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It is hardly neccessary to more tlin announce to the public the fact that Ad Gray is to appcar in Est Lynue. to li the opera house to overflowing. Of th actrcas' abilty the Chicago Timos says : ..,7'hl1ti'F0.atJY!tre,88 "PPeared last nlght I Cainlllle." Miss Gray 1 destined to stand 1 the front rank of her professlon. Nature has moulded her In her klndest raoods. A face ruil of expression aud an eye capable o emlttlngataslngle lance, the feellngs tha stlr the soul, a presunce that Is comandin and fullof grace added to a volee that rlse high In scènes of passion, wlthers wllh scorn and pleads tor plty In lts wenlth of tenderness No volee unless we except the lower registe of i-orest, cantal ns suen a wealth of orga tonos, such range.such compás, and wonder ful power In a vocal sense. 11 is admlrabl tralned, aud in the portrayal of passion powe and lntelligence, llêhts up the oïiaracter wlth a halo of genius. There Is a subtlerellnemen in every look and every movemeot that few actresses possen, aud adelicacy in herstrokes of sentiment that can spring alone from Intu tlon. Her thorough and complete assumptlo of a part tells what a mistress of her art 1 Miss Gray. she has thrown her strong na ture bodlly lnto her irapersonatlon, whlch 1 not only grand, hut a beautlful and endurlug picture of art. Will Carleton, University Hall, Thurs day eve., Dec. 16. Subject changed to "Chain of Success." Selections fron many of liis later, unpublUbed pocm wlll bc given. The 8an Francisco Daily Alta says o Ada Qray: The theatre was crowded lost nlght wlth a brllllant and fashlonable audlence drawn b theannouncement of the flrst appearance o Mis Ada Gray. The lady Is handsome, of the Btately order of beauty, uiagulflcent eyes, ex presslve countenance. symmetrlcal arm food carrlage aud a pteasaut v ice. n the second and third acts where intenslty are requlred, she responded lu such a mminer as to win the approbatlou of the audlence and an enthu.slastlc cali before the curtalu These acta are admlrably played by Mlss Oray. The fact that Wlll Carleton, Michigan's famous poet is to lecture before the Student's Lecture Association, in university hall, on Friday evening next is wcll known to lecture going people who are already doting upon the event. Carleton al ways draws a full house, and ahvayssends his audience home pleased with whatthey have heard. Since announciag his lecture we are iuformed that he has changed bis subject to "Chain of Success." v People paid their money to hear Fanny Davenport, and lelt Edruund Collier with empty benches, but Collier gave more for 75 cents than Mlss Duvenport did for $1. Collier is first class. ILLÜSTRATED ART LKCTL IÍKK Arrangements have been made for a rich art treat for the people of Ann Arbor, in three lecturea, tincly illustrated with itereopticon views, to be fjíven by Mr. Arthur May Knapp, of Massachusetts. in the Unitariiui churrh. Subjeets : I. "Wonders of Ürecian Art." II. "Medieval Art - The Great Cathedrals." III. "Michael Angelo and Haphael." These Lectures were originally {fiven before the. Peabody Institutesin Baltiinorc, and have been repeated in that city three successiveseasons. They bave also been given in the Hawthorne Kooms and Chickering Hall, .Boston, and many eastern cities. The lectures themselves, eutirely aside from thc illustrations, are i ti - teresting, instructive and able presentations of the great subject with whicli they deal. Tlie stereopticon illustrations used are selected from Mr. Knapp's private collection of over 1500 views. Tickets to these lectures are ustially 75 and 50 cents each; but arrangements have been made wliereby admitwlon churged In. Aun Arbor will be only SB cents per lee. ture. At the Unitaria church on Wed f nesday, Thursday and Friday evenings o i his week. Ada Grry in East Lynne, at the grand opera house, Saturday, Dec. 18th.


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