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laxe? are brtegtog the wheat ioto marOverut North Lake they liold '-cooky lociala." The Lira Center-its are to have a Clin-tims tree. John Batehetder, ofYpsIlaod, will travel tir a Chicago lionse. Mv-i.f.-nnic Franklin.of Sylvan, !s vlsIttog f reode ta Ntm York. Miss Lillie Mutschel is teinporary librarían of the Clielsea library. The Dexter school board will open tlieir bids for a new school house to-day. Another brasa band has been orgmized at Dexter. Pity the sorrows of the afllicted. Dr. Oakley and wife, of Ypilant, have gnne to Ormauü, Fia., to remata during tliu winter. The Mooreville Baptist announce a Christmas cantata Ín their church to-morrow evening, 22J. The Conrregationalists of Dexter are to give a cantata and Christtaas tree at tlieir chnrch this weck. The sink hole near Wlutmore Lake, on the T., A. A. & N M. E. K„ bas been Binking a tiiflu ajiain. What's the matter with that electric lifflit seheme? Has the bottom tumbled out? - Dexter Leader. Miss Muttie Strahan. aged 19, died recently at the residence of her sister, Mis. Qeo. I. mili, of Dexter. Mrs. Fiulsy B. Whitaker ba gone to Mendola, III., to join her üusband, and reside tbere In the future. The Chelsea Congrogational Sunday Rhool are to give an entertainment at the Town hall on Christmas eve. Mrs. John V. Button is visitlng rel itivcs and frieruN in ('lielsea at't'-r an absence of 15 years In California. The spring bed factory on Biver street is a ni'w Bnterprtn aondaoted liy Mr. 1). Edgar, of Adrián - Milán Journal. W. W. Hendrieki, of Pinckney, 8 the possessor of e reinarkable curiosity, it heilig a Japanese BWOrtl made entirelj ofJapanege cons. Tlie Chelsea Debattng Club and the Nnrih Lake Lyceum clMhed in debate last 8aturday eveiilnjt on the capital puniahllient qUMtiOU. 1 tester oagbt to have an entertaininent at least once In three weeks during the winter season. Who will start the hall a rolling t - Leader. The Stoekbridge town board refue to lovrer the bond tï llqor lealer, iuii'usequently lts hotel proprietor refutM i" "il up bis house. DfXter home talent hive in em'irj'o a play In be gtvea somctinu' darlax the winter. Thits not a b.-ul way for younj; folks to improve themselves. Tlie Ypsilantian culi the uniform text book idea a v israry, and hope tint C apt. Manly will not be suecessful in the new liill he propones to iitroduce. Mr. and Mr. John R Gitesand tlieir daughcer Magjrie left last Tiiursday tdr Bordentown, N. .L.wheie they will speuil the winter. - Chelsea llerald. TIih PreshytiTian churcli willbedecorateil for the Smul iy school 'iilirlainiui'nt on Christm is eve. A very pie isaot eveniniis niticipated. - Milan Journal. . fiext Tuesd iy evenlng, Dee. 28th, the South Lyon Dramatic Club will preeesl " Therese, or The Orptmn of Geneva." for the benefit of the South Lyon band. Oro Fino Mining Co., of South Lyon, has already cominenced selling uur itn siimll Btockbolden on ass"ssmnl-. Ife Rhouid judge by a legal notice lo the l'icket. The Leader asert that Dexter farmer ¦re ayuig In an uuusual amountof all tor this time of year. Wonder if the Bohemian oat men are " salting " tliein any ? There is to be an admisión fe of two potatoe charged for an entertainment to be riven at the Dexter M. E. Churcli on ('hrlstmM eve., for the benefit of the poor. Oice Milan village was very small, bia now il's (juite a town; and bas souie port of repute, and gome of great renown. O, we're gettlrig there. - Milan Leader Ye-, hut by soine peculiarity the equa ieil valoatlOO of Ton towuhlp raises not with the town. Why is it thus ? Alioheinian oat case, which bas attracted mach attentlon, bas just been declded ajitim-t the assoclation at Adrián. The suit was for breach of contract. The charge of the judge was favorable to the oat men, but the jury returued a verdict against them, awardirjg the plaintiff $',l,919.30.- Ypsilantian. Thos. lïlrkctt returned from Petoskey last Monday. Mr. B. went on bntlaett regard Ing bis AoQrlng mili which was burned Dec. 5th. The books which weie encloud In a small Detrblt safe were not removed from the rata unlil last Saturday and were found to be unitijured. Mr Birkett's loss is about $9,000.- Dexter Leader. A gnol lady in the 6th ward has a tenant house at which slie hired a well diggr to ninke n well. Sixty feet down lic went, and walled up as nice a wcll a u U ever dag, but it was as dry as a corn basket ! " Don't you never pay hini a cent," said the neighbors, when they heard the story. Bat the good lady replied : ''I am sorry, but I can't havo t on my consc ience that that poor man shall lose bis work." And she paiil the i'ull prii'e. When they looked at tlie well a;ain, there waillx feet of beautiful clear water in it. and the promise ot an anfalllng supply. This i ¦ tact for which we can voiich. - Ypsilanti Beo tl DelThe South Lyon Pieket has a rer.uini' panther story for the public. Huie it is: '¦ Yliile golng tbrougb the woods two miles east of Brjffbtoii, last