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THE bul lor the retlrement iind neolnige of he trade dollar was reported i.n-rahly in the Senate on the 14th. HUN were Introduoed for he ftmendmont of the Oleom:ir;arino law, unit to lncre.ase the pensions of those who have sufered disabllitics equivalent to tin' loss of a foot or a hand. The House ainendments to the iloctoral-Count bill wero non-concurred in and a conference was ordorod. ïhero was nn ¦ nded debate on the Tenure-of-OiTice law. A memorial was presented from the Wisconsin Germán Aid Society su(,'?estini? the cnactment of laws making naturalizatuui and suffnfe cm'orm to a uniform Standard In the House the. Jme was occupled principallv in dliouulng the Sundry-Ctvü Appropriation bill, buL uo action was talan. A MEMORIAL from the Bath (Me.) Board of Trade was presented in the Senate on the 15th y Mr. Prye agalnst the admission of tol auilt shlps to registry. Mr. CnUom ofTered the conference report on tho ínter Si. it Commeroa tül, but debate was postponod. A resolutlon that Executlve nominations ho hereafter considered In open session was tablod 'v a vote of 33 to H. Mr. Vanee reintroduced his liill to repeal the Civil-Servieo law, Bod Mr. Conper reported favonibly the bill passed by the HoUM to extend the free-delivery system to towns of ten tbousand population. The lill to prevent Congressmen from acting as ruilroad ittorneys was dmi'iissed In the llnuse the principal business was the Sundry-dvil bill, whirh was consldered In committce of the whole, A BH.L was lntroduced In the Senate on the 16th proposlng an amendment to the constitution in relation to tho election of United States Senators. A bill was passed grantmp a pension to the step-mother of a soldier- yea naya, 8. A resolution was aclopted providlng for the extensión of foreign trade without redoclnjr the prices of American labor. The Tenure-of-Offlce bill was dlaouMd In the House the Senate bill for the allotment of land In severalty to Indlans, upoa whom are to be conferred tho rlghts of citizonship was passed. The measure does not affect the tribes In Indtan Territory. The Urgency Dellciency bill (or public printing (HOT.OUOi was also passed, and the Sundry-Ciril rmi was rurther iliseussed In committee of tho whole. The Committeo on Military Affalrs reported the completion of the Army Appropriation bill. The total appropriation is 8,557.238. Bii-ls were passcd in the Senatoon tho 17th to repoal the Tenure-of-Ofllce act, to retire and reooin trado dollars, and to oxtend the freedelivery system of the Post-Omce Department. A blU was introduced to provlde for the reductlon of interest on the bonded debt of the United States. Adjourned to the üuth In the House the Sundry-Civil Appropriation bill was passed. A resolutlon was introduced authorixing the President to appoint a commission to take tcstimony in relation to the losses and injuries InQioted slnce Docember 31, 1885, by Britlsh authorlties, upon citlzens of the United States engaged In the flsherles on the northeast coast of Britlsh North America. At tho evenlng session eighteen pension bilis wcre DOMESTIC. Thk relief committee of Charleston on the 14th ackuowledged the reosipt of iïU,258 from the general public for tho sufferers from the earthquake. Food, houses and shelter had been furnished to thirteen thousand persons, and a balance of Í1.S6,000 romained. Of this sum $.i-HX) wouUi be used to repair houses, and the remalnder would be dovoted to the orection of a olty hospital as a memorial to the munihVont ihunty of the American people. At Wilkesbarre, Pa., on the Mth Robert Bousenish, a Hungarian, shot hi son dead because the lattor failed in his suit for tho hand oí a wealthy young lady. Skckktart Mannino on the 14th reportad to the Senate iu answer to a resolution calling for iuformation in regard to the Oleomargarine law, that since November 1 thirty-f our mariuf acturers of oleomargarine and 'n Wholesale and 2,415 retail dealers in the same have been taxed. A furious snow-storm. vvith high whul, raged in Chicago and