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Brace Lp. Tnu aro feeling deprussecl, your nppetito is poor, you aro botliercd uith Htadaehe, you are fiilgetv, neryous, nnd generally out ofaorts, and want lo brace up; Brace up, but not witli simulants, sprinjr medicines, or bitter-, wliich have fir ilirir Iwsis vi-ry clie.ip, b:id whisky, and whicli .-tmiutate you for au hour, und tlien leuve you Ui worseconditlon titan bafora. Wli it you want is au alteiative tliat will puiify voiir blood, start heallhy iction of Iiver ;ind Kidney, restore your vitality, and give renewed heultli mid strcngih. Sncti a medicine you willfind in Efcctric Bitters, at only 50 renta a bottle, at Eberbach fc Son's drug store. A toilet luxury in every respect, Ayer's Hair Vigor neverfails torestore the youthtüi fre8hness and color to faded and Lray liair. It also erxdicates dandruffand.preTents the hair frmn falIiDg out. Salt Rheum and How to Cure ir. This Ís an invetérate and vpry troitMesoflM ernitioo or " hreaking out " which ftppean on d I parts of the body, but most comnvrniy on Mv and fcc We have ccn many cases vrherc i' ha ncarly all pee led oil' Üic hand;, leavfng th-m raw and tender. The affection is too common and too wcll koown to need mmh drscription, for it is safe to mv thit one oí every five ot the human f;itmlv i i more or less with this tronbiesome disease. Ojt ward applieations often añord tempor ,iry relief, lm to effect a permanent cure the blood must 1 te cleansed and the digestiveorans rettored tont action, which can best be accomplishcd by the use of Hibbard's Rheumattc Syrup. We have nuver found a cas of Sait Rheum, 'letter or firyaipeUa that Rheumatic Syrup would not cure w&eri patiënt would continue its use a suffiYicnt leiiKih ot time to work the inipuritict out of Üie bloud und ystem. Hibbard'i Rheumatic Synip is compoundeil i sively from the extracts ofroota, herbs and fruit contains nothinfc that woutd injurr the tnnst ft-eMe coostitution; but on the contrary it is eomnoumitvl of such remedies m are noecssary to builu up th.brokea down vstem. It streojjthens the feehlc, it suppHea the Teins with pure and rich blood, it chances the sallow complexión to a rosy hut-, ¦trengthena th weak and give Xo the aged the vigor ot youth. It should bc used in preft-rence to allother so-called remedies for all disease of the kidney, as it has a and eñect instead of and irritating, as is always the case with all bitters and and other alcohoüc preparationa recommended and advertised largely for thes most prevalent disease, bat which have Jone mort to increase them than otherwise. Do not bc deceived or influenced by any one to use any of these quack nostrumst which are only forceil apon the market simply to take mom-v from thtpoor, sick and tuftering, who are only too eager to grmsp at anythinjf that may be advertised for disrases with which they are afflicted. Kthb.irJ' Hheumatic Syrup is nota patent medicine, but a proprietary article which has heen trted and tested oy many of our ieadinjf physicïans, who to-i usins it in their dailv practice. Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup Ís put up in boiües, and is sold by druggists gcnciailv. Prict $i.oo,or siz bottles for $5-oa It your drugvist doe aot havo it, write us and we wiU sen1, il ss ai address on receipt of pric, ftoight prepail fr our medical pamphlet. RHKUMATIC SVRUP CO-, Solemanufacturcrs, Ja.kon. Mifh. THE INTER ÖCEM OF CHICAGO In Clrculatkjn and Politie! influenc la th Leading Republican Newspaper TN THB NORTHWEST. THE INTER OCEAN has from the befrlnnlng beo the defender of home inatltutlons and Amerlcua idea.. It la the a-dvocat of equal rinfhta for all before the law, of protectlon to Amerlcnn labor, and of the Idea that America ts for Amerlcans--not nee essarlly Americana by blrth, but true clüzena of the Republlc. It believen In the West and Weatt-rn men, holda to the idea that the fUture aeat of Om pire wlll be In the Mlsataslppl Valley, and la bold and aiTffreaalve In lta oppoaltlon to the unholy itlllance between the chancera of New York City nnd the 8tAtm lataly In