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SCROFULA 1 lo pot believe tliat A;ir'i Saraaparillahaii mi equal :i :i remeüy for Scrofuloas Humor, ft ii pleamat to t:ikf. ii-s Btrengrth aml Ijfor to the body, nuiliuto, permniimit. iIimii mi) medicine I eve i' ii -¦!. - 10. [Tainos, Nu. Lindáis, O. 1 lm e HMd kytts Sarapanlla. 11 111} falllily, for Scroinla, and kiimv. if it is laken Frvcinpla laUhfuiiv, it win terrible dlseaie. W. 1'. Kowler, M. D., Greem lite, Teún. Por fort; year 1 have tutfereil iili Eryi-Ia. 1 liaf Irii'il all torta of remedies Canker,and „TnoX'tUl coiunieneed wlng A ye r' Sarsapaiilla. AftiT takin' ten buttlea of tiiis medicine I ani completely coreo, - Jlnry ('. AÍuc.-lniry, Rookpurt, Me. Catarrh, I hare BOtreretl, for ycars, froni ('atarrli, wbich was (o scvure tliut it dcstroyed my nppclitc aiul wiakoiicil my sysliMii. Aftertrying remedie, nnd Rettliipno relief, t Onn k legu to take Ayei's Uatl D6 Sarsapaiilla, and, in a fewmonth,vMcnred. cured by ftP Mrifyim Ty&HÍ th hlnnri l superior toanybteod tnO DIOOU tliat I have ever tiie.l. 1 ïiuve WITn tNken it for Berofala, ('anker, and SaltItbeum, and received uiuch benefit ii-oni it. It il (,'Dod, also, for a wcak stnniiK-li. - Millle Jane Pelrce, Soutb Bradford, Mms. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Preparad ky Ir. J.'. Ayer & ro.,Lowcll, llui. l'rice KI ; alx botUo, UB. 1887. XZarper's Bazar. iiLLusTKATKD. Hakpek'í Bazar combines thn cholcost tcratureanil the fluest art Illustrationa wltli lie latext fiUjliloiiH and tlie moet useful faiiily r.-n.llni,'. lts slorles poems and essays re by the best writers, and its tiumorous ketelies an misnrpassed. lts p:iperK on solil etiquette, decorativo art. housekeeptn a all lts braQobea, cookery. ei r , make lt inlapenwble In every lionseliolil lis hcanlijl l.isli [.l;t(.-s und patleru-shoet tupplelents ennlile liidies to save iininy tl mes the 08t of subHcrlptlon by belng tlielr own dressmakers. Not a Une U adinltted ti nraus tliat OOuM shock the most fastidlous as te. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PKU YEAU: HARPER'S BAZ.VK f Ou lAltl'ÜK'S MAHAZINK. 1 IX) lAKPKIi's WEKKLY 4 00 1AKPKKS YOÜNQ I'EOPI.K 2 00 lAltl'KKS FRANK.LIN syUAKE HBRARY, One year (52 Nunibers) 10 00 Potlage to all subscriben in the Uiutcd Stalis or Canada. The volumeH ot the Hazak begin with the flrst numberfor January foreacli year. When ïotlme is mehtum. .1, aabaorlpUooj wl 11 begin wlth the Number current at time of reeipt of order. Bound volumes of Hakpkk's BazaB for hreeyears back, in neal cloth binding, wlll e sent by mail, postage paid. or by exi ree of expense (provlded the frelght does int exceed one dollar per volume), for J7.UO per volume. Cloth ObP8 for each volume, snltable lor binding wlll be sent by mail, posiuuid, on reeelpt of $1.00 each. Kemlttance aliuuld be made by Post-Otllce Money Order or Drult, to avold chance of loiw. Ntwspapera are not to copu this advtrtLiement wUluiut the rxpmt order of H.VKl'Kit Jt Biiorn¦aa. Addrs HARPER A BROTIIERS, New York.


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