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fSfJop a Troyal Bsaíí ji H É 'ra POWDER AbsoSutely Pure. Thli powdernever varíes. A marvel of jhirlty, strt-imt ti and wholesomeness. More -ti) Qomloal i han the ordlnary kinds, and oaonot be solil in i)in[u'tlt ion wltli the inultltude of low ti-si, abort welsht, alom or pboapbate (ow(U'rs. Sold only in enns. Koyal Baklnn runiler ' . 1 ( Wall st.. N'. Y. SCÁLYnTÜHrSKTÑ; And all Itchinir and Scaly Skin and Scalp Disenses Curcd by Cuticnra. PSORIASIS, I cí-ma, Teiter, Ringworm, Lkhen l'ruruut?, ékald ilend, Milk Cm.-i, iJaiidiutï, Barben' Bakerw' Urocera1 and Wu-lierwuiuun'a Hcü and e ver y pecie of itchin. Burning, Scaly, Pimtly Bamon of the -kin and öcaip, witi o ft of Huir are potnvely cured byCuiicuru, the great Skin ('ure, and Cuttcura Suap, and exqnlii e skin Beaalifftsr externalJy, and Caucara bevolreut, Uw uW tiiood i'uritiur inu-ruuliy, WbttD phyaicuna and all Oltwr renudu-s iaii. Psoriasis, or Scaly Skin. I. iohn J. Case, D. D. tí., havuig praetued detitistry in this couaiy lor tbiri-flve yeail and beln weil kmmu to thouaaada hurtaljiiiit?, wiili a view to belpany vh ara affllcted af 1 have beru lor tliu past twflve yearn, titiiy that the Cuticura Reme diea Ciired niu of Peutiatít, or fcc;il Skiu, in eigbt daya, afker the doetori ub whuui í had cousuited gave uie no help or eacourií ment. Wewton, N. J., JOHN J. C-SK, D. D. S. Distressing Eruption. Your üuticura Remedies perforined a wonderl'ul cure laft sumiller uu one of uur caetomerf, au uld ifentlemaii ot' eeventy yeara of age, wtm cniI red with a feariully dietreinif erupüon on h Bwid aud tmcv, DÜ WllO bad triod all remudic and lo uo purpoM'. Texarkaua Ark. J. F. SMITU & CO. Dustpanful of Scales. H. Ë. Oarpenter, N.Y., cured of Pauriae or I.fprosy, o. iwenty year-.' et-iuding;, by Cutiiura Remedien. Tne mot womíerfal cure on record. A duittpaiil'al of ncaleö feil from him daily. Physlriiiu.- uil h f lrieudtf ihougtit he niuat die. Eczema Radical Cured. Por tbe radical cure oí Un ob-tinate case of Eczema of lonp standing, I fjive entire credit lu The Cuttcura Remedies, New Haven. ï. B. B. RICHARDSON. Sead f r"llfiw to Cre kia lieuM-H " Sold by all Drugriata. Price : Cutki iu, 50Cra.; Kbsolvbnt, clIOO; 8oap, 25cts. Pottkk Ukuw and I.'hkhical 0oi iiOHton. Smltor"Hov to Cure tjikln IIImpíisi-." TJTIATTriKY tbe Complexión and Sin by DJj A U QaiBC Ihe L'L'TICUKA ÜOAP. rffir A : IT FEELS GOOD! V Thoï" woni out with Paini, Acht-t atd w'iikiie(neH find re He ved ín 5" ¦r7?5IH' ¦¦ i ¦ 11 f k by Jiitlcura miJÊiïrSi'"1 riaetter. At Oruggiats, 25 Institütíonal""catarM No single diseaae bas entailed mure BuIlVrinL' or hastened ilie breking np of ttae constitutlon tlian Catarrh. The senae of amell, of tante, of sight, ot beariDu', 'he tiuuvin voíce tbe raind - one or more, and ruñu-tlmes all, yield to its deetructive iuflu ence. The polson it diftributt.