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Consninptioii Curcd. An old pliysiciun, retlred (rom praetice, lmvini; luid placed n bis hands liy an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy tbr the ipeedy and permanent cure of ConaumpUon, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung Afiectioni, ilw a positivo and radical care for Ñervom DeMUty and and all Nervous Coinplalnts, after biivinr tested its wonderful curative powera in thousands of case?, has feit t his duty to mnke t known to his sufiering iellows. Actuatcd by this motive and a desire to relieve human Buffering, I ill send free of charge to all who delre it, thia recipe in Oerman, Frenen or Enjrlish, with tull dlrectioni for preparing and ualiig. Sent by mail bjt addreMlng wlih stamp, namI Dg this paper, W. A. (foye, 149Power' Block, Rocbester, N. Y. Idonot know at flrst whst ii la thit charms me. The men and thingtof to day are wout to bc faiiiT and traer in tomorrow's memory.- Thorcaii. Bucklcn's Árnica Salvo. The Itest Snlie in the world for Cnts, Brnlses, Bores, ITleen, Sall BJieum, Fever Sores, Ti-ttcr, Chnpped Hands, ('hilhlaiiis. Corns, and all Skin Eniptions. and poaltively cures Piles, or no pay requlred. It Is {ruaranteed to Ive pertVct satisfactioii, or money rcfnndcd. Iritt 25 cents per box. For Sale by Ebcrbacli ifc Son. That was a cynical old bachelor who called nomen the chuttering mngpies uf liuuianity.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News