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As we stand upon the threshold of another year's sau close, How the teuderest memories cluster 'roand llsjoys and woes ! All lts mlngled storms and sunshine- all lts pleasure and lts pain Past forever, leavlng traces burned upon the heart and braln ! Prlceless hours and golden moments wlth llfe's rlchest pearls Inwrought; Yet those tender recollectlong prove they were not llved for naught. O'er the sllent earth Ís steallng such a holy calm to-nlght, As lf all the world were listenlng for the oíd year's solemn fllght. Lo, we watch the rlslng mornlng ! When the shadows dlsappear. Love and peace shall crown the dawnlng of another glad New Year. The sleighing is very fine. The next issue of the Courier comrnences Volume 2G. More electiic llghts and less patrolmen 3 being t lked now. An electric liglit would be a nice thing for the toboggan slide. A "building association" is ono. of the enterprises being lalkeil up by some of our cit;zens. Flags at half mast this weck on all the public building out of respect to Gen. Logan's raemory. The toboggan slide opened up for bus'ness yesterday at 3 o'clock p. m., with lots of sliders. If the Eaton Rápida Journal is not booming, we would like to see the paper i n Michigan that is. Kepresentative Manly leaves for Lansing Jan. 5th, and is bus3' making arrangements therefor. A. V. Ames has been in this city 27 years, and ha not had a Chri9tmas or New Years to liitnself in that length of time. Love feast at the M. E. church next Sunday at 9 o'clock a. m., followed by the Sacrament of the L'ird'.s Supper at 10 o'clock. In ouc last issue we put the figures $l?.00 in place of $1.91 In the price of overcoats in A. L. Noble's "ad." He thinks that pretty steep. Moses Seabolt and David Rinsey of the firm of Itinsey & Seabolt were each presented with a gold-headed cane on Cliristmas Day, by their employés. The beauseaunt of the K. T's was placed at half mast over the masonic temple Monday and TuesJay in honor of Gen. Logan, who was a meniber of the order. Mrs. M. C. Peterson was the recipiënt of a handsome vase by the ladles of the Congregational church on Christmas Day, because of her services In the cholr. Have this In mind Friday night and all day Satnrday : " It is more blessed to give than to receive." Also: "He who giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord." The music teachers of Michigan are requested to meet at Franz Schubert Hall, Jackson, Thursday, December 30, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of organizing a state association. The house of Wm. Kennedy, corner of Fifth and North streets, caught flre last Monday night f rom a defective flue, and damaged it to the extent of $50 or $G0. The ñames were put out before the dreinen got to playing on them. A Mission Sunday School Christmas tree was held at öeddes Monday night, attended by a number of St. Andrew's Society people of this city, and a large audience from the vlcinity. A literary program of some length was gone through with and a good time had. An old, respectable cttizen whose head was white with the f rosts of 80 winters, was found on Huron street one evening last week completely lost in a city he had üved ín for 00 years. He enquired of a passing Wend which way was east, and what biiildinjr as that wheie the Hamilton block was located. Company A moved iuto thelr new quarters last Monday, and will soon have things in fine sliape. They will give a grand masqueradu again this year, Feb. 22d. The regular election for a board of directors takes place next Monday night. When the company gets settled In its new qaarten, a grand spread will be glven to all the present and foriner membere, and tlieir friends, so Capt. Schuh teil US. A Clnistmas entertainment somewuat out of the usual lino was given Wednesday evening by the M. E. Sunday School in the shape of a concert, the principal feature of which was the singinsf and wiitttllng A Miss Hattie M. Kood of 8t. ('hiir. Her whistling was so clear and flute-like It continually received encorea and they wBT6 responded to In a way quite dellgbtful to the audience. Miss Florence Hrigliain's rendltlotM oi the violin showed nu mean uteril and was encored. The anmidl week of prayer will be observeil by the clmrclies of the city, according to thelr usual custom. The unión meetings will bc held at three o'clock in the afternoon. We give below a list ot the lopirs of the diQrreut uieetiniis and the places where they will be held. Monday- At the Conigreiditlonal church Pralse and thankNlvliix. Tueailay- Al the Methodist church. Humtllatton umi confessloii. WedneHilay- Al the Uaptlst church. I'rayer for the churcti. At the ''resbyterlan church. Prayer for families and schools. Frlday- At the Episcopal church, Prayer for mlsslons. Court ttandsadjnurncd until Monday, January 8d. Only two towns in Michigan still cling to local time: Anu Arbor and Ypsilanti. The J'oung folks will find an interesting article on tobogganing on the llrst page. WInes & Worden presentcd each of their empioyos witli á turkey Ohristmas Day. One lirtn iu this city have given upvrardl of $120 to poor people this f all and winter. The Washtenaw Co. Medical Association hold their regular meeting at the court house Thursday. The passenger trafile along the line of tlie T., A. A. & N. M. II. H. is enormoiis during tuis Holiday season. Milo Pulcipher agent of the Western Union Tel. Co. at this place has been at his desk every Christmas for the past 20 yeai?. After January lst the Ann Arbor