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A Common Cold Is often the beginning of serious aflcctions of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and Lungs. Thcreíore, the importance of early and cffective treatment cannot be overestimated. Ayer's Cberry rectoral may ahvays be relied upon íor the 9peedy cure oí a Cold or Cough. LMt .Tanuary T mi attacked with a nevere Cold, w'hich. by neglect and írequent exposures, becáme worse, finally culin? on my lunes. A terrible coub. soon fullowi'd, accompanled by pains m ?be chest, from wbtch I Mlffered iutensely. Aftr trybag varioai ri medlet, without obtalnlng relief. I commenoea taking Ayer's Cberry rectoral, and was Speedily Cured. I am sn(ified th:it thii reniedy saved my lile. - Jno. Webster, r:iwtucke.t,lt. I. I contraeted a moveré oold, whieh iud lelv developed into Pneumonía, presenting dangeroua and obstinate ¦ymptoms. My pbysician at once ordired tlie use of Ayer's Cberrv rectoral, llis inatructionf ¦were followed, lad the resutt was a rapld and permanent eme. - 11. E. Siiupsou, ltogers Prairie, Texas. Two years apo I sulTored írom a evore Cold whieli sellled on my Lunes. I consulted varloua pbyitctaní, ana took the medicines they preacrUwd, but reteived ¦only temporary relief. A frietid iudiucd me t try Ayer's Cberry Pectoral. After taking two tottles of this medicine I was cured. Sinee then I have glven tliePec toral lo ni y children, and cuusider il The Best Remedy for Colds, Cotlgbf, aml all Throat and Luns dlmótea, ever wed lo my family.- fiobert Vaaderpool, Meadi lie," Pa. Sonic time ajo I took a slight Cold, wblcb, belng neslected, grew wurse, and Rettled on my langt. 1 had a hacking cough, and was vrry weak. Those who kin-w me beat considered my ufe to be in pieat daager. 1 eontlcaád to Riiffer until I eommeoced oilns Ayer1! Cherry Pectoral. Ven than une bottwof this valtiable medicine cured me, ;md 1 feel tbat I owe i be preervatlon of my life t lu carative powers.- Mr. Auu'Lookwood, Akron, New York. Ayer's C'heny Pectoral is considered, hete, ihc one gntí remedy íor all dlMMM of the tbroat and lungí, aml Is mor indemand tlmn any other medicine of iu class. - J. F. BoberUj ilaguolia, Ark. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prf pared by Dr. J. C. AyerícCo., I.owell, Mam. bula b Drun-uu. Trie 1; ata loulc, t.


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