throughout the lake región on the Hto. Twentï-fouk coal-mmor, convicteil of riot and conspiracy at Pittsburgh, Pa., during the great strike of lStjj, and tenteneed to six months' imprisonment, gave ti.rm selves up on the Hlh and were sent to the work-house. Ferocs Kai.i.s has been selected as tho location of the third Minnesota insane asylum. Tas county eourt-house at Poplar Bluff, Mo., was destroyed by firo on the 14tli. The records and vuluablo papers wero sa ved. A PAXIC prevailed on the Eastern stock boards on tho 13th. The transactions on the New York Exchange wero 1,068,484 soares, a business never bcfore equaled, and Boston reported the most active day ever experienced. The seed and implement store of J. M. McCullough's Sons, in Cincinnati, was damaged by flre on the 15th to the amount of f 100,000. Eioht workmen in 'Washington were seriously injured on tho 15th by tho falling of the walls oí a building in process of demolition. J. E. Rosejífeld, loan collector for Garfiold & Ermerius, bankers at Denver, Col., was arrested on the 15th for iorgeries aggregating $30,000. William Btorer, aged seventy years, commission dry-goods merchaut at New York, fled to Canada on the lDth, leaving debts aggregating $30,000. Two i.akok black bears were captured on the 13th in the Catskill (N. Y.) mountains, after a chase of four days and a desperate fight. Whtle dressing In her home on the 15th near Canfleld, O., the clothing of Miss Lucy Beardsley caught fire, and she was burned to a crisp. The strike in Chicago of the Lake Shoro & Michigan Southern switchmen, which began in June last, was ofticially declared off by the strikers on the löth. Chris Elsteo, a young man, killed himself with morphine on the 15th at Richmond, Ind., because of griei over the recent death of his sweetheart. TnE two hundredth anniversary of the dedication oí King's Chapel, Boston, was appropriately celebrated on the 15th. The Calumet Hotel, at Pipestone, Minn., was destroyod by Ure on the 15th. Rev. A. 8. Orcutt, a Baptist clergyman, was killed by falling walls. Bt the explosión of a portable engine on the 15th at Switz City, Ind., A. H. Shoptaw, his son James, and a nephew, William Shoptaw, were killed. The Wisconsin State Orange Patrons of Busbandry in session on the I.ith at Madison declared that they could not unite with the Knights of Labor, because they could not under auy circumstances adopt the eight-hour system and apply it to the farm. L'AititiE Smith, a crazy colored woman, hut herself up in her house at Bluo Asho, O., on the 15th, and set lire to it, bnruing herself to death. The knit-goods milis at Amsterdam, N. Y., were all running on the 15th with increased numbers of non-union help. The Knights oí Labor had declared a boycott against the merchants and newspapers not favorable to t hom. The congregation of the leading Hebrew Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pa., on the 15th ¦tarted a movement to drop Saturday services and hold them on tho Christiau Sutiday. Thb exporta of the prlnolpal articlos of I provisión during November laat were valuod at 16,068,091, against $5.965,070 in November, 1885; and for the eleven months ended November 30 last 177,050,048, against 185,118,124 during the corresponding eleven months of 18S5. Tiie second trial of ex-Aldorman McQuadp, of New York, for corruption, came to a spoedy termination on the 15th with a verdict of guilty. Thermometers indieatod 23 degrees bolnw zoro in Mumtoba on the morning of the liitli, 'ü below in Northern Minnesota, 11 below at Kt. Paul, and from 1 to 4 degreos below in Wisronsin and Northern Illinois. As oath-bound secret society of negroe, whosp object is robbery and theft, was on the li'th reported to have been discovered in York County, 8. C. lts members were said to bo pledged to raurder any person who should detect their crimes, and two such murders had reeen tly boen committed. Skcrktart Matínino on the 16th directed the payment, without rebate, of the interest due January 1. 