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SEE BY EXAIYIININC THI8 ttiUP, TH' iiSSk0 i'wiv7 1 s "s N fijt CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By reason of its central posltion, close relatlon to principal line Hart o and continuous linea at terminal points Wost, Northwest ana South .. only true middle-link in that transcontinental syotcm wliich invites ; itates travel and traiüc in cither direction between the Atlantic nncl j The Rock Island main line and branches include Chicaffo,Je ) Rille, Peoría, Oenesoo, Moline and Rock Islnncl, in Illinois; Daveii ro tino, Washington, Fairfleld, Ottiimwa, Oskaloosa, West Liberty. 1 [nes, lndianola, Wintorset, Atlajitic, Knoxvillo, Audub Centro and Council Bluffs, in lowa; Qallatin, Trenton, Bt. Je isas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in K II; uioapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown in DiJtctii, imit - of at jrmediate cities, towns and villagea. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Gu.-vrantees Spoed. Comfort and Safety to thosa whotravcï orerlt. U horouphly bailasted. lts track is of heavy steel. 1 i;tructuroo of stone and iron. lts rolling stock is perfect nu liiu it. It has all the safety appliances that mecha.iical goiiiu experionco proved valuablo. lts practical operation 3 cor liál- ita discipline strict and oxactingr. lbo luxury of i!s passeng-' Uons i3 unequaled in the West unsurpassed in the woÁ-ld. ALL EXPRESS TRA1NS between Chicago anfl the Miasouri BI if comfortable DAY COACHES, magnincent PÜLLMi an 'l SLEEPING CABS, elegant DININa fiAES pioviüüis,' 1 -botweon Chieag-o, St. Joseph, Atchisonand Etinsaa City- v llJlllOCHAIlt CARS. the: tamous albert lea route Is tho direci., r.vorite line between Chicapo and ÏVTiniiPapolis and St. P: thi.i 1 uto Bolid Fast Express Trains run cluiiy to thü tummur reverta, p ïoc.iiities and hunting and fishinir (rrounua of lowa and Minnoi. ' ¦whiat üelds and prazing lande of inter.or Dakota are reachcd y: A ehort desirablo route, via Séneca and Kankokee, oifers cuppr to tiT-volcrs botwoen Cincinnati, Indianapolin, Lafayotta and Ooi Jo.opn, Atchison, Leavonworth, Kansoc City, TViinneupolis, St. I . mediato points. All classos of patrons, oepecially families, ladios .and ohildren, rocoive from offlcicl and employés uf Hoek Island traína proteotion, roopectful courtcsy kinclly attantioa. l?or Tickoto, M&ps, Foldors - obtainable at all principal Ticket Gfiicea : . Unn-oa btates and Canada- or auy dosixed inforznauon, .. . .-'css, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, resident and General Manager, Chicago. General Ticket ai)


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News