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Referred To The Committee On--?

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The following artiele from the last issue of the Argus is respectfully relerred to the gentlemen to whom it appeals: The street railway in Port Hurón run by an electric motor and according to the Saginaw Cuuritr, "the people ot Port Huron are expressing the ffraatMt MtUfactlOB with the new railroad." Is there any reafon why Po,rt Huron should have a street railway anti Ann Arbor should have none? We rather thlnk tliatconundrum is hard enougli to stagsrer the most bitter oppenent ot a street railway in Ann Arbor. And we are also inclined to think, in no way could tiie inembers of the city couueil be of more service to the city than in giving this subject immediute attention. The procrutínatlng pollcy adopted in the case, is not in keeping with the importance of the subject matter. Tlie problem of cheap transportation is presented to them and a solution offered. Instead of giving the subject the attention it deserves, the council treat the gentlemen who propose to build the road as speculalors who seek to make themsclves wealthy at the expense of the city, and proceed at once to increasfc the ratel tliat hackmen are allowed to charge from evening trains, from twenty-rive to tlfty cents. Auy thing which cheapens the cost of getting from the depot up town benefits our nii-rchants, as making less the expense of trading here to people living along the line of the Michigan Central. The building of a street railway would DMtkc work for many laboréis tluring the coming spring and biiiiiiner and the councilmen may lind that the laboring men will remember this, wben it comes tothe nrxt spring election. If there is uvthing wrong In the charter asked for by the Ann Arbor street railwiiy, let it be pol II ted out and remedied if possible. The charter should at least huve tliut much considerition. The new play "Mignonctte," written by Prof. Alfred Hennequin and Knel. N Scott, was given to a large house last even Ing by that cbarmlng young actress, Min nie Maddern. It was played well by her and at the close of each act she was called before the curtain. After the secoml ac the applause was continued QBtll I'rol Hennequin liimself appeared blusliin with Miss Maddern. From the reoeptloi t received the tirst night at Toronto ux last night, we are led to believe it will be a success. There is a deal of wit and hu mor therein, but oiten the rapidity of che dialogue and actions hurries the audience away before "catching on." There is too much rush throufihout, the play. The plot is something of a satire on the Frencl Idea of the ty pical American irirl, is Ofdl narily portrayed on the boaicR It is a coinedy of three acts. Always read the advertisenients when lookliip; over this paper. The merehants whoadvertise are the ones who sell gooiU on close maiffins, and liave noshelf won goods to dispose of. Their stocks change regularly with the raaton. Tliey can sell cheaper tlian tlieir cooopetltoro, because, liaving the trado, tlicy t i 1 1 tl 'a reildy inaret for their goodf, and t is both a pleasure and a protit to scll efaeaper tlmu merchauts who cannot see the necessity of isinir the columns of tliis paper to let juyers know wliat thcy have, or tliatthey even exist. In due course of time the )usiness slujrgilrl's who neglect to adverisc will hold a conversation witli the lienir, to wlioin tliey will turn over the tey to their ettabllxbruent, and tlieir shelf wurn goods will besold atmiotion. There s a great lesson in ihis. l'alro'nizu tlie Irms wlio adveitisc, and you will make ind save money eveiy time, A young man's success is never carned n hls pocket-book. It is only to be found i s good charactcr.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News