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MV-.OM. OIRBCTOHV si rbor Coxhandkry, No. 13 meets flrat Tuesday of eaoli moutti, W. Q. Doty, E. C; W. A.. Tolctaard, Recorder. Vaibcma Ohaitbr, No. 6, R A. M.- Meets flrst Monday each raonth. Isaac H P.; Z. Roath, Secretary. 8USINES8 CARDS. O. IMZ. l&JLttTTUT, in v I il; IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Oommon Cofflna. CalU attented to Day or Nlglil. Erabalmlng a spectally. Storeroom on E. Washington street. Resldence Cor. Liberty and Klftb. __ . H. k(l, ZDlIEÜirWIITIIIIISIITII. OFFICE : Orer Bach & Abel's Dry Good Store. Entrmice next to National Bank. III I M HERZ, House, Sig-n, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperiog, Glazlne, GUdlog, nd CalcImlnliiE, ud wurk of every descrlution done in the best style, and warramed to glve eatisfactlon. ïhop, No. 4 W. Washineton St„ Anr, Arbor. W. W. de A. C. MICHOLS, Rooms Orer Ann Arbor Savlngs Bank, Masonic Temple Block. GA.S or VITALIZED AIR Adminintered for the patulea extractlun of teelh. STATE STREET Merckt lailoriaj Establishment ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, IikakSih: If you want a neat do not order uo.Ul you have neeu JO.SEPH BERRV, Merchant Tallor, State street, Ann Arbor, Mlch. You will nnd a very fine Une of Englisli Worsteda for Dress Sults, and al the Newest Shivdes and WVaves in Saek SHltlng and trowserings tn st'ick and samples to or ¦ cíuMong experlence In Cuttlng enables ua to Rlve you a neat and perfect at, and Clothes made In flrst-class order, at Lowest Living Prlce Cali and see for yourse'f. Ke8PJO'lMIOBEKRY, Merchant Tallor CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secnrlty held for the protectlon of the pollcy holdera. CHRISTIAN MACK Bepresenta 'he followlne first-cla-s "mpanleH, of whlch one, the Btua, ha alone paid 56,0U0,0OU are oefies In r-i ity-li ve yeara : tna, of Hartford I 9,102,644 Fraukliu of E'hiladelpliia 3,1 18,713 Germania,N. Y 2l00Jl Germán American, N. Y 4,06,!)68 London Assurance, London... 1,416,788 Michisran F. & M., Detroit. . . 2S7.608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,079 National, Hartford 177' Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,7o9,0áb Lossea Hberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies ssued at the lowest ratea of premium. 1191tf , LTJMBER! LTJMBER! LTJMBER! If you contémplate building, cali at FERDON Liliti lili! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and ge our iigures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarautee AERY LOW PRICE8 4Give U3 a cali and we will make t to jour Interest, as our Urge and well graded stock fully ustaini our aaertion. Telephone Coonections r.'j! KBKCH Supt JAMES TOLBERT, Prop A. DeFOREST, Fire Insurance Plate Glaas Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE ! Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjustments and Losses Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Speciai. attention oivkn to Collection or Bknts and Management or Kkai, huTATK INTKRE3TS FOB NoN-RE9II1ENT8. E.NTIE 8ATI8FACTIOI TO OWKSKD GUARANA. DeFOREST. Mmore mooey than at anythlnlse br tak Ing n agfney for the best eelllng book out. Bcglnnera ancceed eiandly. None fall. Terma free. IIallbtt Book Co., Portland, Malne. ACTUIIA CURED! U I HM 11 "ïLE TBU "n 1UI I III fl moftikfptltal jERMAN ASTHMA CURErlï.SSS.Ii. tnptt Tiuleut attark mum comlortabl aleep: effecU curen whore all ottier remedies fail. o vrnlliii tor rranlU. Itl cllon U Immedintr, dtrrct nnd crrtnln, nnd onrein rfff-rtrri In uil I KAIII.KI 'A-rcs 'lt prmmatBll7 onrad na. ÍUfr to m at ui tln. ' Hm. B. l-oli Si i'mut. Jnnti. "I UI enürely rMtord 10 hfHh bj Gemin Aathflift Cara." J%oë. Fitton. Hamiltm. Okio. "Oarniu ¦mm Cura li til Toa claim fcr Ik ItDtrtf VU." Prof. K. Von Ftngcrltn. Gr-nvtll, S. C. "Mr phTiltao rooramo4d (Jrrnan Aithm Cor. It onrMl mv." Mr. M L Tttnck. Lundondtry, Okio. Tkouud ol ¦lallar utUn ca Ik. lik Uf rankt bont lt. germnn Aathma ure li old hy all dnwUiat t a)c. .uil S 1 , nr sent by mail op receipt or prlco Trial iiackaue friT to atiy-adoraai for IJ j_ 'I ' Ml' .. --„: Mi. .. MCRÍM for the CÖülïï


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