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From the Youths' Corapanloa. iiii'iiK, iiit-;ih i [14M1 luid riljilillt', Oh heartur mine nuwt ilfiir. And sing once more the Hong of yore 1 ii tl cruwns the waning year ; Oh wriu-y nut in stnglng The grand and raatchless lajr. 11. nv ('In is( in htily lli'ihli-hi'in 's bom on ClirUtmiui bay. Ilreak, Ijreak thou into raptare. Oh great heart of Ihe world. And slng the song willi volees stroug, The song wllh Joy lmpeailed ; OU wenry not In i n ltIi in Tht grand and mutchless lay, How Chrisl In holy Bethlehem Was bom ou Chrlslma Uay. Put not your trust in "bucket shops." Look out tor the new 2 cent stamp January lst. If tramps could be induced to take options, i'li ? What has becorae of our "booming" oramittee? The proudest moment of a man 's life is wlien he makes au enemy liis friend. A gross of log books are being made at the Courier bindery for an Alpena firm. The electric light is being anxiously waited for. A. L. says it will be a noble light. Xominations of tlie K. of L. meeting to-raorrow evening. Members are asked to be present. The markets thUmornlng report wheat at 75 cents, corn 2ö@30 cents iu the ear, outs 25 to 30 cents. "Lick behind!" ie what the boys catch occasionally from cross drivers who were never boys theuiselves. All the weather needs to do now is to keep cool and send down a little more snow to grease the aliding. Ann Arbor will be entitled to tree delivery after the new law joes into operation, providing she wanta it. When our chrlstian and temperance Triendsare passing resolutious they should remember the "bucket-shops." The case of The People vs. Alonzo Bliss luis engaged the attention of the circuit court this weck, and is stil) on trial. When wluged crystals flll the air, And uil l tlelds gruw wtiile aud fair, And break the Christin day, Ttie olden (ame ui cliiet and lord, of Hobert aud lue Truce of Uod, Well niay ilie cüildreu play. Wliy will not some of our Germán citizens make au t tl.jrc to secure the new Oerman Lutheran college here ? It is worth trying for. The Ladies Library will beopen for the distribution of books on Friday before Christtnas, and Friday before New Years instead ot' Saturday. Judge Newton is holding court ihia week iu place of Judge Joslyn, who is hearing a munler case in the Shiawassee circuit at Comuna in exchange. The SchuUenbund announces a grand hooting match at their park for New Year's Day. The patticulars of the program will be decided upon Mondaj' next. A Christmas entertain ment U to be given on Thursday evening, by the Congregational Sunday school, thej proceeds and articles douated to be giveu to the poor. The streets were crowded with teams Saturday, and the number of ChrUtmas trees taken ouf in furmcr's wag ns was indicatlve of good times in the farmer's homes. Chas. Stewart Draper, candidate for regent of the unlverslty on the republican ticket in 1886, has been appointed as regent by Gov. Alger, In place of Jas. F. Joy, reslgned. The entertainment to bc given this evening at the M. E. Church, will be of a very interesting character, and as the admission is free, there will no doubt be a large attendance. The M. C. H. R. liave about 00 men at work gettingout ice for their Detroit ice liouses, on the new Comwell'sdam. The ieeisused in their passenger trains mostly. Several car loadsare shipped each day. Our city is being over-run with tramps once again. They are too plentiful for comfort. A place to break f tone for macadamizing roads, or service in the chain gang would help rcmedy this evil. The poor we have with us always. On Christmas Day remember them with not only words, but deeds. Let not the sun 8ink to rest on tliat day without being abletosay: "I have made at least one soul rejoice.'' The railroada announce half rates for the holidays, and will sell tickets to all points December 24 and 2üth for Christmas and December lst and January lst, for New Years, the tickets good to return tlll January 3rd. Prof. Sill of the normal school will deliver bis excellent lecture on " spiders" next Friday evening, in the audience room of the Presbyterian church. The lecture is free, and the public cordially invited to attend. Carril M. Coe, a former Ann Arbor boy, joined a syndicate last week to purchase 320 acres of land on the cdge of Aberdcen, Dakota, for $13,000. Tliat tract was purchased four years ago for $400- a pretty good advance. The committee of the council to go to Adrián January 6th, and endeavor to secure the next encampment of the Southeast Soldiers' and Sailors' Assoelation for Anu Arbor, consists of Mayor llobison, Recorder Pond and Alderman Herz. Frank A. Green and Mis-s Millie Gillette, were married at the Baptist church last Sunday evenlne, just orevions to the regular service. The bride is a member of the sophomoreclas! of the high school, and botta bridfl and groom have many friends in the city. The flags displayed for every day diet by the Rignal service at this point, are bebecoming undiscypherable by'constant "banging," being MutA "" to the rope, reminding one very inuch of a rabbifs tail hoisted for a sail. The holiday or occaaional gnals are disnernible y"t. Pass the haf, Thos. J.. and renew the weather s'ijrn-. At the last s.ssi.... of the council the mayor m HtbMlxed to appolnt a committee of thrce tldennea with tlie city marshal, and Ihree bulMMRMl tonttend a conference of local charitable association?, to tafce sui-li steps as might be necessary to prevent linposters from ohtaining ald, and to relieve to the best advantage the necessities of the deserving. The mayor has appointed as such committees Aids. Allmendinger, Steere and Neithammerof theconncil and Messrs. Thos. J. Keech, N. H. Butts and Anton Eisele from the citizens. The conference will be held soon. Toboggans oost only from$1.25 up. In condemnlng your fellow-man bc certain there is no mote in your own eye. Turkeys bring 9@10 c, clilckens 7@Sc, ilucka 9 c, geese 10 c. County Treasurer Belser says that moncy comea in slow this yeer. A erop of beautiful clear ice about ten inchea in thlekness is being stored by our ioe men. Carpenters iloing out-iloor work liave