Savings Bank will be open Saturday evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock, for the purpose of receiving savings deposits only. To clean nickle plate or bras goods take alcohol into which put enough tripoli to thicken to consistency of cream. Our informant swears by this recipe. Some 800 Christmas packages were delivered from the express office here last week. Big joke on the boys in the office, but they are laughing it off just the same. Now if the tobboggan owners will put on a system of cable cars to haul the toboggans and tobogganers up the incline again, they would confer u favor on their patrons. There are rumora of a gambling room and a roulette table benig run in this city- not many blocks off of Fourth street. How is it pol cernen y Is itso? tf so, why r J. T. Jacobs has a very young Holstein Friesian calf, the sire of which has the reputation of having the best bred butter record in the country. A gentleman will be here to register it soon. Again let us urge upon the lndies, f they must bedenk themselves with dead birds to have the llttle sparrows used for that purpose. This season of the year, especially, his coat of feathers is beautiful. The sportingmen of the stute are banding together, for the purpose of rigidly enforcing the game laws. (ïood for the sportsmen. It will be but a few years muil hII sorts of game will be entirely annihilated if they do not do it. Fred F. Wallace formerly of this city, writes to friends here that they have had sleighing in that city this winter, for the first time in a generation or over. There being no cutters or sleighs, some of the enthusiastic ones bent gas pipe and iiuprovised sleighs. Fred H. Belser, the present popular county treasurer, has been elected to the position of bookkeeper of the lst National Bank of this city, vice Will-Prce promoted to teller. Mr. Belser Is one of our trusted citizene, and the b;ink is to be congratulated thereon. It is remarkable how many line residences have been so rapidly built in our city the past season. Prof. Levi Wines, whose new mansion, corner of Washington and Thayer streets, ünished off in butternut and tinished complete with all the modern appliances, was built and the fiimily living in it iu nine weeks from the commencement of building. It is with regret that we announce the death of Samuel Cushman, father of Mrs. Capt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, at his home in Sharon township, on Tuesday of last week, aged 65 years. His death was very sudden, from apoplexy. He had been a resident of Sharon for upwards of 30 years, and was one of the most respected citizens of the county. There are rumors, said to be true, to tbe effect luit a young lady who had died, as her friends supposed, and had been put in the vault of one of the Ann Arbor cemeteries, came to life after being placed therein, and when they came to bury the corpse, it was found that she had turned over In her coffin and torn her burial garments. Such things are so unavoidable, unfortunate and of such an unpleasant nature that we have not cared to inquire Into it. We have no authentic report of the disease that carried the lamented Gen. John A. Logan to his grave, but the following item from the Ypsilantian of Dec. 23d probably sheds some light on the subject: "Two jugs of mineral water from the Owen well were sent to John A. Logan, Washington, D. C, th's week. They may have been ordered to ue dispensed to Mrs. Logan's New Year callers. It would be as desirable as the average quality of Washington drinks." Among the surprises of the season was one on Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Itamsaj', who were called upon Chirstmas Eve by about twenty-five of their f rienda, and presented with the elegant art book of the New York Tile Club and a berry spoon. Before leaving all were favored with a piece out of a huge cake which they had just received from Mr. Horne of Pittsburg with the " Compliments of the Season in frostIng. The presentation wus made complete by each of those present writing their autographs to be put In the book. We haven't tried it, but here is the experience of the expert roller skatist who runs the Ypsilanti Sentinel, who evidently has tried it: "How does it seem? Well, you get well fixed on the sled, and the attendiint Iets go. You start gently, and uil at once the ground drops from under you very fast, and down you go whizzing like a bullt-t, holding your breath, and biting your teeth, until you strike bottom, and away you go like a shot from a cannon, until you stop, catch breath, look up to the "hlll from whence your hulp cometh," and hurry back to do it over again. That is as near as we can teil, the way it seeins. ' Chas. A. Chapin, of this city, died at his home on Bowery st., last Tuesday morning, Dec. 28th, very suddenly of hemorrhage. He was upon the street a day or so previous, and retired the night before in usual health. Mr. Chapin was born in Oglensburg, N. Y., August lst, 1830, and consequently was 56 years and 5 months old. He came to this city in 1833, and had resided here ever since, holding many positions of public trust; and for the past four years bad held a position in the department of the Interior at Washington, D. C, returning from there last October In poor health. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn the loss of an upright and respected husband and parent. Funeral services will be held from St. Andrew's church, Friday at 1% o'clock p. m. The funeral will be under the direction of the masonic fraternity.