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Fox naneen about. Doxter are not v ry ¦ucreMfal. The Lima churrh Indatfged In I ('hn.-tmus pyrainkl. The Ypsllantl tf&ccabeai re Ín a ftourl.-hinj; condition. One Dexter mershntit soM O7r$200 wnrtli of CbrMniM cards. KormaJ m-hool at Ypsilaati, wül mi open un tl I Jaimary 5lli. Remember the pomoloirTeal meeting at lio eonit haaWi Aiiu Arbor, Jan, 8tli. M'ir Franklin. of Sylvan, and IVfiss Ella Keelan, of Cbelsaa, murried Dec. ÍS. A MS pound bog is tbe latett heavy eight reoorted from Dexter towoiblp. Four accettiont of new memben at he Dexter M. E. Chiircb, Suuday before at. F red Lathrop lias bien appoültad vil,u".: marshal !_v ttn commeii council of )xter. A grand Nch inr's party al Ibe Dexer opera lioiise, l'ti-l.i ;.- evenlng, Deceinit ;iis( Mis-i Mollhi r.i-if, of Yp'iibiiiti, and Ir. F. Gleini, oí Piltsburjfli, I'a., luarted Dec. 25tb. Sundsy, .fn lflrh, Hiere ill !¦ n Sunay School [mtitute in tbe Hipriit clmrch i Manchester. The Jl.inche.ster Eutei priíe w.mts a oinpany formed to xink a iiHtural gns weli at tliat place. Over tive tons of poultry have been hii'(l f-oiii V }i I ri t i tilla seainil, ae onling to the Yp.-ilantiiiri. Tlie Bohemias nt lióle snils an: t:ikng up the time nf oou(itry Junticea 10 tbe xcliisiuii of dther buslneu. A movenunt will probably be made tn be near future to organizo a Sons of' Veterana Camp in Dexter. - Leader. A considerable number of oontractors aml builden have buen in Dexter during the past few weeks. Tliey are all after a plece of tlint new school house fund. - Dexter Leader. The Dexter Leader itdTtoea some one to oosatraet t tobofifan slide at that place, Dwigeroai tblog Bro. Leader. It knocks the wind all out of you. The Ypsllanti Sentlnel doetn't take klndly to the appeal of Fred Joselyn (o his oo-laborers for aid. .loselyn is the teacher uh I ghot a parent uliu eanw to whip the teacher tor whlpping his boy. Wktsoa Barr told nx of hia bandeóme poniea to Gilbeit A. Watkiii?, of Detroit, the little fellows belng sbipped froni here Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Barr has more tliau a dozen poniea led - Yp-ilantlan. Persons when about to cross a track in front an approacblng train should reüeet upon the dltUnce covered in a secoud by a tr.iin matdng the average of only 30 miles au huur. 1'liU ,ould be 46 fec-t per second. - Manehester Enterprise. A couple of fanners froin near Dexter drove iuto this town Tuesday and were looking for an empty hitchini; post when one ot tliem was heard to reinark, "I wishthat tome of Dexter'a hltchlnc posts weru here.' - Clielseu Ileruld. No sour grapes. Certaiiily. The question has been MVeral times asked us "why do so many of the farmers' tcinis remain hitched upon our streets after the stores haveclosed for the nlght f" Will somebody plaaM arise and explnlnf - Dexter Leader. It s most likely the owiieis of the teams are "warming up." Many passengers every day are transferral from one railroad to another at the junction. Both rai'roads being important lines makes Mil.m an important station. Both rouds take watt-r here, and the Wabasli coal also, and as thirty to forty trains pass tlirough here daily, the junction presentí quite a metropolita!! air. - Milán Leader. Waltur Showcrman, son of Delos Showerman, now of Chicago, a former resident of this city, was taken uith bemorrbajia of the lungi Bandaj last and dicd in ten minutes. The deceased was thirty-three year of age, was married, but leaves no cbildren. He was boni in Ypsllanti and spent much of his life here. The remains were brought In-re for liurrial Tuesday.- Ypsilantian, Dec. 23. We are very uiucli ifraid we sliall te called npon to write obituary notlces for somc of our young&teri f tliey still perilst in the practloe of "catchin' on bobs." 3ome of theni play very rough and we :iave DOttesd .-everal narrow escapes trom accident). I?e more careful, boys. - Som h Lyon Plcket Ohl piaw! Wliat wu the matter witli you when you tvere ¦ boy? Couldn't you catch on f Don't derry the boys all the fun now, ust brem-e wg iiiv too oUl to engage in it. The eily ol All II Arbor is pointed to witli prkle by niany of the residente of this vicinity as befng our of the most progressivu and model cities of the state, and t is In cvciv wav deterving of tbat reputution. Jut now the residents of that city are lnterestrd in the success of a inovemcnt whloli Destor mlg-bt emólate trltb material beuelit, that ofestabüshing a írff icadini; room. Tbe enterprise is meeting wlth srcat encounijfemeat, and success is certain. We llünk it a Ver" food project and au ellbrt thoukl bu made in our owu villaje to follow ttelr exampli' and (to lomethiDg to keep tho boys off the streets uights; to f urn Ni amusement and employment for the manv wbo would be only too willinp to enjoy Iba privileges ol such a room If we bad one. Wbo of all our woaltfay citizens ill (tart the buil a rolling. - Dexter Leader. The Ypsilanti öentinel writes up the toboggau süde as follows: "In a scientific polot of view the toboggan slide as at present built is a cluinsy contrivance. To get the best effect, the uetoeut should be not by straight inclines, hut ihould taln the liure ot a OJolokL It is the remarkable property of this liaure, that of tWO lialls, uropped from lts upper puint, the one to luil in a direct line to the cai til and the other to follow the curve of tbc Cyclold, Um latler will tirst reach the earth, though [lassing a much (treater ditUnce in its descent. Anotber remarkttble property is that two balls, placed one at the liij;licst polnt of the cycloid and the other ut auy polni inte i iludíate hetweentbe loWMl and bigbeet, and stai teil at the same instant, wili reach the lmvest potot toffether. Wliile, however, tlie cycloid i? the ideal tijjure for a tObOggHii rilde, tbe ülffleulty of erecting one In the exact ihape oí tóffloieal ilse, rlll deter any architect from kttetnptlng it. The plain descent will be sutticient for the short orazawhlcb artificial stiuctures will mn, and the lüll-side, inany of whiob approach the scientitic shape, will auswer lor the regular sport as usual." Thfi rmlroid liMtclu'i li beiiuc buricd at tliis potnt between the D. L. & X. and T. & A. X. comp:inie8. 'l'lie transfer of tlio lalter to Ihe lornier for a few weeks past has been neaily as great ns in aiiv perlod of its cxi.steiico.- South Lj'on Excelsior.


Ann Arbor Courier
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