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l887DETROIT TRIBUNE. The Metropolitan Kepublicau Journal uf Michluu. A Standard Family Newspaper The subscxlption list of the Detroit Tribnne has been very lariely iucreased under its new mana ement, and its political Influeoce mldc itsclf strikujlyfelt in the campairn which has just clnsni. Asa ¦terlinK Faiully' Newnpaper itwill mt merel; maintain its high etandK durlag the coming yiur.biit itwill te tmqgthenad and iniTHE TRIBUNE oiitaln All the New, Forattfn. Domestie, State and I,orai, in tlie most readal). e forni. It contains the latestand most read.iMc Market lleports. It contains alile. viirorous Baitoriali nd punent, canilid and timely comment on current issues and Jmportnnt qucstions of tlie dav. lu short it Is a BKKilir, I.1VELV, AÜÜRESSIVE RKPUBLICAN , NEWSPAPER - A MICHIGAN PAi'ER KOR MICHIGAN KEADKRS. The WE E KL Y TRI BU JÍJ-: Is ;i huge eiht-paye paper of 64 columus, cont.iinin editorial discussion of current issues froin tht' standpoints of accurate inlormation and adherencc to correct political and economie principies, iuter cstinj and valuable miscellaneous reiulinu' malter. original and quoted poems and sKetches, and selectiuns froni the best lilerature of the day. attention III bc paid to' topics of Interestl to the rural community, and to discussion of questions of intajvst in practical aricultural. letters on l.iini and home topics, receipts, etc. In bi ief, ncitlur, Mins iior.expeiiKu wil! be spared in keerin? Tlie Tribune k ül Bl-elltH Kaillily N v ia)rl . stront in all departments, nnd in every wav worthv of the treat tnte with whose history and L-rowth it has heen so Ion;; and so closely ideiUilitd .L TEBMS: Per Six Thnte Annum Mos, Mot. DAILY, cept SundiV $5.00 $2.50 $1.25 DAILY, ncludin buiuiuy... ,QQ 3.30 1.50 WEEKLY 1,00 .50 .30 For$i.5o we will send the Wcekly Tribune for me year and :i copy uf 'Our FanillyPIt) - íiriaii," a valuable household medical work of Í44 p;iTes, well printrd and hand-somely bound- n book that retails at $ Die Weekly Tribuno wlll l)p sent o triixl to New Siibftcrltiers throe months for 2O cents. All c prepaid. Specimen copies frec. Remittances may be sent at our risk by drdrts on banks, money orders or in reiristcrad letters. Liberal terms to aents and cttnvabsers, Sc ml lor p.irticulurs. Address THE TRIBUNE, Detroit, Mich.


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