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AKlH6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powdernever varíes. A marvel of purity. streuKth and rboleaomeneaa. More ecoDomloal thnn theordtnnry klmls.und cannot be sold in com pel UI on wil h Itie mullltude of low test, ahorl weljjlu, alum or phosphate powders. Rnldnnly in -nnx. ltj al lluklns Powder Co.. 1O Wall st.. N. Y. SCÍLY. ITCHY SKIN, And all 1 1 -li i nir and Sraiy Skin and Scalp Diseases Curedby Cutienra. PSORIASIS. FczciUH, Telter. Rini'wnrra, T.l.her. Prnrttus, Soild Hend, Milk (.'rust, D.indruff, Barbera' Bakers' Grocers1 and Washerwoman's llcn and everv epecles of telling. Burning, Srsjj, Pimply Humor of the skin and Bcalp, with owol Bair are posl'ively cured bvjCuticura, the :rr.j,t Skin Curo, and Cuticur Soap, nnd i-xqnm e -k'n Beautifler externally, and Catlcora Herolvent, the new Hlood l'untier iniernally, wueu pbyalcUnt aud all olber remedus lail. Psoriasis, or Scaly Skin. I. lohn ,J. Case, I). 1. S., h'iving pnicti. rd dentistry in rhls county for thiriy-flve years and belng wel) known to thousands nereaboutg, with a view to help any who are afllicted as I have been for the past twelve years, tertiïy iliat he i'uticura Remedies cured me of Psoriasis, or Scalv Skin, in eiuht days, after ihe doctors with whom I had consulted gave me no help or enoonragt-ment. Newton, N. f., JOHN J. CASE, D. D. S. Distressing Eruption. Your Culicura Remedies perforraed a wondnrful care last Slimmer on one of our coclomen, an old gentl-ïmnn of ceventy yearp of atie. who taffered with a feanully distreífliiL' ernptlon on his head and face, and who bad tried all remedies and to no purpor. Texarkana Ark. J. F. SMITH & 00. Dustpanful of Scales. H. E. Carpcnter, N.Y., cured of Pioriaul or Iprony, o; IweDtT year-' standing, by Cuticura Rt'mediee. The mot wondertul cure on record. A dtistpanfnl nf iicak-rf feil from him dally. Physicians and nis friends ihouht he must die. Eczema Radical Cured. For the radical cure of an otü-tinate enge of Koemaof long standing, I give entiro credit to The Culicura Remedie: NewUaveu. et. E. B. RICI1ARD-I0N. Sold by all Drngeist. Prior: CoTicüBl, 50Cr.; Rüwh'ükt, il.UO; Soat, 25cts. Pottkr Dhuq and Che lical Co., boston. ¦d for-How i r s Diseaaes " ¦pi? ATT1"' the f'0"1!'1'''"" n(i ¦si" by JjJjXX U UIBf Ibe ('l.'TH'UKA tOAP. miy : IT FEELS GOOD! and WfakneKst'K tl ml rlievetl in WiitHn1 mtll'lif li ;illr:ii':i Vul i &W Ittí'iiin IMuMler. At Drigfati, K CONSTITÜTIONAL CATARRH. No single {Uneape has cntailed more purl'ring or hanteued the bre.ikiug up of the om-iitutiou than Catarrh. The sense ol' snu'll, oí tasto, of slght, ot heanniz, the bnman voice the mind- onc or more, and somettmes all, yleld tu lts deütruciive ii.fluence. The poison it dlctributt's tbrouhont the syatem and breaks up the most robuttof cor.stltutiunc. Ignored, because biit little moet phvsiclans, impitently assalled by quacks and charlatans, thosi' suüVring from It liavc little hope to be relieved of it this side of the grave. Il is time, theu, thit ti e popular treatimnt ol this terrible disease hy remedies withln the reach of all pasced into hands at onci! competent and truatwoithy. The new and hitherto untrird niethod apopted by Dr. Sandord in the pn-paration ol his RiMlical Uure ha won the heartv tpproval of thonB.iiid. It i inrtauuneous In affording relief in all head cold, sneezing, sunflllng aud obstructed breatblng, aud rapidly removes the opp ¦¦ symptoins, clearing the head, weeteuins the bre ith, reptoring tlie senses of amt'll, tatu and hearing, and noutralizing the coiistliinional tevdencyof the diseaee towardd the langs, liver and ki lneyfl. SANOFORU'S HADICAL C'l'BE Consistí) of OUe boni oi tim Radical Ctjk, and on box ol' Cathabral KEaoi.vKST, uud one Imtbovkd; price $l,uO. RHEUMATIC PAINS. Nenralgic, Sciatic, Sudden, Sharp and Bf Mcrvcnis l'ain and Sirain Kelievi-d IWJ in One il iimlr 'l'j the ullrura fw Anti-I'aiii FlitMter, tb.' mettper ÏW (eet antidote to pain and Infliimuü.in, JL.ver compounded. New, original, ínsiamaneous, infallible aud sale. At all drnMlst, 25c.; ave for f 1.00: or polai;e fice, or ol Poiter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. 1887. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AH ILLUSTRATEI) WEtX.ll. Harpir'9 Young Peoplb has been callcd "the model of what a periodlcal for yonug readers onght Ui be," and the Jnstlce of thls comtnendatlon Is araply Oltalned ly the largeclrculatlon It has attalned bolli at home and In GretU Brltaln. Tbls succts, lias beeD reached by methods tliat must hmn. ml themselves to the Jurigment orparínU. po lesa than to the tasles of chlldren-nnmely, by an earnest and well Busiained t-ttbrt to provlde the beB' and mort nUnietlve raading for young people at a low prlce. The lllusirHtlooH are ooplotM hihI of a coplously hlgli sliimlard of excellence. An epitome of everything that U attractive and desirable in juvenile hterature. - Boston Councr. A weckly feast of good things to the boy and girls in every fjmily which it visits - Brooklyn t s'wonderful in its wealth of pictures, information and interest. - Christian Advocate, N. V. TERMS : Vostage I'repaid, Si Per Ycar. Vul. VIII. commenres November t, 1SS6. Single numbers, 5 cents each. Retnlttancesghould be made by I'ost llll 'e Mooey Order or Drafl, toavold obanoeof l'ss. Newxpaverx ure no' ' cnp'i ti advtrUjUtmnu wUhoul ti nxprett order u) IIaki-kk &, UaoTiiEHS. Addreas HAItPEB BROTHERS, New York. -(k .mn(;.iii.nrs Jm H (.iii.m iii-rom Qutsells all otlier bookit. Hon. ËR: A J. a WHeorVa.,say: " Whoevrr E Ruffl takritit vi.nninntt rtrlirthrrht B S bc Ir. llluine'sfrirnil or rflrmy, ¦¦b Wj ii'li wvr ]¦" it ilnu-n uuW l„ Hn ha nnd ihe wïuU-.' Tfou. Alltn IaSI Wm ''¦ 'llnirman, Kavii: "¦! ckistiv &0M . Mant." ¦flp, AfentH wanteu on nimmufbj -l"n orfBlary. A'Mrrss, Krië lln,i ¦


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