É Uirooghoat tbe systein and bn-aks up the mout robnst of coistltutluM. Ignored.becaupe but little understood, hy most plivBÍciane, íinpotently aynatied by quackt and charlatan, those suftering from H bave liltle hope to be relieved ol it this eide of the grave. It la time, then, that fie popular treatment nf thix terrible diseaee by renedlea ithin the reacb. of all pauHed into hunde at ouce competent ftnd trustrorthy. The new aud hitherto untried method apopted i'y l)r. Sandord in the preptrmtlon ol liis htvtical Cure has won the heaitv approval of thoueands. It ie Ini-tantaneous in affurdiug reliel lo ull head cold, neezin;;. ínuflllng and olwtruettd br.atliing, and rapldly removes the oppressive pymptmng. clearing the bead, sweetening the bre.ith, reftorini; ttic sensos of mell, Uata ui hearing, and neutraliziiig the conslltiuional tendency ol' the diaease towards the luDgï.liver and kiuueyn. svmifobd"s Radicai. ('t kk consists of one bottlu"! the BAPIOAL ('ikk, .nul ine bni ol ('athahhai, Kesoi.vknt, and one IMPBOVBD Imi i.ik ; !ic' l.'.U. RHEUMATIC PAINS. Nenraliic Sciatic, Sudden, Sharp and 4gt Kervoni 1'ain andsirains Itelieved K7 InOnr Mlnnte by the l'iiclciira ffïï Antl-I'alu Flaster, the most per l 'cet antidote to pain ai.d Inflamatlon, JX:vir componnded. New, original, infiaiimiieoun, infllible and safe. At til drOKglsta, Kr flvf loril.UO: or postage fne, or ol Poiter Dru;; aud Cheuiual Co., Boston, Masi. 1887. HARPER'S YOUN'5 PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTRATEI) WEEKLY. IlAitruit's YotN ii Pkoii.k has been calletl "the model of wlmt a perlodlcal for youuj? readers ought to be," aud the Justlce of this commendation Is uraply sustalned by the largecirculatlon It has lUlnlned both at liouir and In Oreal Brltaln. This suocpss had been reached by raetlwxU that must corumeud themsi-lves to tlie Judginent of parents. no less thantothe tasles of cliildrea-naiiicly, by au eurnesl und well sustained etrort to provlde the beHt and most attractlve reading foryonng peopleala lowprlce. The illuirHtioDB are coplous and of a coplously high stuudard of excellence. An epitome of evcrythini; that 'u attractive and desirable in juvemle litcrature.- Boston Courier. A wcekly feast of good things to the boyt and girls in every lamily which it visits- Brooklyn 'lt s wonderful in its wealth of pictures, information and intcreit.- Christian Advocate, N. Y. TKItMS : Postale Prepald, $2 Per Year. Vol. VUT. eoaauMM Xuvtmlur I, Single numbers, 5 cents each. KetnlttKiices shonlil be made by I'ost-Offloe Moiicy Order or Draft.toavoid chance of 1OM. Xtwrpaiers are not ti mpi Ifils advtrtUtmmt without thé i tpnu ord,-ru Haki-kk & HiiotiiKliH. Address HAKPKR & BROTHERS, New Yorlc. Kk. JAMKH O. III. HM - Alk M UHEAT HIST0R1 Ê Out.cllfl all ntlH-r rKHks, Il.'n ¦E J J. s. u'lHt'of Va.,aays "W'hucnr HFQPG takesit uj in nutter uu tlier In nBt" V "¦ Mr. Blaine's friend vrenrmy, Br M tt-ill nt-vrr vut tt dttwn uniil he HBI hm rend the u-hulr." Ilon. Allen ' w9ÊÊES innvrtHilitlrñlMttoru." -íoLWkK ' Ai-'.-nrs s;tnli-tl i'ii ¦ rf&ËÊÊJtotoUÊUO& " '' 'r Aidrrs,


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