Satunlay, Nelsiui (iouKl and Charles Meach canie siuldenly apon a very large beast of the lynx species. It was eafTSny devouring a : ea-s wheu the men cauie apoo it and it ihowed Bgbtglviog them no chance to ;et ! out of tlie way, but springinir ut them. They bad iiotiiint: hut ao axeand a unnll revolver. Qonld shot at the beast and broke his bind leg. On three lejrs it sprang on hini and MOfbl IU clawi Into hu and lii aun In Itt ininith. It completcly tore the clothes from Nis body and the llcsh trom his arm. Gfttinir B füVOTable chance to hit the beaat wiih the aze, Meach struck flercely at it, one blow taking effect In its brafn, killmg it. üould had shot it three times witli the revolver wlnle figliting, none ot the shois seeming to take effect, allli'Mljjh hit in the he ui. The brute weighed 8T poundl and is pronounreil a jfenuine panther. He is undoubtedly the (ame hird chat m seeu in Gixeu Oak by severa! laat year.'' Salino mouriis a lackof cntertainments. The Saline P. liag been improved soinewhat by Mr. Gillen, the P. M. Charles Mclutosh who liad lived lo Ypsilantieversiuce 1818, died 011 tlie 1 I til inst. A. K Rousc of Saline, will go on the roail for tlie Buckeyfl Uiuder, says the Observer. O. M. Rimvn. of Mimreville, has rented a hotel in Ypsil.iuii, and will Moa lake ii-scs3on therejf. Florence A. Ku-sell of Manchester is to be ast. matroD of the Industrial scliool at L ini ister, Ohio, lifter Jan. lst. On Friday 'evening. De 31st, Ihe Germán Woikiniíinen's Society, of ManchesIer, will liold a dance at Goodyeai's hall. The Manchester Enterprise has very Ben&lbly adnpted the plan of Haklog com pennatlon tor all notlcet of entertainments wkere au adiiiisslon fee is chared. H. Liesemer & Sou have purchased the Clark elevalor, just cast of t luir ovvn grein warehouse. Thcy will put an engine in the elevaxor In a few days. They have several thousand bushels of wheat stored in their bins ready for shipment as ftft as car can be sccuied.- Saline Observer. Waltcr Simmon?, by the catching, Nov. 2lst, of the pickcrel now on exhibition at J. II. Bortle , infasiiring 51 inches and weightnir 34 pounds, i:liim the Championship of the state tor Uu: Mpgett flsh canrht willi a common line and liook. It is imdcmlitedly the lar;est ti-li ever pulled out of fresb water. - Saline Observer. Ijast Friday all those porties who subscribecl towarda the ezteusloo of theT.,A. A. & N. M. Ry., Uring at this place re ceived passes to Toledo iml return so as to enahle them to cali ut the bank thcre and take up tbelr notes. A lare number of Hiiinbmjr citizeos conReqaently pent Satardny in Toledo. - Hamburg cor. So. Lyon Picket. The custom of ltim berin r up the columns of wlth the detatled li.-ts of pnsenta received al weiidinjpi is being díícontlnned in the besl circU-s, and in the stad the cah pi ice of jriftatl iinnoiinced. An exchftnire, in fivinga marriage notice says: "Only a ï-w prioDi nrera prewnt, but the presenta nggrvgated 75." This saves pace, and indlcatei tliat the ;ifis aie properly prized. After a trial lastinr i carly a weck and a halt the casi' of Lynian .1. Bonle vs. The Michigan Bohemiao Oat Absoclatlon, is linislied. The rase was broogbt to recover on the bonds or contraots made by Jo. Ii Strayer, is Supt., to Mr. Soule. Judge llowcll charged vciy strongly in favor of the defendauM, and in substance held ihelawlo be in bu charge to them: "That the bonds or contracta were given in ald or' au Ilegal and iwlndllnjt ipeeulatiou and therefbre agalnat puljlic policy and void, and that tlicy were notenforce able in i-ourt." The jury, notwlthstuodiüf: the Jmlac's charge, rendered a verdict of (8.90(1 for the pli.ii'tifl'. A motion to ¦el Mide the verdict ai id for a new trial has In-en mide hy tlie defendantt and itanda for hearing at the next term of cmirt. A largc number of our prominent farmers ,re defendauta in the snit. - Dundee Reporter. Wtille vUltlnfr friends at Tutllngen. Germ iiiy, nboiit a jcar ajrn, John lold, a a y ou dg man, who has been living in Freedom, was laforoied hy the mail car lier that therv was a postal onlcr at the ofllce for him. Upon calling on the potina-tcr lie found an order for $32 payable t F'rcd Dold, froin New Yoik. He tok) the offlcerthal it was oot for hlm, that he cxiectc-d DO mnney trom New York, etc.. whereat the ofüoer ridicuicd him for not takinj; the moncy when it wa9 offerd to him. He finally took it and remrned to Fnedom soine weeks later. Atter a while the postmaster found that lie had made a niistake and John's friends wrote him that the rightfnl owner had been found, uiid he was contemplating sending the money back, but on Monilay a U. S. postofflee inspector, named SprangIer, carne here uil was taken out to Gus. Wiaei by Mike Brenner, where thcy found the youn; man wlio was willing to pay tlic monuv over to him, though under the circuinstaiiccs it is doubtful whether be conld be compelled to do so. The transaction has oool thistroveinment more


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