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8Uort iHlvcrUsemriits nol to exceeü three itnes, of Lost ana Found, House for Sale or Kent, Want, etc, iuserted three weeks for Jiiï cents. Sltuatlons wauted. free. 10 W1I0M 11 MAY CONCEBÍ, IN order to avold further troiible, I wlsh to : lst, 1 made a mistake In lul, 1 1 ' i-r out i senreh wurraut aKalnst Alfred FreuliolT, the carpenter, and al, lu ustng InsultIng word to hlm. 1 regret havlng done so and tHke tuis melhod of making reparatloi. 3llt. LOUIS F. ZELL8. OOMS TO RENT -At No, 22 Catharlne street. One large front room wltn closet; one suit of rooms wlth closet. '2"J-31 VTEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY. Il - llarper's Monthly, Í3.15, etc. lie sure and get my rates before placlng yoursubscrlptlons. W. W. Beman, 1J 8. Rh st. M ;i FOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE- No. 18, Cemetery street. Apply al Colkiku olllce. SITUATION- As clerk by a young man of il ; good eduatlon andood bablls. Salary no object where Hiere 18 a chance to rlse. Address Box 97, Aan Arbor, Mlcli. 29 FOR SALE-My house, 27 Ann street, for sale, or will exchange for smaller house or well located vacant lot. U. M. Taber 13i7-tf. riHE OLU MADENKW.- Clothing clenned and restored to lts OKIQINAL COLuKS new and briglit, without belng dyed or hav Ing lts llniugs made wet. OvercoatH. 1.(K each. College Laundry, Main öt., opposlte J Keek & Co. -2S-3w rO RENT A small house on Kas Ann street, near Observatory. Apply to O. L. Miilthews, Real Estáte Agency. '21 T OANINQ-Money to loan on flrst-clasa XJ Real Estáte Mortgage at Current rates o Interest. Satlsfactory arrangements made wlth capltallsts deslrlng such lnvestments tivery conveyance and transactlon In ab stracts of tilles carefully exmnlned as to lega effect. Z. P. KINU. Ann Arbor. THE VOICE, The best prohlbltlon paper publlshed, latoly enlarged to twice lts former slze, or elgh pages, can be had for $1.00 per year, or In clubs of ten forouly 80 cents. Those wlshlng club rates will pleaso forward thelr name ouly and when the requislte number 1 secured will collect and remlt. 30 EUNKST CiHTEK, Agt.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News