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liil NO FEE ! I I FsT.un.isnm issi. i Merrill UNTIL BETTER i DETKOIT.MICH. ƒ Block. ' -.. '-v S The Ecgular, Old-Establitbed L{'; j PHTSICIAN & SURGEON ÜJW is stül troitlsg with tho gioíttrt jJsKILLAND 8UCCE88 Y0UN6men,middle-agedmen . and all persons who by theirown acts of Imprudenco or Folly at any perioil of life have bronht upon themselves, tlie evil cffccts following ] upon thc heels of transiíresion of tne laws ] of nature, should consult tne Celebrlted Iir.C'larke at once. RcmemberlNervous dienen(vh or ] without dreams) or di'blllty and loss ..inervo power treated scientifically by ncw methodl wiih I never fdiling success. JJIt makcs no diffcrence , wliat you have taken or who has failcd to cure you. , jSS-T'.ie terrible poisons ofSj-pliili anl all i bad blood and skin tlineiisos.cniiiplctely I cated without mercury. Komem biT that ihisone 1 horrible dlsease, if neglected or improperly . ircatcd.curae the present and coming gcnerutions 4..1-AM unnntnrn.1 dichTgl curcd protnpily Xv.ihout hindrance to busim I. No expcrimcnts. Both scxes consult ronlldriitlnlljr. Aro and experienoe important. A w ritten unnraiiteo of cure glveu 111 cvory case uiidirlakin. ySuffèrer from any chronlcdlsensewrite History and Sjrmptoms of your case - plainly. Cases solicited which others have failed to cure. nf-Send hvo stamps fnr colpbratod Works on Clironií'. Nervous and Dí'llfftte Dinasd. You havu an exhaustivo symptomatologyby wliich to studv vour uwn case. Consultanon, personnlly or by letter, free. Consult the oíd ioctor. ] Thoúsands cured. Oltice and parlors prívate. You see no one but the Doctor. licfore confidin); your case consult DR. CL.AIIKE. A friendly letter or cali may save future suflerinff and Ehanic and add golden vc:ns to Ufe. Mc.i: I sent cverywhere secure írom exposure. liours, ) feto S; bundays, 9 to ja. Addrc, F D. CLARKE, M. D. . MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. MIch OH! MY BACKl drThslus ! ENGLISH BUCHU Ís One of tha Best KiPNEV INVESTICATORS IN USE. W111 curo all dlsease of tho Ktdnpya, Bladder, Protatíc Portf on of Iba 1 ms, frrttatíon of the Neck of tlie UUdd-r, liui Lrine, (iloüt, Gonorrhea In all iW btti'-j. HuouUi Itnrgea, Congestión of tho Kf(lntys liiick Uu! Deposlt, Dlabetw, Intlaniatlonof tíi Kidneya nml Bl.nhler. Uroprf of Kidneya, Acíí Uriiitj, nioiKty ürlne, l'uin in tliü ítepfion of tne Illadder, l'ATN IN THE BACK.Urmary Caloulat, Renal CalculuH, Henal Colie, Rott-ntion of Urine, FrÁguent Urlnation, Uravel in atl its forma, InnMlity tu Ketain tho Water, p:rt!fular!v ín norsonj H.lvaiu-od Ín life. IT IS A klDNIiV DíTKSTieiTOH i luit rt -i.n ,.M th Urino tolttn&tontl color rem ti lUeaold umi hurnlne.and tbeefftctof tiie eicoábivt) uae oí lntoxieatiinj drink. PRICE, Si; Six Cottles for S5. Dellvercd o-1 i rlea tVSondforCín-iil-ir. ! by all PrugKista. W. J0HNET5N & CO., Ahevts. ITTliOIT, MICH. JohnatOn's SarsapaTlita Ka tíio f]ieaiest aiulbcst Blood rerawiy inusc.asitonlv costa ¦ dollar for a quart bóttíe. Try it. Either f the above sent free oa receipt of price. "iRINSEY & SEVOLT'S BfiKERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. We kíe umtttnúj on haDd, BREAD, CRACKKKS. AKKS, KTC, For Wholesalo and Rstail l rio. We shall siso keuua uupp!y of SWIFT & DKUlíKL'8 BEST White Wheat Flour! Illii Flour, Itye I lour, Buvkwliciii Flour, Coro 'fi-iii, Féed, Etc., At Wholecah' nnd Ui tai!. A general stock of &ROCERIES ano PEOYÍSIONS Constautly on hniiíi, whfcb wlll he s-]d on as reüHdiüihic tiMins an at 'iny other Loum; i:i rit . " CaPh paid for BtftTÏR, OQ , and rorNTKY PRODUCE S''ntT.illv (íno íflWered to any lirt of thü cuy with'-ut ostra elmr.' RINsKV MCABOLT. jviff ÉTraraif. Whüe THH NKW VOKK WKKKIjY TUI 1CI K s thf most expen iive pubHcation ot its class in üie Umtcit State , neverthelesi its price is now fixcd at $i a ytar. Semi-Weékly at