rebelllon. THE INTER OCEAN ia earneatly In favor of the Republican party because It beHeves the principies of tbt party are correct, and that, honestly car ried out, they wlll beat protect the rights and ad vanee the interesta of the whole people. It Is not, however, a blind follower, but la alway ready to denounce Republican wrong'dolag, elther In hlffh or low placea. THE INTER OCEAN haa always roaintalned that the Natlon la under an oblliratioii to the soldier of the late war, who Jeopardired their 11 ves to protect it from armed treaaon, which It can never repay and, conaequently, haa advocated the eatablinhment of Boldlers' Hornea and the en&ctment of auch pension lawa na would leave no dlaabled veteran In want. As a Newspaper THB INTER OCEAN la not excelled In the United Statea. Aslde from the service of the Associated Preas, in which It holds a memberahlp, it keepa a larg body of Sperln-1 Correapondents, both In this country and in the O Ui World, and has SPECIAL LEASED TEI.RGRAPHïC WIRES connectlnff lts Cülcago office with WASHINGTON and NEW YORK, 'n both of which cltia It hita SPECIAL NBW8 BUREAUS and maintalna Branch Offices. Te DaV Intcp Qoean Ia published every day In the year. Pricf, ficlosiTe of SaDilaj, - - $ 8.00 per ïear 41 Sunday iacladrf, - - - 10.00 " ' Tbc Semi-lÜGeHlj' ínter Qoean Is publlsbed on MONDAY8 andTHURSDAYS, and contatos the News condensad from the Daily. Araong othr ffcaturea, THE SEMI-WBBKLY printa the Sermona of Prof Swing and other lead Lng Minlstera ot Chicago. X-rice( ii.fïO per Ynr. Tbc Weeíly ínter Qoean , Has the LAROEST CIRCULATION of any weekly paper West of New York. In 1884, before the reduction of postatre, It paid for POSTAQB ON CIRCUI.ATION alone over flo.OOO. Irice 1 .OO er rep. Every effbrt Is uaed to make THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN a MODEL FAMILY NKW8PAPER, one that can be taken lnto any famlly with proflt to ach Of lta membera. The Storlea and othr htei ary faaturea are from the p#me of the ablent and most approved writera. Anumir them are MRS. BURNBTT, MISS PHEI.PS, MÍS8 JEWETT. and MESSH8 8TOCKTON. TKOWBRIDOB, LATHROP, BOYESBN, SIDNEY LUÖKA, and E. F. ROB. All the lefidlnv ff tures of the paper which have made It SO POPULAR IN THB HOME CIRCIJE wlll be Donttnuad and lmproved, and nothlnff will be l#f undone to keep It in the front rank as A SOUND. WÜOLKtiOMB NEWSPAPER. speciaToffers. There la a ffreat demand from all pnrts of the country for a correct but cheap Htstory of the United Btatea. Moat of auch booka are ao lartr and expensive as to be out of the mach of moet families. Yet every boy and iflrl outfit t to be familiar with the history of their It eau hnrdly fail to make them better citfeena. THKINTFH OCEAN haa made special arrangement by whu-h lirnwnV History of the United States Cn b offerod with TUE WEEXLT INTFR OCRAN. one yèar, At th vry low rat of ONE DOLLAI AND FIFTY CBNTË For both the hlatory and paper. BROWN'S HISTORY 1 a well-writt#n story of our country, from the aarlleai etiiment to the prennnt dnj It bi wÜ prtiited in olar type, oti good white pppr, nnd hound In t-loth. It contaln mor thanSIXTY II,H'8TRATION8 and overSIX HUNDRKU 1 tiSHXMBKR, "SK bot.l.Alt A SU HF! rCBNTa uapJor thr iipr Omê Y '" tfutnrv, kth u hé tent portnji fnM. __ A PREMIUS TO MÜATS. The prlre oT THK WURKLY IN'TRR OCEAN la $l.OO pfr yT, R'-l "'" pi -son evindlng four yearl? subscrlpilcnn tor 'hut ol'lon, acnompanted by th full aibct-lit1on prirr ¦ ¦ H8--wewil! sendthom A OOPY OK THH HISTORY KREK. Aimost any boy or jyirl ren sfuure four subscrlbera, and In thia way obtaln a Oop] f this book l%4prUê9fTHS SKMiWKSKlY . IM: OCH l N indlïli" H VL UI STORY t IfíSVNlfKDfiTÁTl S . TWO " 1.V AND v ' ) tij ;.s 8ampl roplo of any dltion of THB INTKK CEAN wlll be sMit on appllc-ivtion. RemittMicoa may be mude at our risk. etther by traft. exp'-pss. postofflce orfler, expresa orders, oatal no , or register'-4 letter Money itr-nt In iny other way U at the rini of the poinon aendtng t. Addrean THE INTER OCEAN, Bft Trti.¦on Bt , Chicago.


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