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IIEMIB NO FEE! I 1 tsTADLiPiir. T95I. ) Merrill UNTIL BETTER J DETKOIT.MICH. ƒ Block. ¦r""S5JS:"S Tho Entilar, Old-Establishad Lh; :j PHYSICIAK & SCItGEON jJsXILLAND 8UCGES8 YOUNGMENrMIDDLE-AGEO MEN nnd all persons who by their own acte of Itnprnrïenco nr 1 olly at UDon thcmselvcs, the cvil upon the hecls of tran oí n.lture. sliould consult : at once. Itememberl Nervou dismix ¦ without dreams) or dcbility Derve treated seientifici nevfr failing success. tl. '¦¦ Tvhat ycm have t.iiieiior wlio h.JiyT'.ie trrrlMe polonns nf Syplillii bad blood and skin 1í cated without mercury. Kemember that thisone horrible iliseasi", if i ireatedgConestt present and coming ll nnnntnrnl discharge! curcd p' : hindrance I No exparimantt. onsult conjlilrntlally. Aguaud c tperlenoe import.-. ut. A rritten nnratitce of curo lien in every cuso undortukin. C-ySufforors from any clironic disenso write TTintory and Sjiaptomi of your Case- plainly. ilicitud whlch otbere havo foilcd tu cure. 5t5"Seml two stamp fnr eolrornteil worlis 0,1, Nerrotta and !Hl'nte 1 1 liave inoxiinustive yiuptomatolosy I'C which ¦ or by "letter, frer. ConaMt the old lM't;r. Thoiisnmls curcd. OUicos anJ parlors private. You sce no onc but tbr P' ctor. '¦ confiding your case consult DU. CLAItKli. íriendly letter or cali niay save future Buffering rimi Ehame and sdd pto Jifc. Me Bent evervwhere secure from CXpo&urt'. 1 bto S; Sundays, 9 to 12. Addri F O. CLARKK, Wl, D. MERRILL BLOCK. UETROIT. fiiich OH! MY BACKl drhelL's ENGLISH BUCHU !o One of tho Best K8DNEV ISJVEST3CATORS IN USE. tu ¦ Bladder, TYnstatic 1 Neck..: .rrhea in ai! . [on of the Iv ihuiiatlunpf tlio K 1 1,1 Kidni'ya, Arld I „f tlio UIjkI'Iít, I " 1 Kclial ' eqilent Crination, 1.. In lift'. ¦ ¦ 1 UHtiö ¦ .Jüiik. PRICE, 31: Sx '¦-tíos for S5. I Prutrglsts. W. JOHW9T 'I & CO., uram. .'IT, mich. Johnston1 ijK'st aiiil best Blood rei costa i dollar for aiw Either ¦i the :il : of prlce. RINSiEY & SEA OLT'S BflKERY. GRQCERY, Flour and fesú Store. ¦:. COnai im BREAD, CltACKEUS, (,'ARKS, KTC, For . B si all ¦ Juppiy of SWIrl' êc DF.riüüS BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Kjc l'lour, ItiH-k Itr:il Flour, torn tfi-ul, Fced, Etc, At W 1: Of BROCSBIÏS anl PBOVISIüHS e m-i'i' ii Dl ! and, iiioi; Kill !"¦ .!cl 011 n . -t'icr In 1 h ¦ cit. . Cafeh pal'! for BUTTEH. K(i(f-, and OOUNWï PRODOOB generalij p uvy part o( ' I KIN! V SEA BOLT. NEW iffpüP. Whilc TUF NLW YORK WGRKLI Tltl IM I 1 ' . ion OÍ its claM in the United ¦ t:ii'-, n - pricc IS DOW ÍÍXCtl .11 . ,U 2 ; ín both cases au extra lm iy n tlh .1 1 lub "t iö The CMnpatsn jus closed found tlie coantry in the trough of the , ¦.: can managei b ia ¦ i they co u ld aiiinst a state of eenera I apa tb y In .i fe States tlu y have been aided b] the inspiring ence of x yrtMt leader, w li Liicd almoftt tlic on. 1O 11 The res uit ol I are an inspiratmi! ; the i 1 plain uidc tu the popular tlr ft. From thia time puatry will feel thé lift 1 I ÍDwaví of 1SS8 which, if we all do our duty, wlll Bweep out from Washington tl r n pobsession, the foe of protection, cquaJ patrioÜG gövernrtent lt is arm the auty ol all earnest and . thèir ener1 .ml uu.:, d :iTi 1 ¦ [i aJtied '1 p thts work TUK TK B its eealous efforts. THE TRI RUN fi offexi 1 eral excellent premiums, Includln The Tribune Boek of Open Air Sports. k compilt-d I 1 cUlly ¦ ¦ yoang men oí the United st tes lt is a ihorougn ttatcmeni ita of i ipenAir nthletic amusements in America with ¦ tíona í 1 i. hatnpiofl contaio ;ibout 150 illuslnitioju, ¦ vided "ii Au ,rd Dj wondtrful playin and Ux . ; Lawn Tennis, Couft Ten I ¦ , Hm iemanshlp ¦ Yachting, with a di and histrnctions i n, lïuüd ai ,1 Bo Li ; R wing, i n i inji I - tpping, Hunting with ShoVgun snd Rifle, Campinjf-out, Wintei Sports, ñU and a Cnv min9r sports, have contrlbuted are VViliiam r.l ii Ie Maurice Thompson Cnptain [acofo A. ' structor al West Poim David Kirby, 1 ¦ Clapham, General Geoi e W, v 1 ¦ . Pi ulih-tic Club gentleman thj tacts conceming tha wild Lame and hi of thcir fcevcral local it ie 8. 1 Into print 1. lt la sufficiei B ty' ( .¦. ? B and nswer all tha pa'rposes of our manly youth. .nul yi t will iilso meet the demai ' 1!] i v Tor deli 1 r ïst. Octfl Ketail .ii . paid. with Weckly, jo. with Seml-we kly 1 yoar $350; with Daily, $1050. On 3 to ba liad in ennnectiun witli ytiiriy sul i;im, 1 every hunter, and National Guardsman; a 6neVaJthim ; tha Low-priced W aterí un Watch; the two Unabridjj licine, ne apd Surgery, 1 lance ft' tha Btble. Sample copy, gli Order by pOStH 1 citil. A Club Ai1' b Is ii'nic, THE TRIBUNS, New York. OTJie Ill.-YKItS Ut'IDB U issiirU Sjt. mul JIarcll, ¦lU'li yrnr. &# 313 para, 8'y xll! o lm-lu-K.vitli uur 3,5OO tlliiatratluim - m avilóle Piclurc -iill'rjr. G1VKS Wholesale Prkra direct to consmnerM on all gomia for K-iMoiial or fanilly r. Trlla liow to order, nnd glvca exart co. t of et erythtng yon une, ent, drink, wtar, or have fun rltli. Thwr IXVALIAHI.K HOOIi-S coiktuiii liiforuiatloii gltaned from the markets of tl' World. AV tvlll imill a copy FRKK to auy dresa npon recclpt of 10 ota to dtfrtiy rijKUK of malliUK. It iu htr Ccoin yon. Kcaprcttolly, MONTCOMERY WARD & CO. 227 iV 22'J Wubunb Avnur, Chlcoa, 111.


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