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A Miraculous Escape From The Grave

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i uave Deen in poor liealth with a diseased stom ach and liver, c-iiisinu a caí,: keredmouthcoMiinuallyfortenyears. j June. J. or years prior to tliat timel lad a severe pain in t,e nio,, „f mv nwirt, at tunes seemiii}: pat enduranoe. It affected my tboutdof, took all strengtl, from my ann; oonld get „o relief only l,y My ttonuob beinjf so dlwuscd my food caused me ;reiit dltre. M v mgè also seemed to bc in way of niy recov ery and not the lenst of my sickness I employed the very best of medical urirtanee cuuld g,t whlle in Car, tbis state, Dut little encnuraffement could I get Was moved to Vassar. Oet I, J886, on u bed gving dm every ten minutes a teaspoonIII ()I Urn rul v -i jij t Iaq ,..;i r__ . . u. ura-iuy ana ice with only r teaspoonful of iiourishmentata time. I conimenced bloating soon Hfter aniving here, had every appearance of dropsy. We called our Caro physieian liere, and he snid niv condition was worae wben in Caro. Ün the 2, tli ,l,iy of M.iy last we p;.lled a coiincil of doctors fiom Vassar, " three in number. All of them pronounced my case incurable. I had with the rest in flammation of the bowels, and I ïay almost liteless and one of the leading physlclani said It I coul.l be restored to a sane mind again it would be all my husband mlirht expect, aud anything that would snothe me was uil that could be done. My husbam) got me some medicine at Johnson & Wïlliarason's, drurgists at Vaaaar, umi oommenoed giving it to me, and in tbrep weeks tune they begaa to put me in au easy clnur, "for a Bliori time euch day," at wnicii time i ü;id no use of my lower limbs añil my back was numb; it was a little moretlian twomoatlw betore I could walk without crutclies. I am now a well woman, have walked one and a half miles within a month can eat all kinds of tood and enjoy it, have gaine.! from 82 pouncls since last May, to 110 now. Could say more of my sickness, but delicacy prevents. I want to say to my frtends that Hibburd s Rheumatic Syrup and Pía t rare tlie mediciui 8 that cuied me. 1 used four planttrs wïth the iirt five bottles; have used ten bottles in all and am well. It anyone who reads ihis has any doubt as to the authenticity of my statement, it will aftbrd me pleasure to refer them to mv neighbors all about here, as they are all astonished at my recovery. It is a jjreat family remedy. Very truly, Mus. Ciiestkr Gage. Vassar, Mich., Oct., 11,1886. This la to certify tha', 1 hnve known Airs. Gage since sbe cm me to Vassar, and know the facts set forth in lier statement above to be true. Verr trulv. Geo. E. Williamson, Of the firm of Johnson & Williamson, drugofists, Vassar, Mich. The residêïïëe of N. A. Phelps, of tliis village was the scène of a very pleasant family gatherinjr on Cliristmas day. All tlie relatives of the family ia this vicinity were present, about 80 in all, and a regular old-fashioned '-Merry Christmiis' ma enjoyed. In the eveninff a Clirist-' mas tren, well-tilleil with presents, was relieved of its burden. The occafion was a very Imppy ooe, and oue that will loiijt bc retalned in memory iiy tiiose


Ann Arbor Courier
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