1S7, on the United Kt ates f our per cent bonds of the loan of 1907, amounting to about f9,000,000. Judoi' (luKsiiAM on the 16th appointed Judge Thomas M. Cooley, of Michigan, receiver of the Chicago división of the Wabash railway. Josbpu Kii, a tailor, returned to his home in Chicago on the 16th and found his wife and thirteen months' oíd child suspended by tha neck. Life was oxtinct. 111 health of Mrs. Kasacaused the tragedy. Two ncxDRBD district messenger boys at San Francisco struck on the 16th for seventy-flve cents per day insteadof flve cents sl trip. A hkavt snow-storm, accompaniod by hih wind, prevailed t.hroughout Virginia and in portions of North Carolina on the lüth. Kniqhts ot Labor at Amsterdam, N Y., were greatly exoited on the 16th over the publication by a local paper of the modo of initiation and the secreta of their order. Charles Winchestbr, of Ashburnham, Mass. , the hoad of the New England syndicatos for purchasing Southern land, failed nu tli. lOth for tr00,000. Indorsing for friends caused his failuro. The Supreme Court of Ohio on tho 16th afllrmed the constitutionality of the Dow Liquor-tax law in all its features. A pire on the 16th In Ceres, N. Y., destroyed the post-offlee and seven other buildings. Tiie challengo of the New York baseball club to the St Louis Browns to play a series of.six games for $10,000 a sido was accepted on tho 6th by the 8t Louis club. The games will be played next spring. James Howard, of Bowie County, Tex., who branded his young wife with the letter H, was on the 16th taken from jail and lynched by his neighbors. A DI8PATCH of the löth from New Bedford, Mass., reports the killing of three of the crew of the bark Mermaid, in the Indian Ucean, by a mad whale. Upos invitation, seven clergymen out of the many invited witnessed the opera at one of the theaters in Chicago on the evening of the 16th, that they might decide for themselves whether the ballet was immoral or nut . A nEAniyo was to be had at Philadelphia on the 16th in the case of the State against the coal combinations, but the coal men refused to answer questions, and an adjournment was taken. Stlvestkk Grauda, arrested at Kansas City for complicity in the murder of Dr. Haddock at Sioux City, Ia., made a confession on the lTth, alleging that John Arensdorf flred the fatal shot, and that another prominent Prohibitionist was also to have been attacked. Four acres in the northwestern section of Shenandoah, Pa., settled two to four feet on the 17th, partially wrecking fifty dwellings and causing the wildest alarm uinon? the people. The flnancial loss was 195,000. Kvim.y on the morning of tho 17th, npar Carnesville, (ia., T. B. Sanders decapitated John Swilling, his wife and three children, and then Mivd the premisos. Ui purpose was to secure forty dollars which he kuew was in the house. He was captured and burned to death. A NATURAL gas explosión on the 17th at Kokorao, lnd., injured thirty-flve persons, twelve of whom were in a serious condition. Faotok Johbs and Dick Bullock, two negroes charged with murder, won riddled with bullets by lynchers in the ludían Territory on the 17th. (iniTioT Washbi'RSB, agod thirty-sovon years, son of Elihu B. Washburne, of Chirugu, dropped dead on tUc 17th ia the (all House at Louisville, Ky. At üwensboro, Ky., the Welch Distilling Company's warehouse, with eighteen hundred barrels of whisky, was destroyed by fire on the 17th. The whaling bark Atlantic was on the 1 Tl h driven ashore and knocked to pieces near San Francisco, and twenty-five of her crew wero lost. Huon McCaslis, aged ninoty-two years, residing near Donnellson, 111., was on the 17th suffering from an attack of whoopingcough. Ninety-one years ago he was afflictcd with the same disease. William Ried, treasurer of the South Boston street railroad, whoembezzled$276,977, was on the 17th sentenced to State prison for seven years. In a billiard match in Chicago on the 17th ictween Jacob Schaefer, of St. Louis, and George Slosson, of Chicago, for $2,000 a side, the former won by a score of 500 to430 points. