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1887. Harper's Magazine. IILLU8TRATKD. Harper's Magazine during 1887 wlll contaln a novel of latease, politlcal, social and romantic Interest, entltled "Narka"- a story of RoMlan llf - liy Cathleea O'Mtara; a new novel, entitleil "April Hopes," br W. D. Howell's, "Southern Sketches," by Charles Dudley Warner and Rábecca Harding Davls, lllustrutpil by Wm. llamllton Glbson : "Soctal Itadtas," by Dr. K. T. Ely ; "Great American Industries"- c mtinued ; further artlole na tlic Rallway Problera by competent wrlters; new series of lllustratlons by E. A. Abley and Alfred Paraons; artlcles by E. P. Koe, and other attractlous. IIARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER TE .VU: HAItPRTVS MAGAZINE. M OC HARPER'8 WKKKLY 4 00 HARf'ER'S BAZAR 4 (10 IIAHPER'S YOUNG PEOri.E 2 00 II MtlM.'.HS FKANRLIN SQUARE L[BRARY, One Year (52 Nuinbers) 10 00 Poare Fret to all subscriben In the l States or Canada. The volumes of the Magazine begin wltli the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time Is specifled, subacrlptlons wlll begin wlth Number current at time of recelpt of order. Bound Volumes of Uakpkr's MAQAZiNE,for Lhreeyears back, In neat cloth binding, wlll !¦ sint by mail, postpaid, on recelpt of Ï3.00 per volume. Clotn ( 'im's, for binding, 50 cents eaoh - by mll, poHtpald. Index to Hari'Kk's Magazine, Alphabetcal, Analytlcal, and Olasslfled, ror volnmaa 1 to"0, Inclusive, fri)in Juue, iVSO, to Jone, 1885, oue vol., Svo, Cloth, SI 00. Reniittiinccs ahould be made by P-st-Oraei Money Order or Draft, to avoid cbance of Ion. Hewspapers are not to eopy this aJveriiiemtnt without the express urder ƒ Harkkk Se Bkothi:ks. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. 1887. ïïarper's Weokly. 1LLTJSTRATED. Hakpkr's Wrrkly raalntafnn lts positlon as theleMiiiiiK illiiMtniled newspaper in Amerca ; and lts hoid upon public esteeui and conndenee was never stronger thau at the present time, liesides the pictures, Hab¦ ii KLY nlways eontal&l liistalments f one, occasiontilly two, ol the best novela of tbeday, liuely Hlusiiiitud. uith short stories, oemw, ¦katoha, and papen i)ii important tarront topics by the most popular wrlters. The care that lias been Ruccessfully eer¦isc! in the past to tnake Uapbb'8 YVkkkly k safe as well as a welcome visltor to every liousehold wlll not be relaxed In the fature HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR : HARPER'S WKIOKIA U 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 lARFBtfS BAZAR 4 00 lARPER'S YOUNG PKOPI.i: 2 OU [ARPER'fl FRANKLIN SQUARE LIÜKARY', Ooe Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Poitaqt I'ree to all subscrtbers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Wkikly begin with he flrst Number for January of each year. Whev no time Is mentloned, subscrlpllona wlll begin with the Number current at time i rt-celnt of order, liounil Volumes of ITarpkh's Wkkkly for hreeyeara back. In neat cloth binding, wlll e Bent by mail, poslage pald. or by express, ree of expense (provided the freleht does not xceed one dollar per volume;, for $7.00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable lor ltiillng, wlll be sent by mail, postpaid, on eceipt of $1 00 each. Remit tances should be made by Post-Office Honey Order or Draft, to avold chance oí OSK. NrwKpaper arê not to copy tkis adcertiiement without the expresa order of II AKl'Elt Jt IIrotiiAddress HARPER BROTHERS, New Yorlt. To stick to your own opinión, if yon lave one, allon-ing otUers of course, the ame liberty to stick to theirs. See Spaulding's Adjustable Fireback. 2B4w. i Severe Case of Acute Rheumatism, wtiich Baffïed one of our Most Skillful Physicians, Cured in Three Weeks. Iac UOH, Mitli., May 19, 18S6. tilflumstic Sj nip (. ¦,. GcnUcincn- 1 .11 OvtoN 1 was stricken down vlth ft vi tuk oí ncuta nhcumaüsm and S'curHli.t, 11 iv hrst syinploins being a general ore. Dver me, with .1 terrihle pain in niy back and ibout my hlps, thi COOtinuinf fir ;i tew davt only Krlore I m (ontiitfl ti mv Ik"1. We caüed ooc oí lie nust eminent ph si.iitns of our State, wh altenJed me viiy l.titlihiüy tor tour weeks, under which treatinent I mftnfl no improvement. One ot ur niÉijflilor;. c&llinig ttn u" idvisej me to tr Hibard's Rheumatic Syrup, sain he had beaxd oí J Ita ie. We ent or half a dozen boules and 1 commenced uaiojr it, iropplfw all othef riiedicine. and tulore 1 had taken all of the aecoad l'ottle 1 WM a!le to be tip and dressed and abuut the house, and mftida of three I in niv store Altending to tlic trilde. It . truïy a wonderful medicine. 1 beiieve it t the lest tonii' fnr the afomach and dlgestlvc rraos ever fivcn lo the public erv respcctfully, M". 8YLVIA rowERS. dealer in pencral grotcries, corner Wildwood and ' avi :. Hibbard's Rheurflfltic Svrup is put np in larjre ittlcs, and U sold by driiggialt generalij. Price Sl.oo, or si bottlei t'ir $5.uo If vour ilrujr'Ut doei not have t write us and we will .send it to anv iddress on rectipt ot" prin, fireight prepftjd. Send or our medical phamnlet. RHEUMATIC SYIJUP CO., Sole inanulacturrrs, Jackson, Mich. An Important Detail Omitted. " What a nice snnimer report that must bf . Let's go, father. "Well. I don 't knw, dear. I do not consider that circular quite satisfactorv." "Wliv; it ftill oL all sorts of details"" "Yes.'l know; it tells all about the size of the hotel and rooms and ;rounds, but not a word about Hibbard's Rheumatic Svrup." "Well, I knew there was omethlng left out. Sar, father, why do thev cali it Hibbarda Rheumatic Syrup?" "Well, mv chüd, I will teil vou. Fint, if M)u .-honk! ever see that :ace of Dr, Hibbard's you ill cease to wonder wliv tliey adopted hll name, for it s one of the mosi genial, good, wholesouled, fatlierly cODDtenancea you ever saw. It often reiaarked that liis look to a sick person b betterthan medicine in many Instances. The name Rheumatie Syriip a elven it becauie It lias proven ïtself to Ik' the bekt remedy ever giren lor rheumatisivt. In fait I have ncver heard of a case luit that it cured if lontinued ong enough to eradicate the pofcon from tlie bloDil and tlMues." ¦ Well, father, if ;t is such a t;ood remedy for rlieumatistn it must be a great retnedy for diseaied kulneys and liver, also the tomach, tor óne never has rheumatbm if thoe organt are all healthv." u That is correct Xhat hm jeen a life itudv with Hibbard to com aine nature's alteratives and tonica in such 1 war as t rcadily opérate nu the kidneys and liver in conjunctioii wilh Sach Other. lts action bciuji to effeetual on tliose two organs, the bLoniach is loon restored to a lealthv state, 'l'lierefore it is a great remcdy for Indigestión and dyspepsiu.'1


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