liad to breathe on their fingere oíten during tlie past few days. The public fountain in the court house corridor will be a convenience appreeiated in warm weather. Rev. Fairfield, of Ypsilanti, occupled the Congreational pulpit last Sunday, In exchange with Rev. Ryder. Treadwell & Ricbraond have bought the John Keek stock of furniture :iml cominenced selüng off the same Monday. The Methodist choir of last year had a reunión recently at Mr. Cole's, on whicli oecaion tliey presented tlieir organist Mr. York with Mozart, on a bu9t. Pollceman Amsden has been incurring the everlasting displeasure of some of the boys who use the sidewalks for coasting purposes lately. Will Payne has the agency for selling the capsules mnnufactured in this city, in Michigan and Indiana. He is making large sttle3 for them. Not a cent for railroad shops, for manufactures, for addltional schools and colleges, for good roads, for any other Improvement, but heregoes another thousand on optioii8 ! Saturday being a legal holiday, James Mcllugh, treasurer of Northfield, will be at the county treasurer's office, on Thursday of next week to receive taxes, instead of that day. The toboggan slide is going up like magie. The "tower," in which the reception and cloak rooms are, is on the east side of 12th street, just off of N. University avenue. Last Monday a party of 15 or 20 tramps got into a drunken row down at Cleveland hall, and the pólice being notifled made a raid and captured four of them, the balance scattering. When we see a pretty face underneath a bonnet or hat on which a dead bird is to be f ou ml for ornament, the beauty of that face fades at once, 8Dd assumes a look of seltlshness and cruelty. Judge Cooley qualified as recelver of the Wubash R. R., in Chicago, Monday, lus bonds being llled In the sum of $100,000. He left there Tuesday for 8t. Louis to look after the affdirs of the road In that city. Wm. E. Eldert who succeeded Chas. J. Durheim in the cigar business on E. Huron street, has gone out of trade, finding it unprofitable. An Ypsilanti party has been negotiating for the store and stock, but with no success as yet. This happy iluy, whose risen sud Shall set not through eternlty, This holy day when Ohrisl the Loni Took on hlra oar humanlty. Kor llttle children every where A Joyous season 1111 we iunke, Will brlng our preclous Klfia to them, Even for the dear chlld Jesus' sake. - Phrebe Cary. Geo. Schlegel, of Bridgewater, died last Wednesday. He was 65 years of age and was the father of Mrs. Pred Esslinger, of this city, who attended the funeral services, which were held at the homestead last Saturday. The American edition of Prof. H. S Frieze's new book, Giovani Dupré has already been exhausted. Which is not only a great compliment to its author, but shows the public appreciation of a worthy and valuable work. Judge Harriman iscredited with being pretty shrewd, generally speaking, but when he attempted to make a pair of "bobs" for the young Judge and keep it a dead secret until Christmas, he made a total and complete tailure. Fred. W. Stevens, manager of last year's Chronicle, was married Dec. 16th at Grand Rápida by Bishop Gülespie to Miss Josephine M. Perrine. The announcements were artidtic in style in the college colors, blue and maize. We should show an interest in Prof. Hennequin's venture as dramatic author by lilling the opera house on Tuesday erenlng next. Those who have read "Mignonnette" speak ot it in the highest terms, and predict that it will be a grand 8UCCL'SS. The usual list of those who propose to receive New Year calis will be published in the Courikr next week. Ladies receiving will confer a favor by leaving a list of names at this olHce or by sending them to us by postal or otherwise up to Tuesday night. Justice Frueauffsent Richard Kelley to the Detroit house of correction for 90 days, and Wm. Russell to the county jail for 30 day?, each for vagrancy, Monday. Thirty days In the county jail. with sure lodgings and board, is a "snap" that few vags get these days. A well-to-do farmer living near Dixboro, brought in several bushels of potatoes last year to distribute among the poor ot our city, and a few days since he gave notice to one of our business men that he should do the same thing again this year. That is practical charity which will certainly have its reward. Dr. S. II. Adams, whom the Dexter M. E. church are fortúnate in securing, is doing good work in that field, as every pew is now rented and the church can sciircely hold the crowds Sunday evenings. Many are joining the church, and it is about to enjoy one of the most pro9per ous years of its experience wlthin its handsome walls. The business of the Michigan Furniture Co. formerly the Keek Furniture Co. of tbis city is very prosperous. We are informed that the sales so far this year, are several thousand dollars in excess of lust year at a corresponding date. Taking into consideration the general depresión in business this speaks well for the company, and also for the management nf the new superintendent, Mr. Paul Snauble. Would that Ann Arbor hid a few more such Institutions. A business man of this city, who is Inclined to be generous toward those not so fortúnate as liimself in thisworld's goods, was approached by a man a few days since who asked for help. He said that bis "family were suffering from hunger," and he "had not a thing in hU house to eat." Touched by the appeal the b. m. took the applicant into a grocery and told the proprietor thereof to let him have groceries to the extent of $5 and send around the bilí. When said bill was brought in the items thereon looked rather queer fora starvlng man to purchase with funds charitably bestowed. There were sauce dishes, and plates, and two pieces of chamber furniture, one white and one brown, which would indícate thut a natural tiredness had overeóme the mendicant's cupidity, and warped his enseof propriety; there was ginger and Ssalso on the bilí denoting a high te-te on the part of the famished ones. The next time this gentleman bestows charity he tbinks he will be satlsned of the necessities of the case, or guperintend the urchae.