli'ii trom tlif upper lukes to the gulf and from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic. Tim proprietors of eight hotols or restaunmts in Hartford were airostod on the 2d for using oleomargarine on their tables without displaying the placard required by the law of Connecticut. The court-houso at Fayette, Mo., with all the records, were destroyed by flre on the ad. Two O tho crew of the schooner Ariadne, ashore at Mexico bay, Lake Ontario, on tho 2d, ware froten to death in the rigging, tho captain was washed overbnanl and drowned, and the three men who wen ïvscuod were believed to bo beyond recovery. It was announced on tho 2d that largo partios of Chinese continued to cross froui British Columbia into Washington Tciiitory, carrying paokages belioved to coutain opium and other dutiablo urticles. The internal revenuo receipts for the flrst four moothl of the present flscal year were $38,485,411, a docrease of tl,4fltS,343 compared with the same ieriod last year. Tuk President on the 2d Issued a proelamation promulgating the oxtradition treaty with Japan. The treaty próvidos for the surrender of persons acoused or convicted of murder, countorfeiting, forgery, embeztlement, burglary, perjury, rape, arson, or malu-ious ili'struction of property of evcry kind. A pension chock for six dollars, drawn at Topeka, Kan., by Agent Uliek, was ruised to three thousand dollnrs by unknown partios, and was duly cashed for the falso amount by a National bank at Kansas City on the 3d. A rection of tho business portion of Carlisle, Ind.. was laid waste by flre on the Bd, Aovkes of the 3d from Boston report the wrecklng of sevoral vessols on the Atlantic coast during recent storms and the loss of mauy lives. The farmers of Miami County, Ind., said on the 3d that the wheat erop had been almoBt entlrely ruinedby the late cold snap. An unknown persen opened the lockgates of the canal -it Delphos, O., on the lid, and in a short time tho north portion of the town was submerged and dwollings ronderod uninhabitable. Colonei. James N. Rthatton, a prominent lawyer of Mount Holly, N. J., committed suicide on the 3d. John C. Mann, of MinneapolU, commeneed in a Chicago restaurant on the 3d the task of eating thirty quail in thirty conseoutive days, the wager being $1,000. Only three successes in this line adorn the records. Tnp. Detroit Pipe Company's factory was destroyed by flre on the 3d. Loss, 1100,000. The First National Bank of Shreveport, Jm., wiis on the 3d authorizod to commence business, with a capital of í"2IO,0OU. Dn. O. N. KninKu, of Bprlngfleld, 111., on tlu :id reirtd a case of lump-jaw in a young woiimn, the ürst ever knewn in the United State. A BOOM iHCupied by a family named Povcly mis burnel neir Tyrone, Pa., on the 3d, a man named John Barr and a child of Puwely pirishing in the flamea. At Moerhead and St. Vincent, Minn., at dx o'clock on the morning of the 'M the thermometer stood 29 degrees below zero. Imi.i BNTI AL oitiien of Northern Louisiana bave [ormed an association to put an the Intennarryiag of whites and blarks. In a (lunri-el on tlie M at Stevenson, Ala., James Turner and Krank Carter shot each ithiT in death. ,li nik BMITH, residing at Mount Verncn, B. J-, who for ñve years had suffered from spinal discus?, reported on the 3d that she hiul bein miraculously cured by faith and praj er. At Hroekton, Mass., on the 3d the opera house, occupied by soveral lirms. vta destroyed by üre. Total loss, (330,000. ElOHT iniMi working on a steamer neai St. Louis were badly f rozen on the 3d, and the hands and feet of four of them would have to bc amputated. Tuk Beereteiy "f the Navy asks for an appropriation of Si"), 118,718 for next year. The house of Mrs. Amelia Shubeck, at Logansport, Ind., was destroyed by flre on the 3J, and her little four-year-old child perished in the flames. Arnold's flour inill at St. Cloud, Minn., was wrecked by an explosión on the ,'id, flre completeing the disaster. Uus Krause, the night miller, was fatally burned, and twenty thousaud bushels of wheat were destroyed. In the United States there were 238 busl ness faüures duriug the seven days ended on the Sd, against 204 the previous seven days, and J4T in the corresponding week of lsr. The total from January to date is U,4tX), against 10,233 in 18.S5. a decline of S53. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. D.vkota papers on theDOth uit. publishod a cali for the State Legislature to assomblo at Huron, December 15. Governor Mollette, LieutenantrOovernor Franks and Speaker Eddy signed the document. Thi official vote for Congressman at the recent election in Colorado was on the 30th uit. announced as follows: Symes (Rep.), 27,782; Reed (Dem.), 20,929; Murry (Pro.), 3,597. Symes' plurality, 803. BTATI SuNATciii Smitu, President pro tem. of the Indiana Sonate, on the 3Jth uit. ttled injunction proceedings in the circuit coun to prevent the Sooretary of Stat from issuing a certifloate of election to Colonei Robertson, the Republican Lieutenant-Governor-elect. Smith claims that there was no authority of law for electing S Lieutenant-Goveruor at the recent election. Seveuai. hundred delegates, representïng all parts of the State, were present at the Republicau. Anti-Saloon convention at Cortland, N. Y., on the 30th uit. The obyrt. is to créate a solid State organization, with branches in every county. No separóte political nominations are intendcd. Jamks O. Blaihb, Jk., has bicorne a member of the staff of the Pittsbnrgh Time:. THI official returns on the lst from the two dispuU'd ('ounties in Washington Territory show that the Legislature is Republican on joint ballot by two majority. Si:v was on tho lst inaugurated Governor of Alaliama. He prouounced himself in favor oí Federal aid to educatlon in tüe St ai',. At the esslon in Cortlnnd, V. Y., on th lat of tho Repúblicas Anü-Saloon State conïentlon tho aiutio "New York State Temporanee Ropublican Loague" wa adopted. It wiis resolved to incluilo high licenso nmong the iuoasuresof tetnperanc reform, mul ti try und socure the nomiiiation of men fcir office fnvorablc to the loiigue's obj.Tt The Iudiana Republicana organized a State league at Indianapolis on the lst, to ho known as the "Lincoln Loague." J. N. Huston, chairman of tho Kepubllcati State Committee, was eloctod president. Tho object is to preparo for the campaign of 1888. Rkoahdino "Doe" Wilson's story that he is tho son of P. L. Moen, the records at Oxford, Mass., show that he was bom thore December 1, 1853, eleven months after tho doath of Mrs. Moen. B. T. Fkeiekick on the 8d withdrew his rosignution of liis seat in Congress from the Fifth district of Iowa. In the case of the National 8oldiors' Homo agatast General B. F. Butler for ro taining money while he was troasurer the jury at Boston on the ad found a verdict for $10,537 against the defendiint. B. F. I'euiiy, provisional Uovernor of South Carolina in 1S55, died on the 3d at (Jreenville, agod eighty-one years. Is the Federal Court at Indianapolis on the 3d Judge Woods sharply rebukod tho grand jury for failing to indict parties oharged wltn mutUatlng and forging rotuna ut the recent etootbHL Tuk SL Louis W. C. T. U. at its meeting on tho :!d adopted resolutions condemning the serving of alcoholio liquors at the recent dinner given by Mrs. Whitney, wife of tho Secretary of the Navy, to a number of ladics, including Mrs. Francés Cleveland. Mus. Lïmax PoHTF.ii, the mother of "Doe" Wilson, said at East Thompson, Conn., on the 3d that she is Wilson's mother, that Jonas Wilson was his father, and that she nevor saw or heard of Philip L. Moen untii reoentiy. FOREIGN. A dispatch of the 30th uit. states that the Superior of tho Óblate Fathers had announcod that no Knight of Lobor would be allowod to particípate of the Racranii'iit. It was reported on tho 30th uit. that the wheat erop of (Ireat Britain would not exceed 52,000,000 bushels, which is 15,000,OUO less than tho earlior estimates. It was reported on the 30th uit. that it was seriously proposcd at tho Hulgarian capital to nominate an American for tha throne of Bulgaria. Tiíb cholera was still raging in Buenos Ayros on the 30th uit., the doaths numbering twenty-tive a day. T. D. Si'i.i.ivan was on tho lst re-elected Lord Mayor of Dublin. He pledgod himself to refuse