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AKlHC POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powdernever varíes. A marvel of purlty.strength and wholesoraeness. More eoonomical tlian the ordlnary k lints, umi cannot be sold in corapetltlon wlth the multltude of low test, short welght, alam or phosphate pnwders. Sold only In cans. Itoyal Baklnic Puwder 'o . 1O Wall gt.. N. Y. SCALY, ITCHY SKIN, And all IUhing and Sc-aly Skin and Scalp Diseases Cured by Cntlcnra. PSORIASIS, Eczema, Telter. Rinirworni, I.irhen Pru ritus, Scald Head, Milk Crust, Dandruff, Barhers' Bakers' Grocere' and Washerwoman'n ltch and every species of ltchlng, Borning, Scaly, Plmply Humor of the Skin and Scalp, witb os of Qalr are pol'lvely cared byaCuticura, the tfre&t Skin Cnre, and Cuticura Soap, and ixquiei e Skin Benntiffer extcrnally, and Cutlcura Keeolrent, ihe uew Hlond Purifter lnternally. wheu physician and all olher reinedia tail. Psoriasis, or Scaly Skin. I. Inhn J. Case, D. D. S., havlng practlred dentistryln thls county for thirty-flve years and being well known to tbousands hereabouts, with a view to help any who are afflicted aa I have been (or the pantwelve years, te.tify that the Outirura Remedies cared me of Psoriasis, or Scaly Sktn, In ehht days, alter tbe doctors wlth whom I had consnlted gave me no help or encouragement. Newton, N.J., JOUN J. CASE, D. D. S. Distressing Eruption. Your Ctttlcnra Remedies performed a wonderful cnre last summur on one of our enstomen, an old gentleman of seventy years of age. who tutfered with a ffan'ully distresslnp eruption on his head and face, and who had trled all remedies and to no purpose. Texarkana Ark. .7. F. SMITH & CO. Dustpanful of Scales. H. E. Carponler, N.Y., cured of Pêorlasls or I-prosy, ol twenty years' standing, by Cuticura Ri medies. The most wonderfnl cure on record. A dnstpanful ofscales feil from him dally. Physlcians and his friends thought he must die. Eczema Radical Cured. For the radical cnre of an obstinate case of Erzema of long standing, I glve entlre credit to The Cuticura Remedie. New Haven. (;t. E. B. RICHARDSON. Sold hy all Drugeists. Price: Coticura. 50Cts.; Hïsolvent, 81.00; Soíp, 25cta. Pottkr Drug and Chkhical Co., Boston. Sena f r "Hw to Cw Skin Diseaiies " T3T7 A TTTIFY the Complexión and Stln by LÜAU usini; the Cuticura Soap. im IT FEELS GOOD! JP Tlios ¦ worn out with l'ninn, AchíTBy and weaknessea flnd relleved In J-. rí)"i' iiinn' ) iiil-iiri AutiJÊJT3 ¦ IMaster. At DruggisU, 25 CONSTITUTIONAL CATARRH. No single diseaae haa entailed more suflVring or hastened the breaking up of the constltutlon than Catarrh. The sense of smell, of taste, of slght, of hearing, the human voice the mind - one or more, and Hometlme all, yleld to lts destructlve iuflnence. The polson it distributor throughout the system and breaks up the most robust of constitutfuns. Ignored.because but little understood, by most physicians, impotently assailed by quackf and charlatans, those sufTering from it have little hope to be relleved of it thls side of the grare. It Is time, then, that the popular treatment of thii terrible dlsease by remedies within the reacb. of all paseed into hands at once competent and trustworthy. The new and hitherto untried method apopted hy Dr. Sandlord in tbe preparation of hls llaiHcal ('urt has won the heartv approval of tbousandf. It is lntantaneous in atfording relief in all head cold, tneezing. snnffllng and obatructed breatbing, and rapidly removes the opprewsive symptoma, clearing the head, sweetening the bre.ith, reetoring the seoses of amell, taste and hearing, and neutralizing the constltutional tendency of the disease towarda the lungs, llver and kldncys. Sandford's Radicad Cure consiste of one bottle of the Kadicai. Cure, and one box of C'atharral Kesolvent, and one Improved iNHAl.Klt; price $l.C0. RHZUMATIC PAINS. mr Nenralgic, Sciatlc, Sudden, Sharp and ¦É Nt-rvdUK Falns and Stralni Rrliered IWu In One MinnteZby the Cuticura fWy Antl-Pain Piaster, the most per l 'eet antidote to pain aud li.flamation, i vr compounded. New, origina), InKtaKimieous, infallible and safe. At all dnmglsts. 25c.; flve for f 1.00; or poatage free, or ot Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. 1887. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTEATED WEEKlY." Harpib's Youno Peopi-e haa ben called "the model of what a periodical for young readers oaght U be,"and the Jastice of this commendatlon la araply austalned by the largeclrculatlon It has atlained both at home and In Qreat Brltaln. Thls succeas haa been ri'iulied by method that must commend themaelveH to the Jiidgment of parents. no les than to tbe tastea of children-namely, by an earnest and well susUioed eflort to provide tlie best and most altraotlve rendlng fi)r young peopleat a low price. The tlluslratlons are coplous and of a coplously high standard of excellence. An epitome of everything that ii attractive and dcsirable in juvenile literature.- Boston Couner. A weekly fcast of good thingi to the boys and girls in every family which it visits- Brooklyn It ii'wonderful in its wcalth of picturej, information and interest.- Christian Advocate, N. Y. TERMS : Postage Prepaid, $S PerYear. Vol. TUI. commenceë November f, 1886. Single numbers, 5 cent each. Remittauces shoald be made by Post-Offlee M.iney Order or Draft, toavoid chance of without the exprets order o Hakpek Bkothns AddroM IIARPER & BROTHERS, New York. JE V ÜBEATHIbtOHÏ Outsolls all othcr bxjks. Hon. ÈmwOt J J. S. Wtóe of Va., mti : " H'hoevrr FAfl tttkc it matter whethrr he ¦T Y ftc Mr. Blaine friend or enemy, ¦B, Uf "'i never put t down urttil l,e 'M WÊB ' Thuniian, naya: "A classic HPKrTI - inovr jHïlitir-alhistory.' ËiÊtiXm Atfütfl wantod on commljm WÈË& f"íln Artdrt'ss IKHl AWr Hruthtn, PB. Lt.utt.lum. Obw


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