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paulroad is making arrangement to distribute, gratis, the daily weather prediction,' and for the display of signal-service flags at tho principal stations on its systcm. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. At the municipal election in Boston on the 14th Mayor ü'Brien (Dem.) was reelected by 1,104 majority. The license vote was: Yes, 20,223; no, 16,786; a majority for license of 3,437, against 9,969 last year. Charlxs Robinsox, one of the earliest Governors of Kansas, was on the Hth appointed superintendent of the industrial school for Indiana at Lawrence, Kan. The people of Worcester, Mass., on the 14th voted in favor of liquor Hcenses, and elected Samuel Winslow (Rep.) mayor. Women worked all day at each poll for the temperance cause. Prestos H. Leslie, of Kentucky, was on the 15th nominated for Governor of Montana by the President. Georqe D. Hart, working-man's candidate, was on the l.Mh elected mayor of Lynn, Mass., over the citizens' nominee by a plurality of 634. liiriiiiiD Perkin's, of Boston, recently deceased, bequeathed $337,000 to educational institutions. JoHjtRoAcn, the ship-builder, was on the 15th saidto be dyingof cáncer of thethroat, his disease being similar to that which carricd off General Grant. The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram P. Randall, of Indianapolis, lnd., was eclebrated on the 15th. They were married in Cincinnati fifty years ago by Dr. Lyman Beecher, and Henry Ward B ¦'ccher was one of the groomsmen. Their ages art eighty and seventy years, respectively. Jimes W. Reid, of Greensboro, representing the Fif th North Carolina district ín Congrcss, was on the 15th charged with raising 00,000 on property uot worth $8,000. Ho had Bed to Canada. Fhibnds of tlie lato General Hancock had on tho lOth contributed sufflcient raoney to purchase a home for his widow. At her desire a residenoo in Washington would be placed in her namo. Major Natiianikl F. Hlrd, an ofBccr in the war of 1812, died on tho 16th at his home in Montolaire. N. J. Marshall P. Wu.nBR, onn of the foremost pomologists of tho United States, died on tho lGth at Roxbury, Mas9., at the age of eighly-six years. TnK vonorablo Bishop Machebouf, of Denver, on the I6th celebrated the flftieth anniversary oí his ordination to the priesthood. Mr. an-d Mits. IIamiltox Fisit gave a reception on the evening of the l."th at their New York residonce, the occasion being the flfüeth anniversary of their wedding. Mr. Fish was President Grant's Secretary of State. The lato Mrs. There3a Lamb, of Lawrenceburg, Ind., left $350 for tho care and support of a dog. At the session in Huron on the Ifith of the DakotaConstitutioual eonvontion it was decided to again petition Congress for admission to the Union as a State. Rev. Wii.i.iam David Walker, of Fargo, D. T., was on the 16th appointed a mem hor of the Board of Indian Commissumers, vico William T. Johnson, resigned. Tas South Carolina IeRislaturo on th 17th passed a bilí makinj it oonspiracy, pumshablo by fine and imprisonment, to intertere botween employer and employé in any contract, whether written or verbal. The farmers were very bitter against tha Knig'.its of Labor organizers who wero endcavoring to enroll the colored people in the State. Chairmax J. D. Wakren-, of the Republican State Committeo of New York, expirod on the 17th at his homo in Buffalo, aged sixty-three years. The Federal grand jury at St. Louis on the 17th returned indictments against flfty citizens for frauds perpetrated at the lat election, and twenty-fivo had been arrested. FOREIGN. Enoiand has decided to reduce the standing ariny of Egypt to 10,000 nion and tha army of occupation to half that number. John Dili.on was on the 14th ordered by a Dublin court to give bonds for future good behavior or go to jail for six months. Tiie cholera epidemie in Buenos Ayres was on the declino on tho Hth. Ten new cases of the disease and thirteen deaths were reported from Ville Maria. Thb Canadian Minister of Fisheries on the 14th ridiculed the claims of Amerioans in the flsheries question, and was especially