any honors that might be offered by Queen Victoria during the jubilee year. Ax effort will be made by Canadians to keep the St. Lawrence river open all winter. Capitai.ists in Denmark have subscribed about $1,250,000 to found a colony in the Northwestern quartor of the United States. It was reported on the2d that the Frenen stoamship Chandernagore, with twelve bundred Prenota troops on board, founderod during a cyelono naar Algiers, and that all hands rere lost A MKMitKU of the geológica] survey reported to the ('anadian Government on the 3d that the coal deposits in ihe Saskatohewan región were iuexhaustible. Tiiihty men wero instantly killed on tha 3d by an explosión in a eoHierv al Durham, England. Tue ancient Church of Bt, Mary Magdalene in London, with four warehouses on the same street, were destroyed byiire on the2d. Lost, BOO,000. Dupa roHM of tíe Bd iay that the Kinj of Cayar, in África, and tweuty of his snlijects were killed in a recent enoounter with French soldiers. The Frenc.h Ministers tendered their resignatious to President Grevy on the Bd. I'atti is engaged to sing llvu night's in January, at the National Theater in the City of Mexico. An alloged agent of Patti put in an appoaranoe thore, and after selling $20,0 worth of tickets left on the 3d for parts uuknowo, LATER NEWS. TrtR annual report of the Secretary of War, issued on the 4th, shows that tho expenditures of the dopartment for thn fiscal yoar endod June 30, 188, were 188,900(0. The army consista of 2,103 ofllcers aud ÍÍ,- 946 enlisted men. Wnn.B crossing the ice on Lake C'hamplain on the 4th at Dresden, N. Y.. Oliver Allen and two young children were dro wned by the breaking of the ice. The total amount of United States notO3 outstanding on the 4th was llf,isi,(11ii. silver certificates, $1W,519,817. There as 01,761,448 silver dollars in circulation. A HEAvy snow-fall occurred on the 4th in Virginia and South Carolina. The will of Chester A. Arthur, which was offered for probate in New York on the 4th, covers $150,000 worth of property. The son is to receive ono-half the estato whon thirty years of ag; the daughtor one-half at the age of twenty-thivo. TnE Halstod-stre -it opera-house, in Chicago, was destroyod by flre on the 4th. Thk annual report of the United States Treasurer, issued on the 4th. says that the net receipts of the Government during the yearended June 30 were 1888,486,787, and the net expouditures 342.4s:i.!3i. The receipts of the Post office Depurtment, not includod in the above statement, amounted to Ï52,9W7,15. in uiNO agale on the 4th the bark Mary Agnes de Costa was wreeked naar Hulifax, and the captain and crew of f uurteen men were drowned. Business circles in Boston were startled on the 4th by the failure of the boot and shoe house of A. P. Martin & Co., who stood at the heal of the trade in New England. The liabilities were over $300,000. Four factories would be cks'd. Buoas & Co., Wholesale dealers in boots and shoes at Detroit, failed on the 4th for $100,000. At twenty-six leadlng clearing-houses in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the 4th aggregated $1,'2".IS,B18,317, against $1,081,908,848 the provious week. As eompared with the corresponding week of 1885 the increase amounts tó 19.2 per cent. The law compelling stores of all kinds to be closed Sunday was strictly enforced in New York City on the 5th. The total vote in Michigan for Oovornor at the late election, as oBlcially OMTaraed on the 4th, is 880,885. Luce, liepublican, has 181.474; Yaple, Fusión, 174,i42, and Dickie, Prohibition, 25,174. Luco's plurality, 7,488. The number of hogs slaughtered In Chicago from Octobor 31 to the 4th inst. was B30,(X)0, against 1,032,000 for the corrosponding period last year. The Secrotary of the Interior in his annual report on the 4th says that tho expenses of the Indian Bureau for the fiscal year were $0,190,751, and that a general improvement in the moral and industrial condition of the Indians was apparent. The total area of public lands disposed of during the year was 24,014,419 acres, for which $U,Ü31,O4 was reeeived.


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