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AMOS JAMES. How He Subilned His Greatcst Enemy. 1'oiít BtJROK, Mlcta , Dcc.6, 1886. I have ben infferinf from EJdney troubles for a number of yeara, :ii times the i' 'in In tui' imall of my back and aboul ín v hipswiisalniostiinbearable.preveiiting me f rom beinj! able to sleep. I also lind the rheumatism. After using two boüles of Hlbbard's Bheuraatlc Syrnp, to my .Ment satlsfactlon, I found tbatlt was eur ñtg me and I noiv believe tbat lam a well man. 1 mosl cheerfully recommend it to ;,ll who inay be suflering from KkJney aa or rbeamatlwn. I know it is a tMinily medicine and I keep it In t!:e II t he time. Amos Jamf.s, Proprietor Port Hurón Sottie. Reverence the hlgliest, have patlence wit h tiie lowcst. Let tliis ilay's performof the meanest ilutybetliy religión. - Margaret Kuiler Ossoü. IJucklen's Árnica Salve. Tlie Best Salve in the world for Cota, Brui?, Boreg, Ulcere, Salí Rheuin,Fever . L'etter, Chapped ílanilB, Chllblalna, Coma, : l i ! 1 1 ;ill iikin Kriiitiin. and poslmivs riles, or no pay required. It la jiarantaed to itive perfect aatistaclion, or motiey refunded. Prlce ''i cents per box. For Sale hy Eberbacb & Son. Hañjje, nui Scratchei of every kind cured Id thirty caloutea by Woodford' Snmüary Lotion. Oae no otlier. 'lliis nover falla. Sohl by II. .1. Rrown, druggist, Ana Arbor. 1288-1340


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News