íj; in both c;ists ;ui extra BOpy witli B club of 10. The campaln jusí closed found tlic country in the trough of the polilicul waves, Thc Rt-publican managers havu nutdc tlic best atrugtfltf tlicy could against asíate of eeocra] apftthy In a few States they have Been kided by the insplrifag presence of a irreal leader w Iidsu sp havea,iened almoattbe only enthusiasm anywbere shown, The rcsuli of the campanil i.i gntiíyiag] n puna are au inspiratmn; the Dcraocratk losaea are .i filain uide to the popular drift, mm thía tima orward ÜIC t-unilry wili lvel the lift oïf tlit; advancingwave of iSSS which, if we all do our duly, will swix'p out frnm Washington the masquiraders novv in poabtbsion, Uie loes OÍ proteCtíOQ, tquaiilv and patnotic governme t lt is now the duty of all earnest and expenencud workers to hend tht-ir ener yiestoward umted and laatly work lr íSSS. The party Ís tobe consol! ed and ral lied. To this work VllK TR1BUNK pioduea iu zoUoui effor, I IIK TltlHtlM1 oíIltü for 187 scvcralexcellent premiums, includin TboTribant Book tf Opil Alr Sports. A work compilcd by fHB TKIBUNH especlnlly tor the young men of the Unttd SttOS It is a ihorough statement nf fie ,t statu of OpenAir athlctic anmsi imiits in Atm-rica. with BUirgestions to beginners, the rulea of every imaottant uame. the records oí' noted Contesta und the achica ements of American Champkifta The hoo will contats about 150 UloslraÜooa. Chistera are provided on Archery; Base-bal], with UW r cora "Í wondtrrful playin and the Lia-ueand Association on tests, and' QS lo tOCUrve a ba Ij L.iwn Tenms, Court Ttnn s Poot h.iil. Cricket Kacket, I-acrosse, Horsem.uiship CrOM CountH' 11 luitin '; Yachting, with a discusaion nf Sloop and Cutter and instructions How to Design, Buiid and Sail a lioat; Kowin, Canoeinjt Fiehinir, Trapping, Hunting with Snot-gun and Rifle, Campiog-out, Winter Sports, liicychn, Amateur PhotOgntphy and a few minor sports. Ainuug tlie writtrs who have COOtrlbated ai e Willium lil.ii, ie Maurice '1 liompson, Captain Jacob A. Augur. Caralry initroctor at West Poim, David Kiiby. Thomaj Clapham, General Grnr e '. Wingato, Professor Georgc Goldie, Director of Atiiktics of the New York Alhletic Club; and a lare numbor of private gentleman throughout the country have furnlshed OCOl concerning the wild game and hunting sports of their levetaj locailtiM. No bools of this chumeter has ever been put into print ín Anienca. lt is suihciently elemental tobe a 'Boy 's Üwn Book." and answer all the purposM of our manly yuuth and yet will also meet the demands of adults. il] be ready for delivery Dectmher ist. Octavo, 500 pages. Ketail price, Sj 50. Terms, poaUge paid, with Weekly, 1 ycar, 32.50. with Semi-we kly 1 year #,150; with Daily, f 10 50, On y to bc had in connection with yearly subscriptions to THE TRIBUNK. Also "RIimtN Rifle ÏV.Rticc.'1 : book for every hunter, and National Ouardsman; a fine Walthira Watch; the Low-pnced Waterhury Wahii; th two Unabndged Diccionario; Wood'l Medicine. Hygiëne and Surgen, MJuatrated; and Young's Concordance of the Blble. Sample copy, giving Urms in full, MBt free. Order by postal canl. A Club Ajfent wanted wherevet there is none, THE TRIBUNE, New York. O Til III ¦ïl'.US' OUIDK Is lSHUed Sept. and li h, duli jrnr. Mf 31 .., b1., x ll't lncllestvitlk im t r 3.5OO llliutrutloiia - a wliole Picture Galltry. GIVKS % Inil.M,l. Prli.. direct to consumvrs on all gomia for penoD&l or fuiuily -. TellA now to order, and glvc riut-t rost of tveryllig you use, at, drink, wrar, tr have f un Thme INVAIA AHI.E BOOK8 runtuln Information f;lranrd front tne imirkrl of tile noria. W wUl iuiiU a copy KHKK to mi) u.ldrCM npon recrlpt of 10 ets. to drfrny expense of mailing. Liet lu hrar fruui jou. Rrspcctfull)-, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 997 óe VSO Wabwih Avt-üae, ('lücimu, 111.


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