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Hardie aiul VonLeer who liave so often lelighted our people open .1 thi'ee nlgbta ïoliday engagement at the Grand Opera louse at popular prioes. Tbey will present the following: Thiirsdiiy, Dec. 30, 'A Bruve Woman;" Friday, Dec. 81, 'Camille;" Siturday, Jan. 1, "Led j Astray." The best seats may be reaerved ut 50 cents or for the tlnee nights for one Jollar. This is really a grand chance. L'tie young man can takt' his host girl to onc of the best entertainment! tliat has I bus far rUlted our city llio entire three ïilits for two dollars and secure tlie same reserved seats iu advance for eacll niiiht. "A night off," at the Opera house, Tuesday evening, Jan. 4tb. It is a lively play, and one tliat you will laugh over intil you are tired of lalljrbtng. The j joultrllle Courier-Journul saya of it: I 'While the play is a pure comedy, it is ust as funny as any of the nonesensc )lays now so abundant on the stage. The situations are ludtcrous in the extreme The characters are uil itrawn and dit i n et, and there is notbing coarse in the iction of the pleoe. It is altoirether an admirable pii'Oe of work, and tin; COmpoïy is excellent." The play of a "Brave Woman," to te given at the opera house on Thnrsday evening, Dec. 30th, is tlius spoken of by the Chicago Evening Journal: There was presented at the Academy of Muslc yesterday afternoon and evening a I drama of unusual strength aud intere!. It was entltled "A Brave Woinan," aud was wrltten by Mortimer Murdooh. The story Is OQe of love and iidelity aud is remarlïably well told, lts charaeter are Btrongly and clearlv Uiawn, umi I;.s :mi bttroor 't ¦¦ flnely cuutrasted. The t it Ie charaeter is a ! lsherman's daugliter, who ís Kecretly I ded to the son otau Engllsh nobleman. The father's heart is turned agalnst the boy .hrough the KCheming of a vlllaln, who Reeks lot only to rob the rightful helrof tiis intiertance, but plots to accomplisli the ruin of ,be heorlne. The scheme falls, of course, a reconcillation tiikcs place aml all ends Impjlly. One of the Incidental features Ib a itorm scène, wlilch Is a marvel of Htage illas on. Miss Sarah Von Leer Impersonates the heroïne In apowerful and forcelble manner, eollsting the sympathie of the audlence. (ames M. Hardie, always a painstaklng and ¦olislicd actor, more Ihan su'talns hls welU arned reputatlon by the assumptlon of hts role. The remalnder of the company gives good support. A large audience wllncss. d he performance last ulghl. At the grand opera house next Tuesday evening occurs one of the most popular plays of the day. The Indianapoüs Sentinel refera to it in this way: "Tbere was lncessant laugbter at the Grand Opera House last night, for, a brlghteT and more eujoyable performance has not been eeen in this city dminf; the present scason. "A Night Off' is a most refreshing and original comedy, full of genuino humor and altogetber f ree from any snrge9tion of coarseness and vulgarity."


Ann Arbor Courier
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