severe on the views of Secretary Bayard. M. N. Drozk, Viee-President of the Swiss republic, was on the 15th eleotod President for 1887. Merlatti completad his flfty-days' fast at Paria on the 15th in good condition. Advices of the lHth say that Colonel Heyland, with a body of British troops, pursued seven hundred Dakoits and killed two hundred of thom. Many others wero madeprisoners. The law forbiddin? buil fl!?hts in Mexico was repealed by the Mexloan Cougress which adjourned on the 1(11 li. Twexty-onk pBTSOUS were on tho 16th ¦entenoed :t Belfast, Ireland, to imprisonment for tenas rarying from three months to seven years for participation in the nots there last slimmer. William O' Brien'. editor of Untttd Ireland, and John Dillon, Matthevv Harris and David Sheehy, members of Parliameut, were arrested on the 161b. in tht; town of Loughrea, County Giüwav, rharged with conspiracy to defraud. Heavy snow-storms with high wind were roported on tho ]7th in the north of Bp tin. The wreckage of steamers was being washed ashore. At Morin a church was unroofed and five persons were killed. Tuk Harbor ('onimission of Montreal on tho 17th abandoned for tho season the project of keeping the St. Lawrence river open to navigation. A noAT was swamped on the 17th at Genoa, Italy, and nine men were drowned. LATER NEWS. At twenty-six leading clearing-houses in th United States the exchanges during the week ended on the 18th aggregated l,357,674,770, against $l,aiG,S,51S the previous week. As compared with the corresponding weck of 1S35 the murease amuunt to 21.2 per cent. Owino to the floods in South Carolina early in the year many colored people in Chester County were on the 18th in want, and appeals had been mado for assistance. Advites of the 18th announce tho death in Indian Territory of Mrs. Susanna Warren, bom a slave at St. Angustine, Fla., in 1750. She leaves a daughter aged ninetyseven years. A Chicago higbvvayman on tho 19th robbed a policeman of his watch, while on duty in front of a saloon, knocked him down and escaped. Vienxa advices of the 19th state that an avalanche killed a band of seventcen smugglers who were in hiding near Vincennes. The business failures occurring throughout the country during the week ended on the lüth numbered for the Uniteil States ¦'), and for Canada 28, a total of 288, against 274 the previous week. Christian F. Bchaü, a tailor, of Erie, Pa., killed his eldest daughter on the 18th in a Ut of anger and fatally wounded the next younger. He then attempted his own life, and nred upon tho ofiloar who arrested hira. Tns story about the challenge given tho St. Louis Browns by the New York baseball club to play seveu games for $10,000 was denicd on the lSth. Tur Irish executivo on the lSth formally proclaimed the auti-rent campaign at Dublin. The funds of the league had been transferred to France, and rent moneys depositod with trustees would be secreted. A fuik in Montreal on the lüth, originatIng in Nordheimer's piano warerooms, destroyed a block valued at $190,000. Fhederic W. Pitkiv, ex-Governor of Colorado, died at eight o'clock on tho evening of the lSth at Pueblo, of consumption. Albxander Hamii.tont and a boy named Silberry waylaid tho Harris brothers near Warren, Ark., on tho 18th and killed both of them with rifles. Both wera arrested and jailed. Mits. Elizabeth Gist was burncd to death on the 19th near Westminster, Md., while savlng her two children from a burning building. At Penn Yan, N. Y., when exposed in their criminal relations on the lSth, Dorr M. Hamlin fatally shot himself and Miss Murel Alderman. Db Lbsseps assured the French Goographical Society on tho lSth that the Panama canal would bo open for trafilo in 1889, without tho locks. The United States Sonate wasnotin session on the lSth. In tho House Mr. Morrison's motion to take up the bilí íor a reduction of tariff dutics was rcjected, tho vote standing ayes 148, nays 154. Six Republicans voted in the afllrmative and twsnty-slz Democ ts votod in the negativo.


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